
Sushu No. 7

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Su Shu 7 (Xu 54Mui 1) was bred by Jiangsu Xuzhou Sweet Potato Research Center in 1996 with Jishu 10 as female parent and ais0122-2 as male parent. The results of 33 experiments from 1992 to 1996 showed that the average yield per mu was 2181.4 kg, which was 18.2% higher than that of Xushu 18 and 15.5% higher than that of Xushu 18. Yield of fresh potatoes per mu is 2300 kg-2500 kg. Characteristics: green parietal leaves, heart-shaped leaves, purple veins, purple stems; long vines

Su Shu 7 (Xu 54Mui 1) was bred by Jiangsu Xuzhou Sweet Potato Research Center in 1996 with Jishu 10 as female parent and ais0122-2 as male parent. The results of 33 experiments from 1992 to 1996 showed that the average yield per mu was 2181.4 kg, which was 18.2% higher than that of Xushu 18 and 15.5% higher than that of Xushu 18. Yield of fresh potatoes per mu is 2300 kg-2500 kg.

Characteristics: top leaf green, leaf heart-shaped, leaf vein purple, stem color green with purple; long vine, 5-7 branches, strong growth potential; potato skin red, smooth, potato meat white, potato spindle shape, dry rate 29.9%; tuber neat, the number of tubers per plant is 4-5, the tuber rate is high, the tuber expands quickly, the stamina is big; the sprouting is good, the seedling is fast and more, the potato seedling is robust, and the seedling yield is large. High resistance to root rot, stem nematode disease, susceptible to black spot, strong early tolerance.

Key points of cultivation: cultivate strong seedlings of appropriate age, control the amount of seed discharge at about 18 kg / m2, plant mature seedlings into the nursery in time, apply fertilizer reasonably, cooperate with basic nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, control topdressing and prevent prosperous growth, and be suitable for early planting in mountainous areas. plain depressions should do a good job of field drainage to drain waterlogging and dewaterlogging; suitable for planting in areas of root rot and stem nematode.