
Seedling raising and transplanting techniques of Glycyrrhiza uralensis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Licorice is a perennial herb of Leguminosae, also known as sweet grass, which is widely used in medicine. First, the morphological characteristics, the plant height is 50ml, 120cm. Roots thick, Terete, reddish brown, rhizomes transverse. Stem erect, pinnately compound, alternate, leaflet 5-Mel 17, ovate or oval, butterfly-shaped, light purplish red. Pods curved, falcate, externally spiny. The seeds are round, brownish green and weigh 11.93 grams. The florescence is from July to August and the fruiting period is from August to October. 2. Growth characteristics Glycyrrhiza uralensis is mainly distributed in the "three north" areas of China, which requires the soil.

Licorice is a perennial herb of Leguminosae, also known as sweet grass, which is widely used in medicine.

First, the morphological characteristics, the plant height is 50ml, 120cm. Roots thick, Terete, reddish brown, rhizomes transverse. Stem erect, pinnately compound, alternate, leaflet 5-Mel 17, ovate or oval, butterfly-shaped, light purplish red. Pods curved, falcate, externally spiny. The seeds are round, brownish green and weigh 11.93 grams. The florescence is from July to August and the fruiting period is from August to October.

Second, the growth characteristics of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch is mainly distributed in the "three north" areas of China, and its requirements for soil are not strict. It likes to grow in weak alkali sandy land, grassland, riverside and desert areas. The black soil introduced to grain producing areas has strong growth potential, high quality and high yield.

Third, the seedling raising technique first raises the seedling in the nursery for one year, and then transplants the seedling into the field in the autumn of that year or the next spring. Raising 1 mu of seedlings can transplant 5 mu of land.

1. Land selection and fertilization of licorice is a deep-rooted plant, and the land with fertile soil, loose texture, good drainage and rich organic matter should be selected for planting. To turn 40 centimeters deep, at the same time apply 20 kilograms of diammonium per mu as base fertilizer, and then make a ridge 65 centimeters wide to suppress the waiting for sowing.

two。 When sowing, licorice can be sown in spring, summer and autumn. Spring sowing from Qingming Festival to Grain Rain, summer sowing from the Beginning of Summer to Lesser Fullness of Grain, autumn sowing before the earth is frozen, the following spring emergence.

3. The sowing method ploughs a 20cm wide ditch on the ridge surface. After the plough, the plough is flattened, and the lattice is stepped on manually. The medicated seeds are evenly scattered on the ridge surface with a little gourd, covered with soil of about two centimeters, and then suppressed. The sowing rate is 5ml / mu and 8kg / mu, and the whole seedling can be produced in about ten days when the soil moisture is good.

Management of licorice seedlings at seedling stage after licorice seedlings are unearthed, it is necessary to often check whether there is a small amount of dead seedlings. If so, 100 grams of methyl topiramate should be sprayed per mu plus 0.25 kg of urea and 50 kg of water, fully dissolved and sprayed on the leaves of seedlings, which can effectively prevent the death of licorice seedlings. When it is found that there is a lack of seedlings and broken ridges, the seedlings should be replanted in time to ensure the whole seedlings in the field.

When licorice grows 6 true leaves, urea is applied once in the furrow and furrow, 10 kg per mu. When there are 10 leaves, the temperature rises and the weeds in the field begin to grow, so you should shovel frequently, usually 3 times. When the grass shortage is serious, spraying 150 Mill 200 grams per mu can effectively kill Gramineae weeds, and the remaining broad-leaved weeds can be manually eradicated to ensure that there are no weeds in the field, seedlings in different seedling areas, and 10-120000 seedlings per mu.

When licorice has 15 true leaves, green insects and aphids may occur. 100m / mu methamidophos is used as foliar spray and 100g omethoate is used for aphids. When two kinds of bugs occur at the same time, the two agents can be mixed and sprayed. After sealing the ridges of licorice, we should pay attention to pulling out the big grass in the field as soon as possible, and the stagnant water in the field should be removed in time in the rainy season to prevent rotting roots.

5. The yield of field transplanting in autumn is higher than that in spring the following year. When transplanting, dig out the root Reed head above to leave 5 cm stubble and cross the stem, while digging while planting, it is best not to fake planting. It is absolutely not allowed to cut off the overwintering buds and fibrous roots of Reed head. Plough 10 cm deep ditch, put licorice root obliquely or flat in the ditch, plant distance 10 cm, cover soil 10 cm deep, suppress and preserve soil moisture. Plant 1.8-20000 plants per mu, and conditionally irrigate the roots once before freezing. A series of field management before and after transplanting, such as soil preparation, fertilization, medication and so on, are the same as raising seedlings. Spring planting is carried out before and after the Qingming Festival, and autumn planting after the end of the autumn harvest.

Sixth, harvest and processing licorice can be harvested in the autumn of the second year after transplanting. Generally, dry goods can be harvested per mu. In October, the dry goods can be harvested with a plough, and the soil is removed. They are bundled into small handfuls according to different grades such as main roots, lateral roots and branches, dried and ready for sale, and can also be harvested before sprouting in the following year.