
Key points of high-yield planting techniques of licorice

Published: 2024-10-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/08, 1. Soil selection. The sandy soil and sandy loam with deep soil layer, good drainage, high topography and high calcium content are selected. the barren beach and barren slope with soil micro-alkali and PH value between 7 and 8.5 can be cultivated. Plots with low-lying terrain and heavy soil should not be planted. two。 Variety selection. A new variety of "lying licorice" is selected, which is suitable for artificial cultivation. This variety has the following characteristics: first, it has strong adaptability, drought, cold, salt, heat and barren tolerance, and the temperature adaptation range is 43-45 ℃.

1. Soil selection. The sandy soil and sandy loam with deep soil layer, good drainage, high topography and high calcium content are selected. the barren beach and barren slope with soil micro-alkali and PH value between 7 and 8.5 can be cultivated. Plots with low-lying terrain and heavy soil should not be planted.

two。 Variety selection. A new variety of "lying licorice" suitable for artificial cultivation is selected. The variety has the following characteristics: first, it has strong adaptability, drought, cold, salt, heat and barren resistance, and the temperature adaptation range is 43-45 ℃. No shrinkage and death were found when cultivated in areas with severe water shortage or drought. It can adapt to weak alkaline calcareous soil and is suitable for interplanting with young trees and fruits. Second, the growth cycle is short, using seedling transplanting, the seedling grows for 3 to 4 months, and after planting for 8 to 10 months, it can be harvested; third, it grows fast, because of its species lying down, combined with artificial cultivation techniques, 30cm grows horizontally on the surface, and the absorption rate of light, water and fertilizer is high, so the growth rate is fast. 30 days after sowing, there are 3 true leaves, 60 days high 30cm, root length up to 20cm, diameter 0.5cm. Fourth, simple harvesting and processing, can all take mechanical operations, less labor, natural drying 80% can be sold; fifth, high yield, good quality, per mu yield of hairy grass more than 500kg, high yield can reach 800kg, leather red, bifurcation less, uniform, meet the national pharmacopoeia standards, in line with the construction of GAP production base for germplasm requirements.

3. Sow seeds and raise seedlings. The nursery ground should be selected in a place with flat terrain and water sources. One cent of seedling land (67 ┫) can be planted in one mu (667 ┫), and seed 1kg is used. When the temperature is stable above 18 ℃, seedlings can be raised all the year round. After fertilizing and ploughing fine rakes on the selected land, the seeds were sowed evenly in the ditch according to the row spacing of 25cm, and the seeds were sown evenly in the ditch, covered with soil 1cm, slightly suppressed, and the seedlings came out in about 6 days. The seedling grew for about 4 months, and the root length reached 35~40cm, which reached the transplanting standard.

4. Cultivation techniques. On the selected land, apply organic fertilizer 2000kg, calcium superphosphate 50kg, effective nitrogen fertilizer 20kg, potash fertilizer 10kg per mu; after ploughing fine rake evenly, open the ditch of 6cm according to row spacing 25~30cm, cut off the stems and branches above the Reed head of licorice seedlings, remove lateral roots, put the roots of licorice seedlings in turn in the ditch according to plant spacing 10cm, fill compaction and watering, about 20, 000 seedlings per mu can be planted in 7-10 days, conventional management, growing 8-10 months can be planed and harvested, or two-year harvest.

5. Harvest and processing. In late autumn or early spring, cut off the dry stems and branches on the ground and plough a ploughshare with a tractor. The depth of the plough is about 30cm, ploughing one row at a time, and then manually clearing the licorice root with a four-toothed rake and ploughing the second row. A tractor equipped with 6 workers can generally harvest about 8 mu a day, and its root damage rate is much less than that of manual harvesting, which meets the requirements of harvest. After the recovered licorice root is dried for a few days, the Reed head is cut off and the lateral root is bundled and sold.

6. Output and benefit. The yield per mu of licorice growing in one year is 400~600kg, and the yield per mu can reach more than 1000kg in two years. The market price of licorice is 80.12 yuan / kg, and the income per mu is 3000,7,000 yuan. Mu investment: 186 yuan for seeds, 150 yuan for fertilizers (base fertilizer plus topdressing), 10 yuan for pesticides, 50 yuan for cultivated land (twice), 60 yuan for labor, a total investment of 450 yuan per mu. The net profit per mu is 2600 to 6000 yuan. If intercropping and interplanting are adopted, the comprehensive economic benefit is higher.