
High efficiency Seedling raising technique of Taxus mairei

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Taxus mairei belongs to Taxaceae, Taxus, evergreen trees. It is an endangered plant in the world and is listed as a national first-class protected tree species. This tree species likes warm and humid climate and is mainly distributed in areas below 1500 meters above sea level in the south of the Yangtze River basin. Ancient trees are scattered in Liandu, Suichang, Qingtian and other places in our city. The material of Taxus chinensis var. mairei is fine-grained, glossy, elastic, purplish red heartwood and strong anticorrosion, so it is a high-class industrial wood. The study found that taxol and taxanins extracted from its bark, roots and leaves, cancer, leukemia, AIDS

Taxus mairei belongs to Taxaceae, Taxus, evergreen trees. It is an endangered plant in the world and is listed as a national first-class protected tree species. This tree species likes warm and humid climate and is mainly distributed in areas below 1500 meters above sea level in the south of the Yangtze River basin. Ancient trees are scattered in Liandu, Suichang, Qingtian and other places in our city. The material of Taxus chinensis var. mairei has fine texture, luster, elasticity, purplish red heartwood and strong anticorrosion, so it is a high-class industrial wood. It is found that paclitaxel and paclitaxel extracted from its bark, roots and leaves have special preventive and therapeutic effects on cancer, leukemia and AIDS. Taxus chinensis var. mairei trees are simple and dignified, with green leaves, and the skin of the seeds after autumn is as red as blood, which is very funny. It is planted in the shade of the garden as a landscape tree, or together with other tall trees to form ornamental trees. Therefore, Taxus chinensis var. mairei is a kind of plant with high development and utilization value, which integrates medicinal, timber and ornamental.

Taxus chinensis var. mairei has poor pericarp permeability, long dormant period and difficulty in seed reproduction. In order to promote the production of seeds and seedlings, 1.3 million seedlings were successfully propagated and raised in Chenliao Village, Liandu District from 2002 to 2004, with a total area of 20 mu, with a seed germination rate of more than 95% and a seedling rate of more than 85%. At the same time, cutting and rapid propagation were carried out in the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Lishui City, so that the rooting rate reached 50% to 60%. The specific operation is introduced as follows:

1. Sowing and raising seedlings in the field

1.1 seed collection and storage

1.1.1 seed collection and processing. The seeds of Taxus chinensis var. mairei were harvested in batches when the outer seed coat was dark red after the middle of October. The harvested fruit was retted for a week, washed off the Testa, added fine sand, scrubbed repeatedly, rubbed off the waxy layer, soaked the seeds with 0.3% potassium permanganate for 30 minutes, and dried the surface water for storage.

1.1.2 seed storage. The seeds of Taxus chinensis var. mairei have a physiological maturity period of one year after harvest, which can be stored in natural wet sand stratification or 5 ℃ cold storage. Generally adopt sand storage, the ratio of pure river sand to seeds is 3:1, store in a cool and ventilated room or cellar, turn the pile every 2 months, and check diseases and insect pests to prevent rodents.

1.2 soil preparation and sowing

1.2.1 prepare the nursery bed. Choose the land with sufficient light, convenient drainage and irrigation and thick and loose soil layer as the seedbed. The land is divided into a nursery with a width of 1.5 meters (1.2 meters wide and 0.3 meters wide) and a height of 20 centimeters. While preparing the land and making beds, 1500 kg of rotten organic fertilizer, 50 kg of instant high-quality compound fertilizer and 8 kg of carbofuran were applied per mu to control underground pests. Turn the fertilizer into the soil and flatten the border. 10 days before sowing, use 50 ml of 40% formalin per square meter, add 10MUR 12 kg of water, sprinkle on the soil, and cover it with thin film. Remove it 4 days before sowing, and then sow.

1.2.2 after sowing the seeds at the right time, some of the cracks were exposed after a year of storage. At this time, sift it out and wash it out, bleach away the blighted grains, soak the seeds with 0.05% potassium permanganate solution for 10 minutes, rinse them with clean water, and then sow the seeds after drying. Sowing can be sowed or striped on demand: sowing is to spread the seeds evenly on the border and cover the seeds with a mixture of sifted plant ash and fine soil, so that no seeds can be seen; strip-on-demand can be specially made 1.2m long and 5cm wide wood funnel-shaped sowing trough, plant row spacing of 5 × lO cm on demand, the seeds are sown evenly, and the seeds are covered with sifted plant ash and fine soil. Seed 15kg per mu, weeding with Horniss cover after sowing, covered with plastic film and small arch shed with plastic film to increase temperature and moisturize and prevent rodent damage.

1.3 Field management

1.3.1 shading at seedling stage. In the first and middle of April, the temperature has gradually stabilized and began to rise, remove the film in time, cover the sunshade net (70% of the shading rate in the early stage, 50% in the later period), cover tightly, and beware of the wind, rodents and birds. Until the end of the fast-growing period, in mid-late September, remove the sunshade net on cloudy or rainy days. Taxus mairei autumn shoots grow rapidly and young, and the time to uncover the film is very important. The new shoots of premature seedlings will be yellowed, and too late will affect the growth of lateral branches and seedling refinement.

1.3.2 pest control. After the seedlings were unearthed, it was easy to be infected with pathogens and root rot and quenching disease occurred, and the most important thing was to "prevent". 800-fold topiramate or half-dose Bordeaux solution was sprayed on the stem, leaf back and leaf surface of the seedlings every 7 days. Soil diseases and insect pests should also be prevented in time, watering the roots with dioxon and phoxim, and adding carbofuran in the middle stage.

1.3.3 weeding, fertilization and watering in middle ploughing. During the period of seedling growth, attention should be paid to weeding and loosening the soil and improving soil aeration conditions. The principle of weeding is: get rid of small, get rid of early. 0.2% urea was used in the early stage of seedling growth, which was applied every other month. A special nutrient solution is applied every other month in the middle and later period. the formula is as follows: calcium nitrate 550mg / L, potassium nitrate 150mg / L, magnesium sulfate 155mg / L, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 135mg / L, potassium chloride 750mg / L, ammonium sulfate 750mg / L, manganese sulfate 0.40mg / L, zinc sulfate 0.06mg / L, boric acid 0.65mg / L, sodium molybdate 0.025 mg / L, chelated iron 0.65mg / L. Water management can be combined with fertilization, the seedling stage is afraid of waterlogging, the field can not accumulate water.

1.4 coming out of the nursery

Through fine management, one-year-old seedlings can come out of the nursery with a height of 15ml / 35cm, a diameter of 0.3cm and a lateral branch of 3m / cm.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings in greenhouse

2.2 sowing

2.2.1 the nutrition bowl was made with 7 parts of high-quality fresh red soil, 2 parts of rotten organic fertilizer, 1 part of sand or perlite and fully stirred and stacked one month in advance. Build a plastic greenhouse with a nutrition bowl of 8 × 12 cm, adjust the water content of the nutrient soil, install the nutrient soil, and discharge it neatly.

2.2.2 sowing at the right time at the beginning of October will increase the water content of the seeds in the storage period so that they can be whitened earlier, and the seeds can be sowed at the end of January of the following year. One pill per bowl.

2.3 Seedling stage management

Uncover the film in time, cover the sunshade net, prevent diseases and insect pests, ploughing, weeding, fertilization and watering.

2.4 coming out of the nursery

Through fine management, the annual seedling height is 30 to 50 cm, the ground diameter is 0.5 cm, there are 10 lateral branches and 20,000 high quality seedlings are produced per mu.

3. Rapid propagation of cuttings

The mother tree with in vitro material had better be 3-8 years old, and the semi-lignified branches of the year should be cut as cuttings at about 08:00 in the morning. After cutting off the branches, they should be put into plastic buckets filled with clear water to prevent them from losing water and drying up. Then it was taken back to the room for segment cutting. The length of each in vitro material was 10ml 15cm, and 5 axillary buds or lateral parietal buds were retained. The cut is flat and smooth without tearing, the lower end is taken, and soaked in the prepared indolebutyric acid lOOpp rice solution, the treatment depth is about 5 cm, and the time is 18 hours (or 200pp rice treated with indole butyric acid for 4 hours). The cuttings are then inserted into a seedbed with a substrate of river sand or perlite. The nursery bed is 1.2 meters wide and suitable in length, the cutting depth is 5 Mel 8 cm, the row spacing is 4 × 8 cm, and the water is sprayed immediately after cutting. Set up a frame on the seedbed, cover it with a sunshade net, and turn on the plant rapid propagation simulation computer. After 2 months, the rooting rate is generally 50%-60%. It can be transplanted after 3 months.