
What are the symptoms, causes and characteristics of oleander witches 'broom disease? How to prevent?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The arbuscular pathogen of oleander mainly damaged the branches of oleander. The disease occurred on individual branches at the beginning, showing a large number of axillary buds and adventitious buds sprouting, clusters of many thin and weak branches, stagnation of main shoot growth, shortened internodes of branches, smaller leaves, and inconspicuous mosaic. Infected branchlets can also take out branchlets, new branchlets base swelling, light red, often clustered into a group, branchlets increasingly thin, leaves are getting smaller, appearance like a nest, forming typical arbuscular symptoms. Victim branchlets are mostly erect, branches have tubercles. Cortices decayed, stripped, ulcerated,

The pathogen of oleander branch is mainly harmful to oleander branches, and the disease begins to occur on individual branches, showing a large number of axillary buds and adventitious buds sprouting, clustered with many thin branchlets, stagnant growth of main shoots, shortening of branchlets, smaller leaves and inconspicuous mosaic. The susceptible twigs can also extract twigs, the base of the newly drawn twigs is swollen, showing reddish, often clustered clusters, the branchlets are getting thinner and weaker, the leaves are getting smaller and smaller, the appearance is like a bird's nest, forming typical arbuscular symptoms. Most of the injured branchlets are erect and there are nodules in the branches. The cortical rot strips off and falls into ulcers, and finally the whole plant dies.

Oleander clump disease is caused by mycoplasma infection. This mycoplasma is polymorphic, with a round or oval diameter of about 53-700 nm, which infects and spreads the disease.

The mycoplasma of oleander arbuscular disease exists in the parenchyma cells of oleander phloem. Disease can be transmitted by cutting and grafting of diseased branches. The disease mostly occurs in more than five-year-old trees, and young trees aged 1-5 years generally do not suffer from the disease or suffer slightly. Some parks and road trees have an incidence of almost 100% and a mortality rate of more than 60%. The severity of the disease was related to the flower color of the varieties. Safflower oleander was the most susceptible, white oleander was less susceptible, and Huanghua oleander was resistant.

Prevention and cure method

The main results are as follows: 1. When cultivating seedlings, disease-free plants should be strictly selected as mother trees to collect cuttings, and tetracycline 1000-2000PPM (1/1000000) should be soaked in tetracycline for 2-4 hours before cutting. It is forbidden to transport cuttings and seedlings from the disease-free area to the disease-free area.

2. The lightly diseased branches in the early stage of the disease should be sawed off as soon as possible, and the seriously diseased plants should be dug up and burned centrally.

3. Do not plant oleander with a single flower color, but use a variety of flowers and colors as far as possible to reduce the further spread of the disease.