
Propagation management of oleander

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The propagation method of oleander can be propagated by cutting, ramet and striping, among which cutting is the most commonly used propagation method. Cutting can be carried out in both spring and summer. If the cuttings were soaked in clean water for 7 ~ 10 days before cutting and kept fresh, they could take root ahead of time and the survival rate would be improved. The specific method is that the 1-to 2-year-old branches cut in spring are cut into stem segments of 15 cm ~ 20 cm, 20 or so are tied up in a bundle, soaked in clean water, and the water depth is 1 ℃ 3 of that of the stem segment. The water at the same temperature is changed once every 2 days, and the temperature is controlled at 20 cm ~

The propagation method of oleander can be propagated by cutting, ramet and striping, among which cutting is the most commonly used propagation method.

Cutting can be carried out in both spring and summer. If the cuttings were soaked in clean water for 7 ~ 10 days before cutting and kept fresh, they could take root ahead of time and the survival rate would be improved. The specific method is that the 1-to-2-year-old branches cut in spring are cut into stem segments of 15cm ~ 20cm, about 20 are tied up into a bundle, soaked in clean water, and the water depth is 3 for the stem segment. The water at the same temperature is changed once every two days, and the temperature is controlled at 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃. When adventitious roots are found in the immersed part, they can be cut. When cutting, you should make holes with bamboo chopsticks in the soil so as not to damage the adventitious roots. Because of the strong sprouting ability at the base of the old stem of oleander, a large number of twigs are often produced, which can be fully used for softwood cuttings in summer. Select semi-Lignification degree cuttings, retain the top 3 leaflets, insert in the matrix, pay attention to timely shading and water management, the survival rate is also very high. Can also be inserted with water, the base of the cuttings immersed in water, maintain a water temperature of about 20 ℃, often change water, rooting after transplanting into the seedling bed maintenance, the effect is also very good. Then the cuttings after rooting are planted in the seedling bed for cultivation, but it is best to give shade.

Oleander is also easy to survive by striping propagation. Generally, in the rainy season, the biennial branches are stripped of 1~1.5cm wide skin around the appropriate part in spring, then pressed and buried in another basin of soil, and then watered to keep the basin soil moist, and the mother plant can be cut off at the end of summer or early autumn.

When cutting oleander, we should pay attention to the following problems:

I. selection and treatment of seedling bed

Nursery bed try to choose leeward to the sun, no stagnant water, soil diseases, insects, weeds, sufficient fertility, easy to manage plots as seedbeds. General nursery bed should be east-west direction, cutting seedlings no matter which way must be meticulous ground preparation. In general, the depth of cultivated land should reach 25Mel 30 cm, the bed width is 1 m, the length is suitable, and the trail width is 50 cm. When the soil is sticky and heavy, it can be mixed with sand properly and pay attention to soil disinfection.

Second, the selection and treatment of cuttings

1. Panicle selection

As a mother plant, it should have the conditions of good quality, robust growth, free of diseases and insect pests and so on. On the same plant, the cuttings generally choose the sunny branches in the middle and upper part of the year, and the internodes are short, the branches and leaves are stout, and the buds are full. On the same branch, the middle and lower branches are generally selected for hard branch insertion, the cut mouth should be smooth, the upper end should be cut into a horizontal plane, and the lower end cut into a bevel. When cutting the branches, select the stout branches with a diameter of 1ml 1.5 cm, the cuttings are 15ml 20cm in length, the cuttings must have two or three buds, the upper cut is about 1.5 cm away from the buds, and the lower leaves are removed. When pruning branches, red and white varieties are separated.

2. Cuttings treatment

Separate the design and color of cuttings so that they can be cut with cuttings, cut short and cut with cuttings. In order to improve the survival rate of cuttings, dozens of cuttings were neatly bundled into bundles, soaked in ABT rooting powder No. 1 100ppm for 8 hours and rooting powder No. 6 30-100ppm for 8 hours. In general, 1 gram of rooting powder could treat 3000 cuttings.

3. Cutting mode and density.

Soil disinfection should be carried out before cutting, and the cutter should be filled with enough water. The treated cuttings were cut according to 5 × 5 cm plant spacing. To pay attention to the stable upper and lower end of the cuttings, can not be inverted, it is necessary to make the cuttings cut close to the soil, and to prevent abrasion of the cuttings under the incision of the cortex. For this reason, iron bars are used to pierce the cuttings first, and then insert the cuttings, but the depth of the perforation is slightly shallower than the length of the cuttings, so that the cuttings can be inserted into the soil. Generally speaking, it is appropriate to expose one or two buds in the aboveground part of the cuttage, and mark and record it after cutting.

4. Plug-in management

The temperature needed for most flower cuttings to take root is 20 ℃-25 ℃, and the relative humidity is 80% 85%. It usually takes root 20 days after insertion. Be sure to spray enough water after cutting so that the soil is in close contact with the cuttings. In order to prevent the temperature from getting too high at noon, it is best to take shade. According to the soil moisture condition, spray water once every morning and evening, but the amount of water sprayed should not be too much, otherwise it will affect the cuttings healing and rooting. In order to prevent the occurrence of germs, spray germicidal solution every 10 days or so. It was transplanted the following spring.

Cultivation and management

Oleander has strong adaptability, easy cultivation and management, and is relatively extensive no matter in the field or in the pot. In the place where the ground is planted, transplanting should be carried out in spring, and re-cutting should be carried out when transplanting. Pay attention to protection in winter. Branches and leaves are vulnerable to scale insects, so attention should be paid to prevention and control.

Oleander has higher requirements for fertilizer and water, which requires more fertilizers such as pig manure and bean cake, and is often watered to keep semi-wet. Frosts Descent went to the cold cellar to spend the winter. At this time, there is no need to fertilize, but less watering, root soil 3~4cm thick. It comes out of the cellar when the weather is warm in April and blossoms from April to July. Pick the heart after flowering and promote its branches to continue to bloom. Oleander can germinate 3 or 4 times a year and grow more than 30cm. The leaves are poisonous.

Potted oleander, in addition to good drainage, but also need sufficient fertility, oleander is a fertilizer-loving plant, potted in addition to adequate base fertilizer, in the growing period, fertilizer should be applied once a month. Spring germination needs shaping and pruning, the overgrown branches and slender branches in the plant can be cut from the base, and the dense branches in the inner chamber should also be thinned to make the branches distributed evenly and keep the tree shape plump. After 1 ~ 2 years, the basin was changed once, and the basin should be changed after pruning. Summer is the period of vigorous growth and flowering of oleander, which requires a lot of water. In addition to watering each day in the morning and evening, if the pot soil is too dry, one more spray should be added to prevent the twigs from wilting and affecting the flower life. After September, water should be deducted to inhibit the continued growth of the plant, make the branch tissue mature and increase the accumulation of nutrients in order to survive the winter safely. The overwintering temperature should be maintained at 8 ℃ ~ 10 ℃, which is lower than 0 ℃, that is, the leaves will fall.