
Pest control techniques of Phalaenopsis

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Disease: Phalaenopsis is native to trees in the tropical rain forest. it not only grows vigorously, but also rarely infects diseases, and the most important disease is blight, which is caused by a fungus that invades the tissue of the plant leaves and divides and propagates in the tissue, destroying the cells of the tissue, and the rate of division and reproduction of this fungus is so amazing that it is enough to destroy a robust plant in a short period of 24 hours. The fungi that can infect Phalaenopsis plants are ⑴ PhytophthoraPalmivora ⑵ Phytoph.

Disease: Phalaenopsis is native to trees in the tropical rain forest. it not only grows vigorously, but also rarely infects diseases, and the most important disease is blight, which is caused by a fungus that invades the tissue of the plant leaves and divides and propagates in the tissue, destroying the cells of the tissue, and the rate of division and reproduction of this fungus is so amazing that it is enough to destroy a robust plant in a short period of 24 hours.

The fungi that can infect Phalaenopsis plants are ⑴ PhytophthoraPalmivora ⑵ PhytophthoraParasiticao. These two fungi are the most rampant in the hot and humid summer season, and all Phalaenopsis plants also suffer the most in this season. Therefore, the importance of cultivation environment has always been emphasized. Generally, the diseased plants infected by fungi are dark green and transparent spots when they are first visible to the naked eye, and this stain is fast and fast. If this situation is found in Phalaenopsis, the affected part needs to be removed immediately with knife and scissors, and the removed area needs to be about 10mm wider than that around the stain point, in case a small number of fungi have invaded the good tissue, but it is still indistinguishable with the naked eye, so the removal part must be associated with some good tissue around it, and the knife and scissors used for removal should be sterilized with 75% alcohol before and after use, and the wound should also be wiped and smeared with alcohol. Because alcohol can cauterize the cells on the surface of the wound, it can also destroy any bacteria attached to the wound. After the wound is smeared with alcohol, a white cambium after cauterization and desiccation can be seen on the second or third day, which means that the damaged wound is no longer affected. No longer invaded and injured by foreign bacteria.

After fungal infection, the affected part of the plant will break out of the water after gently touching the epidermis with a fishy smell. If the fungus infects the center of the leaf, this Phalaenopsis needs to remove the infected part immediately in order to save its life. If you don't find it or don't care about it, then this Phalaenopsis may be useless. For ordinary varieties, there may be no need to regret. For famous species, the loss really outweighs the gain. Although the lateral buds of the plants that have been cut off may not survive completely, as long as the cut is immediately smeared with 75% alcohol, there is generally more than 70% chance of growing lateral buds, but after the removal of the affected part, the water supply should be reduced to a minimum, and the affected plant should be placed in a place with weak light to facilitate the growth of lateral buds. After excision, the affected area should be properly disposed of to prevent the spread of fungi. It is best to burn it with fire or immerse it in sterilized water. Of course, burning is the most economical and convenient.

Although the root could not be infected by fungus in diameter, it could be infected to the root from the leaf or stem. Under the appropriate environment, as long as one seedling of the whole pot is infected without treatment, the whole pot of seedlings will be attacked by fungi and all die within two or three days. Therefore, it is recommended to use a large polymerization basin of Lanyou, need to pay attention to this shortcoming.

2. Insect pests (including animal and mechanical injuries):

The most common Phalaenopsis pests are as follows, but if insect prevention nets can be added to greenhouse windows to prevent some pests in advance, it is believed to be very effective, and prevention is better than cure. For example, larger pests such as weavers, locusts and snails cannot invade.

1. Scale insects: there are many kinds of scale insects with different shapes. Most of them will harm Phalaenopsis, and they all use piercing into the leaf tissue to absorb its nutrients. Therefore, the plants injured by the scale insects will be weak and the leaves will wilt. If not controlled, the plants will eventually wither out.

Any scale insect can be treated with 1000 times of 50% prednisone emulsion and 800 times dilution of 50% marathon emulsion, and 1.2% advanced summer oil is added to each liter.

Shell insects can secrete sweet juice, so where there are shell insects, there are ants, and ants will transport their eggs to good plants, so that they can settle down and secrete sweetness for ants to suck. If you see ants on the plant working hard, we should pay attention to whether there are shell insects invading, and ants can also spread bacterial blight, so we should immediately use enemy spray to kill.

2. Aphids: there are barley aphid Sitiobiongranarium (Kirby), sorghum aphid Longiumguissacchari (Zehntner), bean aphid AphisLaburni (Kaltenbach), corn aphid Rhopalosphummaidis (Fitch) and so on.

3. Locusts: there are Chondracrisrosea (DeGeer), PatangaSuccincta (L.) and Oxyaintricata (Stal), which can bite leaves and damage the plants of Phalaenopsis, but the harm is not great, because according to the current greenhouse equipment, it is sufficient to control the invasion of locusts. If there is this pest, 1000 times of the solution can be used, or it can be killed manually.

4. Moth larvae: this pest occurs at the beginning of spring. Any moth may lay eggs on the leaves of Phalaenopsis, and hatch out small insects to gnaw on the leaves, so pyrethrin should be used to control them at the beginning of spring. if you see the leaves of Phalaenopsis eaten by some unknown insect, you need to do appropriate disposal immediately, use artificial pest to find out and kill, or spray insecticides to control. General insecticides can be used with pyrethrin or synthetic pyrethrin to reduce the chance of pesticide damage to the human body.

5. Molluscs: there are many kinds of molluscs, but snails give growers a headache. Whenever you see traces of large and small snails or molluscs, you must immediately use acetaldehyde to kill them so as not to harm the plants. In particular, African snails eat a lot of small seedlings in one night, causing a lot of damage, so growers should always pay attention to the movement in the greenhouse and seek countermeasures to control any insect pests. Acetaldehyde is applied throughout the garden every other month during the rainy season.

All insecticidal agents should pay attention to the safety of the human body and do not have to believe some unfounded suggestions or introductions, but as long as they can be used in environmental hygiene, they can be bought and applied to Phalaenopsis. It is necessary to remind Orchid friends that they should not be careless in the use of drugs. The pesticides you use can be purchased in pesticide stores and ask carefully about the safety details of the drugs. don't be a layman, or you will be hurt at that time.