
Cultivation techniques of Prunus armeniaca seedlings

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Mountain apricot is a cherry plant of Rosaceae, which has strong drought tolerance and cold resistance. It can be used not only as an economic tree species, but also as a greening tree species for greening on both sides of the street. The fruit of mountain apricot can be eaten fresh or made into preserved fruit, while almonds are suitable for beverage, cosmetics or medicine. 1 Botanical characteristics of small trees of the genus Apricot, branchlets grayish brown or light reddish brown. The leaves are ovoid or suborbicular, the tip is long acuminate to the tail tip, the base is rounded to subcordate, and the leaf margin is finely obtusely single-serrated. Flowers white or pink, solitary; fruit oblate, yellow or orange-red, occasionally

Mountain apricot is a cherry plant of Rosaceae, which has strong drought tolerance and cold resistance. It can be used not only as an economic tree species, but also as a greening tree species for greening on both sides of the street. The fruit of mountain apricot can be eaten fresh or made into preserved fruit, while almonds are suitable for beverage, cosmetics or medicine.

1 botanical characteristics

Mountain apricot is a small tree with grayish brown or light reddish brown branchlets. The leaves are ovoid or suborbicular, the tip is long acuminate to the tail tip, the base is rounded to subcordate, and the leaf margin is finely obtusely single-serrated. Flowers white or pink, solitary; fruit oblate, yellow or orange, occasionally flushed, nucleus oblate, smooth surface, broad and sharp ventral side, bitter kernel taste. The flowering period is from late April to early May and the fruiting period is from July to August.

(2) Seedling technique

2.1 Land selection and preparation

The nursery should be selected in the leeward to the sun, sufficient light, good drainage, loose and fertile sandy loam or loam, avoid low-lying land with high groundwater level, so as to avoid waterlogging and frost damage. The land sowing mountain apricot should pay attention to the crops planted in the previous crop, if the previous crop is drupe seedlings, then it is very easy to cause diseases and insect pests, so it is not suitable to choose. Soil preparation in autumn and spring are often used in the time of soil preparation. Soil preparation in autumn can be carried out in mid-October, with deep digging above 20cm, and soil preparation in spring can be carried out in April. At the same time, the basic fertilizer was applied to the soil preparation, and on the basis of applying farm manure 2000~4000kg per mu, potassium fertilizer 30~50kg was added.

2.2 sowing

Spring sowing and autumn sowing are OK, but the emergence rate and seedling growth of autumn sowing are better than that of spring sowing, and autumn sowing is the main way of large-scale seedling cultivation.

2.2.1 the seeds were collected from the middle of July to the first ten days of August, and the seeds entered the mature stage when the fruit changed from green to yellow. Choose the picking with good fruit shape, full fruit and no diseases and insect pests. After harvesting, put it in a cool and ventilated place for 5 days, then rub the seeds, bleach the seed coat and impurities with clean water, drain the water, pack it in a bag and put it in a cool place for stratification treatment.

2.2.2 in autumn sowing, ridges are made first, and then the seeds are soaked in clean water for 1 day before sowing. Sowing on demand, hole distance 5cm, sowing depth 3cm, sowing amount per mu is 20~25kg, and the number of seedlings per mu is 9000m / mu.

2.2.3 the kernel of spring sowing mountain apricot is thick, and the seed treatment must be carried out before sowing in spring, which is helpful to improve the emergence rate. The treatment method is generally buried with mixed sand in winter, and the time of seed treatment is in the middle of November, and the seed pits are dug in places with good drainage, ventilation and no rodent damage. At the same time, disinfect the seeds in 0.2% potassium permanganate solution for 5 minutes, then rinse them with clean water, and then mix the seeds with fine river sand in a ratio of 1 ∶ 3 with a humidity of 60% to 70%. Spread a layer of 20cm thick wet sand at the bottom of the pit, fill the mixed seeds into the pit, fill the ditch with wet sand when it is 15cm away from the ground, and then cover the soil above and above the ground. Before sowing in the spring of the second year, take out the seeds buried in the mixed sand and put them in the leeward and sunny place, covered with plastic film, and carry out germination treatment. During this period, you should pay attention to heat preservation, moisturizing, and often turn up and down. The seeds can be sown after about 70% of the seeds are split. The sowing method is the same as autumn sowing.

3. Field management

3.1 Seedling and weeding

When the seedlings grew out of 3 to 4 true leaves, 10000 seedlings remained per mu. Seedlings should be combined with seedling replenishment, weeding and loosening soil at the same time. In the future, weeding will be done for 2 or 3 times according to the condition of the field, and there will be no weeds in the field.

3.2 topdressing

Mountain apricot likes potash fertilizer, from late June to mid-July, seedlings enter the fast-growing period, can be divided into two foliar spraying 1% urea + 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, timely supplement the lack of soil nutrients and promote the rapid growth of seedlings. No more topdressing after mid-July to prevent overgrowth and affect Lignification.

3.3 watering, drainage and irrigation

Watering should be done in time at the initial stage of seedling emergence, but the method of less dosage and more times should be adopted. when the seedlings come out, they should be watered according to the soil drought condition, and the times should not be too much to prevent the seedlings from growing, but they must be thoroughly irrigated every time; in the high temperature and rainy season, if there is stagnant water, it should be eliminated in time.

(4) Disease and pest control

4.1 Entomodactyla

When nymphs and female adults gather on the stems and leaves to suck sap, the affected branches grow weak and die in severe cases. 50% dichlorvos emulsion 1000-1500 times solution plus Taoxiaoling can be used to prevent and cure the disease. after the disease, the countryside should be cleaned in time, the diseased plants should be burned, and potash fertilizer should be applied to improve disease resistance.

4.2 Red Spider

Mainly harmful leaves and stems, showing dense pale spots on the leaf surface, curling and yellowing. The harm from June to July is serious; prevention should be given priority to and reasonable close planting should be given priority to. It is easy to occur in the case of high temperature, high humidity and poor ventilation. It can be sprayed with 1500 times of omethoate EC or 1500 times of monocrotophos EC.

4.3 aphids

It is mainly harmful to tender shoots, which can be controlled by 40% dimethoate 800-1500 times, sprayed once every 7 days, and the spraying times are selected according to the severity of insect pests.

5 seedlings

Seedlings are raised after defoliation in autumn and before soil freezing. Do a good job of false planting before raising seedlings, choose a good site for fake planting, prepare tools, packaging materials, and organize labor. The seedlings should be raised mainly by machinery, supplemented by manual work, so that the seedlings should be covered with wet grass curtains after picking up, picking up, grading and false planting, and all the work should be closely linked to minimize the exposure time. In seedling classification, the seedlings higher than 50cm and ground diameter greater than 0.7cm can meet the quality requirements, and tied up according to the number at the same time, cellar or on-site pseudo-planting.