
Jishu 4

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, (1) Variety source: Grain and Oil Research Institute, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hebei Province. (2) Variety characteristics: dark green leaves, heart teeth, purple veins, green stems with purple, thin, branch number, length and growth belong to medium, creeping growth. Early tuber, short growth period, belongs to early maturity varieties, storage tolerance. Potato spindle type, potato concentration neat, dark purple potato skin, beautiful appearance, good commodity, good taste. Pay attention to applying sufficient base fertilizer, drought prevention, soil moisture or watering in the vine period to promote early seedling development.

(1) Variety source: the Grain and Oil Research Institute of Hebei Academy of Agricultural Sciences was selected from gem egg yolk hybrid seedlings.

(2) Variety characteristics: the leaf is dark green, heart-toothed, the leaf vein is purple, the stem is green and purple, the number of branches, length and growth are medium, creeping growth. The tuber is early, the growing period is short, it is an early-maturing variety and is resistant to storage. The potato piece is spindle type, the tuber is concentrated neatly, the potato skin is dark purple, the appearance is beautiful, the commodity is good, the edible taste is good. Pay attention to the application of sufficient base fertilizer, anti-drought, moisture or watering in the vine period to promote early seedling development. Pay attention to the comprehensive control of nematode disease, root rot and other diseases and insect pests.