
How to make rhododendron bonsai more exquisite

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rhododendron, also known as Yingshanhong and Zhaoshanhong, is a deciduous shrub of the genus Rhododendron in the rhododendron family. It has many branches, thin and straight branches, simple leaves, 6 clusters of flowers, rose, scarlet or crimson, purple spots, and many other varieties in horticulture. The flowering period is from April to June, and the fruit is ripe in October. Cuckoos like warm, humid environment, not cold-resistant, more heat-resistant; acid-loving soil, poor growth on alkaline soil and poorly drained clayey soil. The production and cultivation methods of bonsai are as follows: (1) Seedling source

Rhododendron, also known as Yingshanhong and Zhaoshanhong, is a deciduous shrub of the genus Rhododendron in the rhododendron family. It has many branches, thin and straight branches, simple leaves, 6 clusters of flowers, rose, scarlet or crimson, purple spots, and many other varieties in horticulture. The flowering period is from April to June, and the fruit is ripe in October. Cuckoos like warm, humid environment, not cold-resistant, more heat-resistant; acid-loving soil, poor growth on alkaline soil and poorly drained clayey soil. The production and cultivation methods of bonsai are as follows:

(1) Miao source

Rhododendron seedlings can be obtained by sowing, cutting, grafting and tillering, among which softwood cutting is the most commonly used method. The specific approach is in the plum rain season, take the branches of the same year, quickly dipped in rooting powder, inserted in the plain sand, in order to shorten the time of bonsai production, you can also go to the mountains to dig natural old piles. The cutting time is from March to the end of the flower every year, and March is the best season.

(2) plastic surgery

1) the upper basin should choose the oval or rectangular basin with darker color. The basin soil is composed of 5 parts of mountain soil, 2 parts of dry moss, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of mature farm manure, which is composed of loose, permeable, well drained and humus-rich acid soil with PH 4.5.

2) the branches of plastic rhododendron are brittle and hard and should not be excessively bound. Generally, according to its tree potential, brown silk is used to tie it, and the time is chosen when the branches are relatively soft in spring. The main processing technique of bonsai rhododendron is pruning. When pruning, we should pay attention to weak branches and strong branches. In autumn, the cuckoo can be trimmed again to prevent it from blooming in the spring of the following year, allowing it to blossom until it is molded.

(3) maintenance

1) the cuckoo in the place should be maintained in a semi-overcast environment and pay attention to the air temperature. It is necessary to move into the greenhouse for maintenance in winter, and the temperature is about 10 ℃.

2) watering cuckoos are afraid of both drought and waterlogging, so watering must be cautious. The water temperature should be the same as the room temperature. When watering, if you can add some acid, it is more conducive to the growth of rhododendron.

3) fertilization and timely fertilization can make rhododendron grow luxuriantly, in principle, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently, thick fertilizer and raw fertilizer should not be applied. More phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied before flowering to make it blossom and flourish.

4) plastic surgery is generally pruned once after flowering to ensure its tree shape.

5) the growth of rhododendron in changing pots is slow, and the pots are changed every 1-2 years.

6) the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests can reduce the occurrence of rhododendron diseases and insect pests by improving the ventilation and light transmission conditions, reducing trauma and cutting off diseased leaves in time. If diseases and insect pests occur, they can be sprayed with trimethoprim, chlorothalonil, Bordeaux and omethoate.