
Measures to improve the quality of pear fruit

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Increase the application of organic fertilizer, control nitrogen and increase phosphorus and potassium before harvest. The application of organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can make the fruit surface smooth and increase the sugar content. The application amount of organic fertilizer should reach jin of fruit fertilizer. Chemical fertilizer should be applied according to the ratio of N: P: K = 1: 1. Spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate for 3 times in July and controlling the use of nitrogen fertilizer in the later stage can not only obtain high and stable yield, but also benefit fruit coloring, increase sweetness, improve fruit quality and storability; spraying 0.3% calcium in mid-late June can reduce green fruit, coarse fruit and storage.

Increase the application of organic fertilizer, control nitrogen and increase phosphorus and potassium before harvest. The application of organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can make the fruit surface smooth and increase the sugar content. The application amount of organic fertilizer should reach jin of fruit fertilizer. Chemical fertilizer should be applied according to the ratio of N: P: K = 1: 1. Spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate for 3 times in July and controlling the use of nitrogen fertilizer in the later stage can not only obtain high and stable yield, but also benefit fruit coloring, increase sweetness, improve fruit quality and storability; spraying 0.3% calcium in mid-late June has a significant effect on reducing green fruit, coarse peel fruit and black heart disease during storage.

Promote post-control before watering. It is required to be watered 4 times a year, before flowering, after flowering, during flower bud differentiation and before freezing. When Rain Water is too often, he should turn over the tree tray to dry the soil moisture.

Strictly control the load. In order to improve the quality, it is necessary to control the tree load by reasonably thinning flowers and fruits, requiring Xuehua pear to keep a single fruit, branch-to-fruit ratio 3 / 4 / 1, Yali pear part / double fruit, branch / fruit ratio 2 / 3 / 3 / 1.

Adjust the tree structure and improve the light. During the full fruit period, pay attention to adjust the density of large and medium-sized backbone branches, open the hierarchy, open the angle, draw light into the tree, keep the light spot under the tree accounting for about 15% of the crown projection area, and timely shrink and renew the branch group to increase production capacity; the configuration of the main branches of young trees should be low in the south and high in the north, so as to reduce shading in the chamber.

Timely prevention and control of diseases and pests. Spraying stone-sulfur mixture before germination could increase the content of soluble solids in fruits, and spraying carbendazim after germination to before harvest resulted in bright fruit color and increased content of soluble solids. Spray bacillus in the later stage of growth will make the fruit surface show khaki spots, do not use it.

Promote single fruit bagging technology. Fruit bagging can not only make the pericarp color positive, fruit spot reduced, less rotten, bright and clean, but also reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests and increase economic benefits. The suitable bagging time is 30ml and 40 days after flowering (fruit diameter is less than 20mm, fruit spot has not yet occurred or rarely occurs).

The orchard is covered with ground. The use of crop straw and weeds for ground mulching can reduce water evaporation, maintain soil temperature, prevent surface runoff, increase soil fertility, and play a significant role in increasing single fruit weight and soluble solids content. The covering methods are as follows: ① whole orchard cover, suitable for closed orchards that are no longer intercropped, 2000,000kg of hay per mu, 4000 kg of fresh grass; partial mulching of ② among trees, suitable for orchards with small trees, intercropping or insufficient grass sources, 1100m / mu of hay, 20003000kg of fresh grass, both of which are 10ml / 20cm in thickness.

The silver reflective film under the tree was used to improve the inner chamber light of the crown.