
Prevention and treatment of infectious bursitis in chickens

Published: 2024-07-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/20, (1) strengthen feeding management and hygiene measures to strengthen the feeding and management of chickens, maintain the interval between chicks, implement a full-in-all-out breeding system, do a good job in cleaning and disinfection, reduce and avoid various stress factors, and so on. These general principles for the prevention and control of infectious diseases are very important for the prevention and control of infectious bursitis. (2) Immunization enables chickens to acquire specific resistance through effective vaccination, which is the most important measure to prevent infectious bursitis. 1. Improve the antibody of breeder chickens

(1) strengthen feeding management and hygiene measures to strengthen the feeding and management of chickens, maintain the interval between chicks, implement a full-in-all-out breeding system, do a good job in cleaning and disinfection, reduce and avoid various stress factors, and so on. These general principles for the prevention and control of infectious diseases are very important for the prevention and control of infectious bursitis.

(2) Immunization enables chickens to acquire specific resistance through effective vaccination, which is the most important measure to prevent infectious bursitis.

1. To improve the antibody level of breeder chickens, in addition to being immunized with moderately virulent live vaccine in the chicken stage, in order to improve the maternal antibody level of offspring chicks, infectious bursitis oil emulsion inactivated vaccine should be immunized at the age of 18-20 weeks and 40-42 weeks respectively.

two。 The immunization of chicks should determine the first immunization time of chicks according to the maternal antibody level of chicks. The maternal antibodies of chicks were determined by Agar diffusion method or enzyme labeling method every 3 days after coming out of the shell. when the positive rate of Agar diffusion method reached 30% 50% or the average OD value of enzyme label reached 3000-3500, the chicks were immunized for the first time. 7-10 days after the first immunity. If there are no testing conditions, the first exemption can be carried out at the age of 12-14 days and the second exemption at the age of 20-24 days. The vaccine used was moderately virulent.

(3) Prevention and treatment of diseased chickens

1. Strengthen feeding management: appropriately reduce the protein content in feed (reduced to about 15%) and increase the content of vitamins. Appropriately raise the temperature of the chicken coop and add 5% sugar or rehydration salt to drinking water to reduce various stresses.

two。 Strictly disinfect the chicken house and the environment. Organic iodine preparation, chlorine-containing preparation or formalin have a strong killing effect on the disease virus.

3. Timely injection of infectious bursitis high immune serum or high immune egg yolk homogenate in the early stage of the disease has a better preventive and therapeutic effect. When there is a bacterial disease mixed infection, it is necessary to take symptomatic antibiotics to control the secondary infection.