
Ji 668 (cotton)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ji 668 is a new cotton variety cultivated by Cotton Research Institute of Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. It was approved as Ji 668 by Hebei crop Variety approval Committee in 2000, and was listed as a key variety of national scientific and technological achievements promotion plan by the Ministry of Science and Technology. It passed the national examination and approval of new crop varieties in 2001. It was approved by * * Autonomous region in 2002. In recent years, this variety has been popularized and planted in many provinces and cities, resulting in good economic and social benefits. 1 the genetic basis of Ji 668 has

Ji 668 is a new cotton variety cultivated by Cotton Research Institute of Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. It was approved as Ji 668 by Hebei crop Variety approval Committee in 2000, and was listed as a key variety of national scientific and technological achievements promotion plan by the Ministry of Science and Technology. It passed the national examination and approval of new crop varieties in 2001. It was approved by * * Autonomous region in 2002. In recent years, this variety has been popularized and planted in many provinces and cities, resulting in good economic and social benefits.

The main results are as follows: 1 the genetic basis of Ji 668 has a rich genetic background, and its female parent Jizi 123 is the use of upland cotton, Asian cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and wild cotton. High yield and resistance to Verticillium wilt were selected by chromosome doubling technique in three cotton genera, and its father parent 231 was a strain with good fiber quality. In 1994, an excellent single plant was selected from (Jizi 123 × 231) F3, which was selected by directional selection after many times of southern propagation and generation. Ji 668 combines the excellent characteristics of parents in one, and is better than their parents.

(2) the seedling emergence of this variety is fast and neat, the seedling is strong, and the growth is steady in the whole growth period. The plant height 83.8cm, the plant type tower shape, the plant is beautiful. The node position of the first fruit branch is 6.8, there are 11.6 fruit branches per plant, the stem is green and hard, the leaf is medium size, the leaf color is dark green and wrinkled. The boll is large, the weight of single boll seed cotton is 6.0g, and the boll is round with bell tip. The boll setting ability was strong, with 12.8 bolls per plant, and the upper, middle and lower bolls were evenly distributed. The lint percentage is 40.8%, the lint percentage is high, the seed refers to 10.6g, and the rate of sterile seed is low (6.6%). The early maturity is good and the early maturity is not premature senescence. The whole growth period is 130 days. It belongs to the mid-early maturity variety. The opening of catkins is smooth and concentrated, easy to pick, and the flowering rate before frost is high (90.1%). The fiber is white in color and good in quality. Good disease resistance and drought resistance. With few crazy branches, it is easy to manage.

3 yield performance the average lint and pre-frost lint yields of cotton varieties pre-test, regional test and production test in Hebei Province from 1997 to 1999 were 1297.5kg and 1173.4kg per hectare, which were 14.0% and 15.1% higher than that of Jimian 20, respectively. The average lint and pre-frost lint yields in the national Yellow River Basin regional test and production test from 1999 to 2000 were 1210.0kg and 1104.5kg per hectare, which were 18.0% and 21.8% higher than that of Zhongmian 12, respectively. The average lint and pre-frost lint yields of the eighth round of regional trials and production trials of new upland cotton varieties in the northwest inland cotton region from 1999 to 2001 were 2182.6kg and 1954.9kg per hectare, which were 25.8% and 25.3% higher than those of Yumian 15, respectively, ranking first. Ji 668 showed outstanding high yield and stable yield in all levels of regional test and production demonstration in each year.

(4) according to the quality results tested by the quality Supervision, Inspection and Test Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, the average of Hebei regional test is 2.5% span length 30.2mm, specific strength 22.0cN/tex, micronaire value 4.4, uniformity 47.7%, elongation 6.9%, quality index 2298. The average of the national Yellow River Basin regional test is 2.5% span 29.1mm, specific strength 20.0cN/tex, micronaire value 4.5, uniformity 46.0%, elongation 6.5%, ring spinning strength 1131bf, quality index 1787. The fiber quality is balanced and stable, the spinning quality is high and the fiber quality is good.

(5) the resistance analysis was identified by the Plant Protection Department of Cotton Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fusarium wilt index was 7.49, Verticillium wilt index was 13.88, which was resistant to wilt and Verticillium wilt. Through variety stability adaptability analysis and multi-index fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, Ji 668 has good resistance to waterlogging and drought, barren and stable yield. it has great potential to increase yield and good resistance to stress, especially in dry years and under the condition of middle and low fertility.

(6) the suitable planting area is suitable for planting in the cotton areas of the Yellow River Basin and southern Xinjiang, especially in arid areas such as Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi and southern Xinjiang. The production demonstration results show that Ji 668 is also suitable for intercropping of cotton and potato, cotton melon, cotton and vegetable, easy to manage and high yield.

(7) the key points of cultivation and management are to apply sufficient base fertilizer and re-apply flower and boll fertilizer. Sow seeds at the right time. The planting density is 30000 ~ 37500 plants per hectare in high water and fertilizer land, 42000 ~ 45000 plants in medium soil fertility, and about 60 000 plants in dry and thin land. Timely control of all kinds of cotton field pests. Timely and appropriate amount of chemical control, master the principle of a small number of times. According to the growth of cotton in the early flowering stage and full flowering stage timely topdressing watering, rainy season pay attention to drainage, late application of potash fertilizer to prevent premature senescence.