
American fragrant pear

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Xiangyan pear fruit is large (100-250 grams per fruit), up to 500 grams, fresh and refreshing meat, high nutritional value and great market promotion value. Xiangyan pear is a herbaceous plant with strong adaptability and is not affected by region and climate. It can be planted in barren hills, courtyards and fields, or interplanted with other crops, and can be planted in four seasons. It takes only two months from sowing to harvest, the yield per mu can reach 5000 kg, the market retail price is 5-10 yuan / kg, and its fruit can be processed into canned fruit, jam, preserved fruit, etc., which is undoubtedly a new type of high-yield fruit.

Xiangyan pear fruit is large (100-250 grams per fruit), up to 500 grams, fresh and refreshing meat, high nutritional value and great market promotion value. Xiangyan pear is a herbaceous plant with strong adaptability and is not affected by region and climate. It can be planted in barren hills, courtyards and fields, or interplanted with other crops, and can be planted in four seasons. It takes only two months from sowing to harvest, the yield per mu can reach 5000 kg, the market retail price is 5-10 yuan / kg, and its fruit can be processed into canned fruit, jam, preserved fruit, etc., which is undoubtedly another big potential market in the new type of high-yield fruit.