
Varieties and cultivation techniques of ornamental jujube

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Jujube is a traditional kind of fruit tree in China, which is planted in both the south and the north. The development of ornamental jujube has a broad prospect for urban greening, courtyard beautification and potted ornamental. 1. Suitable varieties of ornamental jujube (1) winter jujube. Mature in early November, the single fruit weighs 30 grams, the fruit is round and bright red, the skin is thin and the meat is crisp, juicy and sweet. (2) weighing jujube. Mature in mid-September, the single fruit weighs 15 grams, the fruit shoulder has a groove edge, bright and beautiful, the meat is thick and small, red in color, sweet and crisp. (3) Li jujube. Mature in September, single

Jujube is a traditional kind of fruit tree in China, which is planted in both the south and the north. The development of ornamental jujube has a broad prospect for urban greening, courtyard beautification and potted ornamental.

1. Suitable varieties of ornamental jujube

(1) winter jujube. Mature in early November, the single fruit weighs 30 grams, the fruit is round and bright red, the skin is thin and the meat is crisp, juicy and sweet.

(2) weighing jujube. Mature in mid-September, the single fruit weighs 15 grams, the fruit shoulder has a groove edge, bright and beautiful, the meat is thick and small, red in color, sweet and crisp.

(3) Li jujube. Mature in September, the single fruit weighs 28 grams, the skin is light red, the meat is crisp and crisp, it is a high-yield cultivated variety vigorously promoted in China at present. The selected Jinai 4 is suitable for potted plants.

(4) Tea pot jujube. Mature in late September, a single fruit weighs 11 grams, the fruit has a pair of protrusions like a kettle handle, the color is brown, red and bright, the pulp is fine and sweet, early fruit.

(5) Red pearl. Mature in late August, the single fruit weighs 13 grams, the fruit is round and red, the fruit is dense, the pulp is crisp, tender and sweet, and the crown is very easy to cause.

(6) Red in the fetus. Also known as the Black Pearl. The fruit is oblong, the color changes from black-purple to purple-red during the growing period, then to pink and then to purple-red, and the flowers change from red to yellow, which is of great ornamental and retail value.

(7) Pepper jujube. Mature in late September, the single fruit weighs 13 grams, the fruit is shaped like red pepper, the fruit tip is pointed, extremely beautiful, and the meat is crisp and sweet.

(8) Hulu jujube. Mature in September, the single fruit weighs 9 grams, the fruit is inverted ovoid, the upper part of the middle waist is sunken, shaped like treasure gourd, the quality is good.

(9) Longgu jujube. Also known as Longxu jujube, a single fruit weighs 3 grams, tree-shaped disc qu strange, easy to shape, early fruit, suitable for potted plants.

2. Key points of cultivation techniques

(1) planting requires that ornamental jujube can be planted on both sides of the road and around the courtyard, requiring loose and fertile soil and high content of organic matter. If the soil is poor at the planting point, it is necessary to cultivate vegetable garden soil, pond mud or soil to improve the soil. Choose strong seedlings to be planted in Dakeng from February to March; if potted, the diameter of the pot mouth should be 50 cm to 100 cm. No matter the soil is planted in pots, it is necessary to apply enough organic fertilizer and pour enough water into the roots.

(2) shaping and pruning

The ornamental tree shape is better in natural happy shape or small crown sparse layer shape. After planting, the height of the trunk is 3040 cm, which is divided into 3 branches or 4 culture layers, and the distance between the main branches is 5 cm 15 cm. If the ornamental jujube is planted in pot, it will be dwarfed and reduced appropriately. Each main branch has 2 to 3 secondary main branches and an appropriate amount of auxiliary branches. The pruning of ornamental jujube is mainly in early winter and summer, mainly pruning long branches, thin and weak branches, dry and withered branches, disease and insect branches and out-of-crown branches that disturb the tree shape. In the peak growing season, attention should be paid to wiping buds and thinning shoots, picking hearts and pulling branches to cultivate beautiful and unique crowns.

3. Fertilizer and water management

Within 2 years after planting, ornamental jujube was mainly treated with nitrogen fertilizer, combined with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and trace elements. 10 days after planting and sprouting, urea 5g was applied to plants, and 2kg of sparse human and animal manure was produced by retting, and then applied again every 40 to 60 days, and the amount could be increased with the expansion of the tree crown. In the middle of October, base fertilizer and overwintering fertilizer were applied, mainly organic fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer. Adult jujube trees apply pre-bud fertilizer, flower-thanking fertilizer and fruit-picking fertilizer once a year, and if potted trees need to supplement strong fruit fertilizer, organic fertilizer or compound fertilizer is the main fertilizer. The coordination ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was 1: 1: 0.5: 0.5: 0.8. In addition, 0.2% borax, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.3% urea and rare earth compound foliar fertilizer can promote fruit development and prolong leaf life from April to October every year. Irrigation and drainage should be carried out in time during flowering and fruit expansion.

4. Flower and fruit management

Jujube is a multi-flowered tree species, and the natural fruit setting rate is less than 2%. In order to improve the fruit setting rate, we must strengthen the management of flowers and fruits. First of all, it is necessary to adjust the nutrient distribution of the tree, pick the heart of the twigs, cut short and develop branches, and cut off the roots or rings if the trees are strong; secondly, spray gibberellin 15 mg / kg once when most fruit-bearing branches of the whole tree bloom 5-6; third, spraying water during flowering can promote pollen germination, and water spraying should be carried out in the evening or early morning when the temperature is low. In addition, spraying trace elements such as boron, zinc, manganese and rare earth or special flower fertilizer at flowering stage can also promote fruit setting. Ornamental jujube is easy to crack when the fruit is ripe. Covering the tree disk with plastic film (or straw) and timely irrigation can prevent a large number of fruit cracking.

5. Pest control

There are mainly jujube rust, jujube madness, anthracnose, inchworm, peach heart borer, red spiders, scale and longicorn beetles. The main method of prevention and control is to strengthen the management, strengthen the tree potential, and timely select the chemical spraying with high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue. The specific control measures can be the same as those in production and cultivation.