
Production and cultivation techniques of Ginger Bud

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In recent years, in order to expand the export of ginger to earn foreign exchange, various localities have summed up a set of matching technologies for the production of ginger sprouts and achieved high economic benefits. Ginger buds are divided into ordinary ginger buds and softened ginger buds. The production technology of common ginger sprouts is similar to that of conventional ginger cultivation techniques, but it is also different. We should mainly grasp the following points: ① should choose dense seedling varieties with more branches, so that ginger has more branches and buds, and more parts can be used when making ginger buds, so it is convenient to produce more products; ② uses smaller pieces of ginger to sow seeds to reduce investment, improve the utilization rate of ginger, and smaller pieces of ginger

In recent years, in order to expand the export of ginger to earn foreign exchange, various localities have summed up a set of matching technologies for the production of ginger sprouts and achieved high economic benefits. Ginger buds are divided into ordinary ginger buds and softened ginger buds.

The production technology of common ginger sprouts is similar to that of conventional ginger cultivation techniques, but it is also different. We should mainly grasp the following points: ① should select dense seedling varieties with more branches, so that there are more branches and buds of ginger, and more parts can be used when making ginger buds, so it is easy to produce more products. ② uses smaller pieces of ginger to sow seeds to reduce investment and improve the utilization rate of ginger seeds, and the number of branches produced by smaller pieces of ginger is not too small, which does not affect the number of ginger buds. ③ increases the sowing density, increases the number of plants per unit area, increases the number of branches per unit area and buds, which is beneficial to the production of ginger buds. In ④ cultivation techniques, attention should be paid to strengthening management, increasing base fertilizer, topdressing and watering as early as possible, promoting early branching and growth of ginger, and planting dense ginger grass at the same time.

The production of ginger sprouts can generally be carried out before the long seedlings of ginger, before the rhizome is fully expanded, until the harvest of ginger. The specific method is as follows: using a cylindrical ring knife to cover the ginger bud (seedling) to cut the ginger bud (seedling) to the ginger block, and making a semi-finished product with a diameter of 1 cm, a length of 2.5 cm and a total length of 15 cm, and the finished product is cured with acetic acid salt water. Generally for the third grade: the first-grade rhizome is 3.5-5 cm long; the second-grade rhizome is 3-3.5 cm long; the third-grade rhizome is 2.5-3 cm long.

The cultivation techniques of softening ginger buds are as follows: softening ginger buds is a new product cultivated without light. It has the characteristics of tender, fresh, fragrant and crisp. It is mainly used for export to earn foreign exchange, and the benefit is high. The production of softened ginger sprouts should focus on the following links:

(1) build a good cultivation site. Can make use of spare houses, warehouses, air-raid shelters or greenhouses, middle sheds, solar greenhouses and other rebuilt nurseries. The site should be equipped with sprout nursery beds, heating equipment and ventilation vents. The nursery bed can be made of cement board or brick into a multi-layer support form, which can be heated by underground fire channels or electric hotlines, leaving ventilation vents on one side or all around the place.

(2) the cultivation techniques should be matched. Choose small pieces of ginger that are fat and disease-free. When sprouting, pile up the ginger seeds, about 1 meter high, spray the right amount of water, cover with fine sand to keep warm and moisturize, and maintain the temperature in the pile at 25 ℃. The buds were selected and broken up before most buds germinated but did not take root, and the buds were raised according to the size of the buds. Then arrange the seeds on the 4cm thick sand bed, pay attention to make the buds line up, and then cover it with 5cm fine sand. The seed used per mu is about 250kg to 350kg. Immediately after the ginger seed goes to bed, spray water with a spray can, soak through the bed soil, and spray water for the second time after most ginger buds are unearthed. Spray appropriate amount of water according to the dry and wet condition of the bed soil 7-10 days before ginger sprouting. Spray moisturizing according to the growth situation, dissolve a small amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium quick-acting fertilizer in the water, the concentration should be less than 1%. Maintain 80%, 90% humidity in the breeding site. The bed temperature of 25-28 ℃ was maintained before and after ginger buds were unearthed, and the bed temperature of 25 ℃ was maintained 10 days before seedling collection. Pay attention to proper ventilation after budding, especially a few days before budding.

(3) Ginger sprouts should be harvested in time. Ginger seeds can be harvested when they go to bed for 45 to 50 days and most of the buds grow to 30 cm high. Take out the ginger cubes with a tool, then break off the ginger seedlings, remove the fibrous roots from the shoots, and rinse them clean. The terminal bud can be cut off if the bud is more than 30 cm.

(4) carry on the processing properly. After the bud is removed, if the rhizome is too thick, the outer part can be cut off with a circular knife, graded according to the thickness of the rhizome, and then cut off the ginger seedlings so that the total length is 15 cm, and then pickled in human acetic acid salt water. After pickling, 10 sticks are tied up in a unit, canned, poured into the re-prepared salt water acetate, sealed, packed and then sold for export.