
Prevention and treatment of common diseases of fish and crab

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, First, grass carp bleeding disease: fin, mouth, orbit, muscle, intestinal bleeding, some or all bright red. Prevention and control: 1, the whole pool sprinkled with dibromohydantoin or chlorine dioxide, an average of 1 mu of water depth of 1 meter with dibromohydantoin or chlorine dioxide 200 grams. Use it again every 2-3 days. 2. Feed the bait to Yuerkang, mix 1kg of Yuerkang every 50kg of feed for three days. 3. Feed the bait, mix 50 grams of 50 grams of feed every 50 kilograms of feed, once a day for three days. If combined with dibromine sea for external use

Grass carp hemorrhagic disease

Symptoms: bleeding from fins, mouth, orbit, muscles and intestines, some or all bright red.

Prevention and control: 1, the whole pool sprinkled with dibromohydantoin or chlorine dioxide, an average of 1 mu of water depth of 1 meter with dibromohydantoin or chlorine dioxide 200 grams. Use it again every 2-3 days. 2. Feed the bait to Yuerkang, mix 1kg of Yuerkang every 50kg of feed for three days. 3. Feed the bait, mix 50 grams of 50 grams of feed every 50 kilograms of feed, once a day for three days. If combined with external use of dibromohydantoin, chlorine dioxide, the effect will be more significant.

2. Gill rot of fish

Symptoms: Gill filaments rot and carry mud. In severe cases, Gill cartilage is exposed and the inner epidermis of Gill cover is corroded, forming a transparent "small window" (commonly known as skylight).

Prevention and control: 1, the whole pool sprinkled with dibromohydantoin or chlorine dioxide, an average of 1 mu of water depth of 1 meter with dibromohydantoin or chlorine dioxide 200 grams. 2. The whole pond must be clean with fish and shrimp bacteria, with an average water depth of 1 mu and a water depth of 200-300 grams. Once a day, twice in a row.

Third, fish enteritis

Symptoms: red and swollen anus of diseased fish, erythema on the abdomen, loss of appetite soon after the onset of the disease.

Prevention and treatment: 1. Feed the bait with garlic paste, mix 50 grams of garlic for every 500 grams of feed, once a day for 3 days. 2. Add 0.1 grams of oxytetracycline to every 1 kg of feed, once a day for 3 days.

4. Fish skin rot (red skin disease, printing disease, white skin disease)

Red skin disease: the body surface of the fish is bleeding and inflamed, the scales fall off, the two sides of the fish and the abdomen are the most obvious, the base of the fin is congested, the tip of the fin is rotten and incomplete, and the fin is split.

Printing disease: there are round erythema on both sides near the muscular door of the diseased fish, which is similar to a red sign, and the surrounding area is congested and inflamed.

White skin disease: at the beginning of the disease, there is a white spot on the tail handle of the fish. with the development of the disease, the white spot can spread to all the skin between the dorsal fin and the caudal fin. In serious cases, the caudal fin is rotten, and the fish's head is suspended vertically in the water and dies soon.

Prevention and treatment: the whole pool is sprinkled with dibromohydantoin or chlorine dioxide, with an average water depth of 1 mu and 1 meter with dibromohydantoin or chlorine dioxide 200 grams.

River crab trembling disease (ring claw disease)

Symptoms: sick crabs with arms around, unstable standing, weak movement, difficulty in turning over, trembling all over, and then stop eating, water in the body and die.

Prevention and treatment: sprinkle dibromohydantoin or chlorine dioxide in the whole pond, average water depth of 1 mu, 1 meter, dosage of dibromohydantoin or chlorine dioxide 200 grams, 2-4 courses of treatment.

River crab ciliosis

Symptoms: there are many brown or yellowish green villi on the body surface and gills of diseased crabs. Microscopic examination can find the worm body.

Prevention and treatment: the whole pond is sprinkled with drugs such as Xianzhongxing, Shrimp and Crab Shrimp and Crab, etc., with an average of 1 mu of water surface and 1 meter water depth of 250 grams of Xian Chong Xing or Shrimp and Crab Shrimp and Crab Insecticidal Jing.

River crab enteritis

Symptoms: dyspepsia, gastrointestinal inflammation, flatulence, open abdominal cover, gently press the anus, yellow mucus can be seen.

Prevention and treatment: 1. Add 50 grams of garlic to every 500 grams of feed, once a day for 3 days. 2. Add 0.1 grams of oxytetracycline to every 1 kg of feed, once a day for 3 days.