
Liaomian 15 (cotton)

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Liaomian 15 is a new early maturing upland cotton variety selected by Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences from the mixed lines of Liao 1038 and bred directionally for many years. The growth period of this variety is 125-130 days, the plant is tall, the plant shape is moderate, the fruit branch is 1.5-2, the node of the first fruit branch is 4-5, and the height of the first fruit branch is 18-20 cm. The stem is stout, the leaves are light green, and the root system is well developed. The boll is oval, mostly 5-chamber, the weight of single boll is about 6.8 grams, and the cotton bolls are evenly distributed in the upper, middle and lower parts of the whole plant. The boll stage develops rapidly, and the puffing is smooth and concentrated.

Liaomian 15 is a new early maturing upland cotton variety selected by Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences from the mixed lines of Liao 1038 and bred directionally for many years.

The growth period of this variety is 125-130 days, the plant is tall, the plant shape is moderate, the fruit branch is 1.5-2, the node of the first fruit branch is 4-5, and the height of the first fruit branch is 18-20 cm. The stem is stout, the leaves are light green, and the root system is well developed. The boll is oval, mostly 5-chamber, the weight of single boll is about 6.8 grams, and the cotton bolls are evenly distributed in the upper, middle and lower parts of the whole plant. The boll period develops rapidly, and the florescence is smooth and concentrated, and the flower rate before frost is more than 85% in general years. The boll setting ability of this variety is outstanding, the average boll setting per plant is 910, the boll weight is 6.4g and 6.8g, and the average lint percentage is more than 38%. In Liaoning Province, the average yield of lint per mu is 80 kg, and the yield of high-yield fields can reach 120-130 kg; in the diseased and barren fields in northern Xinjiang, the average yield of lint per mu is 100 kg, and the high-yield fields is 156 kg / mu.

The fiber of Liaomian 15 is white in color and mercerized, the main body of the fiber is more than 29 mm long, the specific strength of the fiber is 22 g / Tex, the micronaire value is 4.2-4.3, and the purchase rate of first-grade flowers is more than 15% higher than that of ordinary varieties. Tested by Beijing Fiber testing Institute, the number of spinnable yarns is 32: 42, which is comprehensively evaluated as high grade. At present, it has been exported to Japan and other countries as an inspection-free variety, among which low sugar content is especially favored by foreign businessmen. The variety is highly resistant to Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt, Fusarium wilt index 0.51 and Verticillium wilt index 7.45, which is more resistant to seedling disease and boll disease.

Cultivator Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Region and technology this variety is suitable for planting in light and seriously diseased fields in extra-precocious cotton areas, summer sowing cotton areas in the Yellow River basin and inland cotton areas in northwest China. At present, the cumulative promotion has reached 10 million mu, with an increase of 128.05 million kg of lint, and it is estimated that the cumulative extension area will reach 15 million mu in 2000.

Cultivation rules:

1. Sowing is based on the principle of sowing before frost and emergence after frost. April 20-26 is the best sowing time, no later than May 5 at the latest. In the cotton planting area with the experience of early sowing and seedling protection, the methods of narrow trench, deep trench and shallow soil cover can be adopted to leave a certain gap between the sowing ditch and the plastic film, so that the seedlings can be protected from frost and scalded by plastic film. By using this method, the sowing date can be advanced by about 10 days.

two。 The density of the general fertile field is about 6500 seedlings per mu and 9% of fruit branches per plant; the high fertility field should increase the row spacing, reduce the density by 10% compared with the conventional density, and leave enough fruit branches and fruit nodes. The seedling density in dry and thin land can be increased by 10% to 15% compared with the conventional density, leaving fewer fruit branches and fruit nodes.

3. Fertilizer Liaomian 15 has strong growth potential, more vigorous vegetative growth after plastic film mulching, and needs a large amount of fertilizer, so sufficient bottom fertilizer should be applied at one time. According to the index of lint yield of 80kg / mu and the fertility of cultivated land, high quality farm manure 3000kg / mu and standard nitrogen fertilizer 40kg / mu are applied in the whole year, and half of the amount of nitrogen applied in the whole year can be used as base fertilizer together with phosphate fertilizer.

4. In the early flowering stage of chemical control, 2g / mu of promethamine was sprayed, and 3g / mu was used in Wangchang cotton field. Top around July 10th and end by July 15th. Irrigate in time, irrigate 2 or 3 times according to the drought, but the last irrigation should not be later than August 10 to avoid greed.

5. When the number of eggs of 100 cotton bollworm plants reaches more than 5, it should be controlled in time, requiring "continuous buckle and thorough beating on all sides". The control of cotton aphid can be carried out simultaneously or alternately with the control of cotton bollworm.

6. Harvest flowers in time, drying, seed cotton should be harvested and rolled separately, lint and seeds should be preserved separately.