
The benefit of intercropping Schisandra chinensis in forest is good.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Schisandra chinensis comes from the mature and dry fruit of Schisandra chinensis in Magnoliaceae. The plant is a perennial deciduous woody climbing vine with a woody stem of 8m and 10m in length. It is wild in the forest and on the edge of the forest, climbing trees grow, and its spike-shaped red ripe berries are picked and used as medicine every year from May to July and from August to early October. Schisandra chinensis planting techniques (1) Schisandra chinensis is suitable for the growth of Schisandra chinensis. Schisandra likes the living environment of shade and tide temperature, and it is shade-resistant, and the suitable degree of shade is about 20%.

Schisandra chinensis comes from the mature and dry fruit of Schisandra chinensis in Magnoliaceae. The plant is a perennial deciduous woody climbing vine with a woody stem of 8m and 10m in length. It is wild in the forest and on the edge of the forest, climbing trees grow, and its spike-shaped red ripe berries are picked and used as medicine every year from May to July and from August to early October.

Planting technique of Schisandra chinensis

(1) suitable environment for the growth of Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis likes the living environment of shade and tide temperature, and is shade-tolerant, and the suitable degree of shade is about 20%. It is prohibited from light in the first seedling stage, and the forest provides a suitable growth environment for it.

(2) Schisandra chinensis is synchronized with the growth of trees.

Schisandra chinensis is a perennial plant, and the fruit is as long as 8-10 years. Its woody rattan stem can survive the winter naturally at-35 ℃. When the leaves are unfolded in spring, they will not be frozen to death at about 0 ℃, and continue to grow after slow freezing.

(3) Regeneration of Schisandra chinensis

During the growth and dormancy period, once Schisandra chinensis is seriously frozen or mechanically damaged, its underground roots can still survive naturally. From May to July, many basal branches will regenerate from the rhizomes of Schisandra chinensis, so Schisandra chinensis is perennial. and can propagate on their own.

(4) cultivation techniques

1. Selection and preparation of seedling field: select humus soil or sandy loam with loose and fertile soil, deep soil layer and good drainage, apply rotten barnyard manure 2500~3000kg per mu, turn 20~30cm deeply, rake fine and level it to make a wide 120cm border.

2. Propagation methods: (1) seed treatment: when the berries mature from September to October every year, select disease-free, red, thick flesh and large fruit, soak the selected fruit in warm water for 3-5 days, rub off the pulp, wash the seeds, bleach off the blighted grains and mix them with wet sand 2-3 times as much as the seeds, put them in a deep 50cm pit, cover the 10~15cm thick fine soil, and then cover the straw mat. When the seeds break from May to June of the next year, the seeds can be sown. (2) the sowing strip was sown on the whole border surface, the transverse ditch was opened according to the row spacing 10~15cm, the ditch depth was 2~3cm, and the seeds were scattered evenly into the ditch. After covering the soil, a little compaction, watering, often keep the soil moist. Seedlings emerged at 20-30 days, and 100~150cm high shade shed was built after emergence. When 3-4 true leaves were produced, the seedlings were fixed by 5~7cm according to the row spacing. Remove the shade shed when the seedling height is 5 ~ 6 cm. The amount of seeds used for raising seedlings is about 5kg per mu. (3) Forest trees can be selected as natural frame wood for colonization under the forest, and it is suitable for the tree species with small leaves and less prosperous growth. Hawthorn tree is an ideal tree species, which can be planted at a distance of 3m × 3m. Two Schisandra chinensis seedlings are planted under each tree, and one is planted on the left and right 67cm of the tree. (4) if planted in the blank land, the seedlings can be planted on the pre-arranged border in the second year according to the row spacing of 100m to 150m, digging 33cm holes of length, width and depth in the north-south direction, and then planting Schisandra chinensis seedlings into the holes. Pay attention to making the root system stretch. After that, fill the hole with evenly mixed fertilizer and soil and water it steadily. In the second year, he set up a bracket for rattan stem climbing.

3. Field management: (1) the growth of seedlings in the field of weeding and seedling raising is slow, attention should be paid to weeding and loosening the soil, and weeding should be carried out frequently after seedling determination. (2) after topdressing and setting seedlings, 1500~2000kg was applied to human feces and urine water per mu, and topdressing was applied twice a year after planting. The first time before leaf expansion and the second time after flowering, barnyard manure 1500~2500kg and calcium superphosphate 30~40kg were applied per mu. (3) the scaffolding should be set up in the second year after planting in the empty land, stand high 300cm and thick 2cm bamboo stalks beside the main vine, and fix them on the horizontal frame with string rope for vine climbing and growth. (4) pruning the stems of Schisandra chinensis with natural support under the forest or under the forest, the dense branches, withered branches, overlapping branches and disease and insect branches should be cut off every year from dormancy in winter to sprouting in spring. In order to facilitate ventilation and light, improve the fruit rate.

4. Pest control: (1) the disease is mainly leaf blight. At the initial stage of the disease, the leaf tip and leaf edge yellowed and withered and spread to the whole leaf. In the early stage of the disease, carbendazim, thiophanate methyl and carbendazim were used to prevent and cure the disease. (2) the insect pests are mainly leaf curlers, and the larvae roll the leaves and eat the mesophyll. During the oviposition period, the adults were sprayed with juvenile urea No. 3 or BT emulsion for control.

5. Harvest and processing: (1) there are a large number of fruits 4 ~ 5 years after harvest and planting, and when the fruit is purplish red from September to October, it will be picked with ripening. (2) after processing, drying or drying, spread the fruit evenly on the mat and dry for 3-5 days. when the peel shrinks, stir gently and dry after 15-20 days. Or bake at 60 ℃ until semi-dry, the temperature drops to 40: 50 ℃, bake to 80% dry, and then dry until fully dry.

Market Analysis of Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis has the effect of astringent astringency, invigorating qi and invigorating fluid, tonifying the kidney and calming the heart. Modern clinic has proved that Schisandra chinensis alcohol A, the effective component of Schisandra chinensis, has a certain protective effect on hepatocytes, can prolong the process of excitation and inhibition of central nervous system, and make it tend to balance; it can improve work efficiency and reduce fatigue; it can regulate cardiovascular system and improve blood circulation; it has exciting effect on respiration and can relieve cough and expectoration. It also regulates gastric juice secretion, promotes bile secretion and reduces blood pressure. Therefore, Schisandra chinensis is widely used in the production and formulation of drugs such as treating hepatitis, removing phlegm and relieving cough, lowering blood pressure, tonifying kidney and consolidating essence, etc. Such as liver protection tablets, ginseng Yangrong pills, Sanbao capsules, Xiaoqinglong granules, Tianwang Buxin pills, Sishen pills, Shengmai Yin and so on.

Schisandra chinensis is named because its fruit is sweet, sour, bitter, bitter and salty. It is not only a widely used traditional Chinese medicine, but also a berry resource with health care, nourishment and unique flavor. it is widely used in drinks, beverages, fructose, fruit tea, fruit pulp, jam, cream and candied fruit oral liquid and other beverages, health care and food.

In recent years, with the extensive development and utilization of Schisandra chinensis, especially in the field of health food, the annual demand of Schisandra chinensis has increased greatly. According to the data, the total annual demand of Schisandra chinensis in the 1990s was about 2000-2500 tons. The price is 25035 yuan / kg. After 2000, the domestic annual demand has increased to about 3,500 million 3,800 tons, and the price has climbed to 50,000,60 yuan / kg. The annual export volume (mainly exported to South Korea) is about 4000 tons, and the total annual domestic demand and export demand is about 7500 tons. Especially since 2000, Korean businessmen have been going deep into the market and producing areas to buy Schisandra chinensis, saying that they are used as health drinks and re-exports. During the new production period of Fructus Schisandrae every year, domestic pharmaceutical companies and health beverage manufacturers gather together with Korean businessmen to buy Schisandra chinensis. The production area of Schisandra chinensis was overcast and rainy from September to October last year, and the yield of Schisandra berries was reduced. After the sunny day, Korean businessmen are eager to buy, and the price of high-quality Schisandra chinensis has risen to 850.90 yuan / kg. Now there are still Korean businessmen purchasing in the place of origin, the price has risen to 120yuan / kg, and the whole goods are 900.95 yuan / kg. With the extensive use of Schisandra chinensis, the annual demand will increase year by year. As the forest area shrinks to depth, more woodland is reclaimed into farmland, its ecological environment is destroyed, and the wild resources of Schisandra chinensis are less and less. According to the regulations on the protection of wild medicinal materials in Heilongjiang Province, the species has been listed as a key protection, and excessive collection up the mountain is strictly prohibited. In order to meet the increasing domestic and foreign market demand year by year, Schisandra chinensis needs to develop family species urgently.

Economic benefit Analysis of artificial planting Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis can make full use of newly built forest land, wasteland, returning farmland to forest land, orchard land and so on to use tree and fruit forest as its natural frame, and develop Schisandra chinensis intercropping artificial planting. Excluding the economic benefits of trees and fruits, the benefit of Schisandra chinensis per mu is very considerable. If the three-year-old five-flavor seedlings are transplanted, the first fruit can be achieved in the second year, and the full fruit period will enter in the third to fourth year. In general, the dry fruit 170~230kg per mu is calculated according to 50 yuan / kg after the new yield (120 yuan / kg this year), and the benefit per mu should be between 6500 yuan and 11500 yuan. This is much higher than growing grain and cotton. Therefore, intercropping Schisandra chinensis in forest is a win-win way to realize ecological protection benefit and economic benefit.