
Annual production technology of multi-bacteria in one shed of edible fungi

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In 2001, our county began to promote the production technology of Pleurotus ostreatus on a large scale in the whole county. Pleurotus ostreatus belongs to medium-low temperature type, edible mushroom, mushroom in the range of 5 to 20 ℃, there must be a low temperature stimulation process in the early stage of mushroom emergence, which determines that the mushroom emergence period in our county is from late November to late March of the following year, resulting in the idle stage of mushroom shed from April to November before and after summer, and the bioconversion rate of Pleurotus ostreatus is also low. Since 2002, our county has carried out a trial on the utilization of mushroom bran.

In 2001, our county began to promote the production technology of Pleurotus ostreatus on a large scale in the whole county. Pleurotus ostreatus belongs to medium-low temperature type, edible mushroom, mushroom in the range of 5 to 20 ℃, there must be a low temperature stimulation process in the early stage of mushroom emergence, which determines that the mushroom emergence period in our county is from late November to late March of the following year, resulting in the idle stage of mushroom shed from April to November before and after summer, and the bioconversion rate of Pleurotus ostreatus is also low.

Since 2002, the experimental study on the primary utilization of Pleurotus ostreatus bran has been carried out in our county. From 2002 to 2003, the cultivation technique of Coprinus comatus was popularized in our county. The production cost of this technology is relatively low, but there are some problems, such as large amount of bacteria, serious pollution in cultivation process, low bioconversion rate and so on. In order to overcome the disadvantages of the technology of planting Coprinus comatus with raw meal, our county began to develop and popularize the technology of cultivating Coprinus comatus with clinker covering soil since 2004, and achieved obvious economic, social and ecological benefits. In our county, we popularized the rotation cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus and chicken leg mushroom in each mushroom shed, and cultivated chicken leg mushroom with mushroom bran, which changed the present situation that a mushroom shed was produced only once a year, and most of the raw materials were used only once. And it meets the market supply of fresh edible mushrooms before and after summer (April to November).

1. Cultivation time arrangement

Pleurotus ostreatus was made into bags at the end of August in our county for bacteria management, entered the shed in October, managed to produce mushrooms from November to late March of the following year, and cultivated Coprinus comatus with Pleurotus ostreatus bran from April to October.

two。 Cultivation techniques

2.1 cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

The best mother culture medium for Pleurotus ostreatus is cottonseed hull 100g, wheat bran 40g, potato (peeled) 100g, glucose 20g, Agar 20g, peptone 3g, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1.5g, magnesium sulfate 0.5g, 20mg vitamin B1, water 1000 ml, the pH value is natural. Both the original seed and the cultivated species use wheat grain culture medium, and the formula is: wheat grain 99%, gypsum 1%, natural pH value. The production method of strain is the conventional seed production process.

The formula of cultivation bag culture material: 100 kg of cottonseed husk, 10 kg of wheat bran, 5 kg of corn flour, 2 kg of quicklime, 1 kg of gypsum, 10 ml of psilocybin, and 65% water content. The culture material should be treated by stacking fermentation, using 16 cm × 33 cm × 0.05 mm high pressure polyethylene plastic bag, each bag weighs 0.45 kg, and then cooled and inoculated after atmospheric pressure sterilization (or high pressure sterilization).

After inoculation, the material bag after inoculation was cultured at a temperature of 22: 25 ℃, the air relative humidity was below 70%, and the mycelium could grow full of the whole bag after 30 days of dark or low light culture, and the germicidal period was over.

After ripening, the mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus can not produce immediately after the bag is full, at this time the bag is soft and the hyphae are sparse. The mycelium must be cultured for another 30 to 40 days at a temperature of 22: 25 ℃ and a humidity of 70% to 75%. The mycelium is thick and white and the bacterial bag is solid, so as to store enough nutrients to reach physiological maturity. This process is called mycelium post-ripening. Only when the mycelium is mature can it produce mushrooms normally. During the post-ripening period, pay attention to the water content of the culture medium, keep moisture, do not open the bag mouth, the late culture has a certain light stimulation, the hyphae began to kink.

The cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in wrong season through our experiment, Pleurotus ostreatus should be stored in cold storage at-5 ℃, which can produce mushroom 35 days earlier than normal.

The best way to produce Pleurotus ostreatus is to open the mouth at both ends and produce mushrooms directly. Considering the secondary utilization of Pleurotus ostreatus bran, it is not suitable to cover soil and mud wall to produce mushrooms.

2.2 Technology of producing Coprinus comatus from Pleurotus ostreatus bran

The commonly used cultivated varieties are Tebai 2004, Tebai 978, Tebai 33 and so on.

The common production formula for the preparation of nutrients is as follows: 90% of Pleurotus ostreatus bran, 5% of wheat bran, 3% of lime and 2% of gypsum. Pleurotus ostreatus bran is unbagged, crushed and dried, the raw materials are evenly mixed, and the water content is 60%-65%. It can be bagged without stacking fermentation.

The bags are inoculated with polyethylene bags of 26cm × 35cm × 0.05mm, each containing 1 kg of dry material. The bags filled with materials are sterilized under atmospheric pressure for 8 hours for 12 hours, take out and cool to less than 30 ℃, and the two ends are connected with bacteria, and the amount of bacteria accounts for about 10% of the dry material weight.

After strain culture and inoculation, put the bag indoors or outdoors in a cool place. Sprinkle some lime powder on the ground before putting the bag, and handle it gently when putting the bag to avoid rupture. Neatly arranged and stacked layer by layer, with a height of 5 to 8 layers is appropriate. Pay attention to shading and ventilation to cool down, so that the bag temperature is kept at about 25 ℃, in order to facilitate bacteria. During the germicidal period, turn over the pile every 7 days or so, and combine with turning and piercing holes to ventilate oxygen. Generally, the mycelium can be filled with material bag 20-25 days after inoculation.

Mushroom management ① to make beds. The soil quality is better with loam, the width of the border is 80cm to 100cm, the length of the border is unlimited, the depth of the border is 30cm, and the working path between the border is 50cm. ② cover soil. The bacterial bag filled with mycelium is erected in the border without taking off the bag, straighten the mouth of the bag and cover the material surface directly with soil. To cover the soil, choose the loose soil, add 2% quicklime powder, add water and wet to about 20% water content, then spray and disinfect the soil with 500 times dichlorvos solution and 200 times formaldehyde solution, and cover it with plastic film for 24 hours to kill insects and sterilize. Generally, the thickness of soil cover is 3cm to 4cm. ③ mushroom management. After covering the soil, control the room temperature 1422 ℃, spray water on the ground and space to increase the air relative humidity to 85%-90%, at the same time strengthen ventilation, appropriately increase scattered light, and promote budding and mushroom emergence. Coprinus comatus grows slowly after budding and grows faster in the later stage. When the fruiting body is 5-12 cm high, the cover diameter is 1.5-3 cm, and the middle of the cover is pinched by hand, it can be harvested when it feels loose and empty. After 2 tides are harvested, the mushroom bags covered with soil are upside down, and the mushrooms are produced by the same method. Generally, more than 4 tide mushrooms can be produced, and the bioconversion rate can reach 90% to 120%.

3. Popularization, application and economic benefit

In 2005, our county takes Luannan County Agricultural High-tech demonstration Field as the core demonstration zone, and radiation drives the towns with large scale of key edible fungi, such as Qingtuoying Town, Hugezhuang Town and Bancheng Town, to promote the rotation cultivation of Bailing Pleurotus ostreatus and Coprinus comatus in each mushroom sheet. the actual promotion area is 25 hectares, the output is 2265 tons, the output value is 18.3 million yuan, and the net benefit is 10 million yuan. Using the bran of cultivated Pleurotus ostreatus to cultivate Coprinus comatus, the production cost was directly saved by 900000 yuan, and the net benefit was increased by 6500 yuan per square meter. Thus it can be seen that the development and popularization of multi-bacteria in one shed and annual production technology of edible fungi have obvious economic and social benefits. In terms of ecological benefits, the reuse of edible mushroom bran reduces environmental pollution, increases nutrient output, and speeds up the ecological cycle. Through the full use of bioenergy, the production capacity of the ecosystem is improved, which is actually an important industry in the green project to promote ecological balance.