
Anthracnose of Cymbidium officinalis

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The scientific name Chlorophytumcapense (L.) 0.Kuntze is alias hard leaf Cymbidium and Diaolan. Perennial evergreen herbs of the family Liliaceae. The whole herb is used as medicine. It has the effect of nourishing yin and clearing heat, moistening lung and relieving cough. Mainly distributed in the southern provinces and regions. It is also planted in the north. See orchid anthracnose for symptoms, pathogens, routes of transmission, conditions of onset, and methods of prevention and treatment.

Chlorophytum capense (L.) 0. Kuntze alias hard leaf spider orchid, fishing orchid. It is a perennial evergreen herb of Liliaceae. Use the whole herb as medicine. It has the effect of nourishing yin and clearing heat, moistening lung and relieving cough. It is mainly distributed in the southern provinces. In the north there is also indoor planting.

Symptoms, pathogens, transmission routes and conditions, control methods see orchid anthracnose.