
Key points of cultivation techniques of cut rose in greenhouse

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cut rose is one of the most important species of fresh cut flowers, with more than 8000 varieties cultivated all over the world. With the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the production of fresh cut rose will have a bright future. Rose belongs to the rose family Qiang Wei genus, spiny shrubs, branches erect leaves alternate, odd-pinnate compound leaves, flowers solitary stem top, petals, double petals, colorful flowers. Monthly like warm, sunny, can not bear high temperature, like loose, fertile, well-drained soil, soil slightly acidic or slightly alkaline can grow normally.

Cut rose is one of the most important species of cut flowers. There are more than 8000 varieties cultivated all over the world. With the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the production of cut rose flowers will have a bright future.

Rose belongs to rose family, thorny shrub, branches upright leaves alternate, odd pinnate compound leaves, flowers solitary stem top, petals majority, double petal type, colorful flower type. Rose likes warm, sunny, not resistant to high temperature, like loose, fertile, well-drained soil, soil slightly acidic or slightly alkaline can grow normally. The most suitable growth temperature is 20℃-27℃ during the day, 15 ℃-18 ℃ at night, and it can grow and bloom very slowly at about 5℃, but it is lower than 5℃; that is, it enters dormancy or semi-dormancy state, and the disease is serious in high temperature and low temperature and humid environment above 30℃. Relative humidity 70%-75%.

1. Soil preparation before planting

1, substrate improvement cut rose once survived, the growth period can reach 4 - 7 years, the root system deep and wide soil layer. The planting bed needs to be deeply turned, the depth reaches 35 cm-40 cm, and combined with turning the ground to apply base fertilizer to improve the soil, generally 180 m2 (standard greenhouse) apply compost 1200 kg-1500 kg, compost is mainly pig manure, add bone meal 100 kg, calcium superphosphate 40 kg, chaff 50 kg, sticky soil can increase coarse sand, sawdust, rice chaff and so on fully mixed with the soil to improve the soil.

2, soil preparation for the bed after the application of base fertilizer, 6 meters wide greenhouse for four beds, bed width 70 cm, bed height 20 cm-25 cm, ditch width 60 cm.

II. Planting density

Two rows were planted in each bed, the spacing between plants was 20 cm, and about 1150 seedlings were planted in each standard shed, with an average of 6.41 seedlings/m2.

III. Planting

1. The time is February-March, which can also be postponed to April.

2. Planting method: Cut off thick roots and weak roots properly, and keep 2 - 3 complete leaves (five-leaf) at the beginning. The root system is dipped in mud and scattered around. The grafting part of seedlings should be placed on the soil surface for 1 cm-2 cm. The interface faces south. The scion is vertically upward. The soil is slightly cultivated at the interface. After the soil is watered and settled, loosen the soil and level it. If the root system is dry during transportation, the root system is soaked in water for 24 - 48 hours before planting, and replanted after absorbing sufficient water.

IV. Post-planting management

1. 3 - 4 months after planting is the vegetative maintenance stage. Remove the resulting buds at any time (do not make the buds larger than 0.5 cm-0.6 cm). The branches sprouted from scion shall be strong and double according to their growth, weak and single (generally single). After the second germination, 2 - 3 branches shall be reserved as flowering mother branches, and then 50 cm shall be reserved for flowering mother branches, and the branches sprouted from them shall be flowering mother branches. For early flowering branches can also be bent from the base of the second complete leaf to the ground, leaving leaves, let it carry out photosynthesis. It usually takes about a year to complete the branch space.

2, the net plant grows to a certain height, the flower branch is easy to lodge or bend, some varieties of branch angle opening degree is larger, should be on both sides of the ridge vertical branch Zhang net, net width according to the ridge surface, general net Zhang should be 18.5x18.5 cm, both ends of the pole, 1.8 meters high-2.3 meters, both sides with nylon rope will be separated by the net phase, both ends of the tension to open the net, can move up and down.

3, the ground covered with straw, wheat straw, sawdust, cotton seed shell, etc., can inhibit soil moisture evaporation, reduce irrigation times, weaken surface erosion, supplement CO2 gas source, buffer temperature and humidity.

4. It is best to use drip irrigation for watering. If you use hose watering, the nozzle should be close to the ground. Spray under medium pressure and try not to wet the leaves.

5, fertilization cut rose fertilizer needs a large amount of fertilizer, mainly organic fertilizer (base fertilizer), in addition to the need to apply some fertilizer, supplement the lack of mineral elements in organic fertilizer, especially potassium fertilizer. Generally, it is supplemented at each watering time, such as KH2PO4, which can also be mixed into liquid fertilizer topdressing, and the concentration is generally 1%-2% for root application and 0.1%-0.2% for foliar spraying. In the growth period, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be increased and nitrogen fertilizer should be applied less.

6, ventilation and cooling When the temperature in the greenhouse is higher than 28 ° C, ventilation should be timely, and proper shade should be used to cool down in summer.

7, daily pruning management timely inspection, remove the lateral buds and buds on the flowering branches, timely remove the buds from the rootstock and the roots on the scion. According to different branches issued by the new branch for different treatment, timely remove the diseased leaves, diseased branches, pruning, leaving outward buds.

8, cut flowers cut rose branches are longer, the number of internodes is more, the standard flowering branches have leaves 10 - 14 nodes or more, cut flowers as long as possible, but also take into account the growth speed of the next flowering branch, cut flowers from the base up to 2 - 4 leaves, if the flowering branch is shorter and the flowering mother branch is more, when cutting flowers, you can also slightly take a section of the stem of the original flowering mother branch, so that the new flower branches from the flowering mother branch re-hair, but germination is slow.