
Cultivation techniques of Carex garlic

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, First, soil preparation and fertilization: Carex garlic is suitable to be planted on loose and fertile land. Deep ploughing and fine harrowing should be carried out when preparing the soil, and every 667 square meters (1 mu) should be applied fully mature circle fertilizer 4000-5000 kg, diammonium phosphate 50 kg, potassium sulfate 30 kg, iron fertilizer 3 kg, zinc fertilizer 2 kg, boron fertilizer 2 kg. Combine the ploughing of the land and apply it. Second, variety selection: choose Cangshan garlic with both bolting and head, vigorous growth, strong adaptability, cold tolerance, high yield and good commercial quality as the cultivated variety.

1. Soil preparation and fertilization: Garlic sprouts are suitable for planting on loose and fertile land. Deep ploughing and fine harrowing shall be carried out during soil preparation. 4000~5000 kg of fully decomposed circle fertilizer, 50 kg of diammonium phosphate, 30 kg of potassium sulfate, 3 kg of iron fertilizer, 2 kg of zinc fertilizer and 2 kg of boron fertilizer shall be applied per 667 square meters (1 mu). Combined with ploughing.

2. variety selection: selecting Cangshan garlic which has the advantages of both bolting and head, vigorous growth, strong adaptability, cold resistance, high yield and good commodity quality as cultivated varieties, selecting garlic seeds with large petals, white petals and no bacteria and injuries, grading seed petals according to large, medium and small sizes, and then sowing in different grades.

III. Fine sowing: In Shandong Province, sowing in early October is appropriate. Planting density: row spacing 18~ 20cm, plant spacing 10cm, planting 34000~38000 plants per 667 square meters. General ditching sowing, ditch depth 6 cm, seed petal sowing into the soil, and then flat furrow, soil 2~3 cm thick, solid flat. Spraying 100~ 150g of 48% trifluralin emulsifiable solution every 667 square meters, immediately covering the film, sealing the film with soil, and then watering once.

4. Strengthen management: 7~9 days after garlic sowing, most garlic buds can break the membrane and come out, and a few garlic seedlings must be artificially broken in time to lead garlic seedlings out of the membrane. Overwintering water is irrigated once between "light snow" and "heavy snow". When garlic sprouts return to green in the spring of the following year, water them once again. In April, garlic seedlings began to grow vigorously, should be irrigated once permeable and topdressing, every 667 square meters of urea 25 kg. From early May to before bolting, garlic sprouts grow well. At this time, attention should be paid to watering, keep the ground moist, water once at the beginning of May, and apply 25kg nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer every 667 square meters in combination with watering. Water immediately after bolting, keep the ground dry and wet, and stop watering 7 days before garlic harvest.

5. Timely harvest: In the middle and late May, when the garlic sprouts become bigger, the color turns white, and the top of the sprouts bends into hooks, it is the best harvest period, and the sprouts should be harvested in time. About 20 days after bolting, garlic should be harvested in time when the upper leaves turn gray green, the bottom leaves turn yellow and fall off, the garlic stems are soft and the garlic heads are fully expanded.

VI. Disease control: garlic diseases are mainly leaf blight, and spraying should be carried out in advance in serious areas. (1) Control the best time. April to May easy to disease, to prevent the main, control disease occurrence, in time after each rainfall drainage and timely spraying. (2) Choose suitable drugs alternately. The suitable medicaments mainly include 75% chlorothalonil WP 1000 times solution, 40% carbendazim colloidal suspension 800 times solution, 64% disinfectant alum 500 times solution.