
Boll protection cotton 410b (cotton)

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Variety source: Baoling cotton 410B is another new variety of transgenic insect-resistant cotton bred by Monsanto and Daizi Cotton Company of the United States using modern high-tech biotechnology. Approval: approved by the Ministry of Agriculture for commercial production in 2001, it was approved by Anhui Province in the same year. It is one of the new varieties of transgenic seed-resistant cotton promoted in Anhui Province. Characteristics: boll cotton 410B is a mid-early maturing variety, with a growth period of about 123 days, a plant height of about 105 cm, a fruit branch raised above, a short fruit node, a delicate and compact plant type and a strong boll setting ability.

Variety source: Baoling cotton 410B is another new variety of transgenic insect-resistant cotton bred by Monsanto and Daizi Cotton Company of the United States using modern high-tech biotechnology.

Approval: approved by the Ministry of Agriculture for commercial production in 2001, it was approved by Anhui Province in the same year. It is one of the new varieties of transgenic seed-resistant cotton promoted in Anhui Province.

Characteristics: boll cotton 410B is a mid-early maturing variety, the growth period is about 123 days, the plant height is about 105 cm, the fruit branch is raised, the fruit node is short, the plant type is elegant and compact, and the boll setting is very strong. The single boll weight of the medium spray flower is about 5.0 grams, the lint percentage is about 39%, the cotton fiber is white and mercerized, the micronaire value is moderate, and it has the characteristics of strong insect resistance, early maturity, good yield, good fiber quality and so on.

This variety is highly resistant to cotton (red) bollworm, so it can not only save pesticide expenses, reduce the probability of pesticide poisoning, but also reduce environmental pollution.

Under normal circumstances, the variety is precocious in the later stage without premature senility. For example, the bud and boll shedding caused by lack of fertilizer and water, high temperature and drought have strong compensation ability and fast boll setting speed. As long as the temperature is suitable and the management is strengthened, a higher yield can still be obtained. This variety has good tolerance to Fusarium wilt and strong recovery ability after being susceptible to the disease. It is suitable for planting in Anhui Province.

Boll-protecting cotton 410B has good high yield, the average lint yield per mu in the provincial test is 100.7 kg, and the high-yield field in the demonstration plot is more than 130kg. According to the multi-point sampling survey of the whole province, boll cotton 410B produced an average of 262.2 kg of seed cotton per mu (equivalent to 97.1 kg of lint) under the especially high temperature and drought climate in 2001. The benefit of planting boll-protecting cotton 410B is 200-300 yuan higher than that of other varieties per mu.

Main points of cultivation:

(1) sowing at the right time.

The sowing date of boll-protecting cotton 410B should be controlled from the end of mid-April to the beginning of May. Spring cotton and interplanting cotton in Huaibei cotton area can be advanced to the end of April, wheat stubble cotton should be in early May, and transplanting cotton in Yanjiang cotton area should be in late April.

(2) reasonable close planting. The general field is about 2500 plants per mu, the fertility level is high or interplanting cotton can plant 2000 plants per mu, the fertility level is poor or more than 3000 plants per mu in hilly and hilly land, 2000,500 plants per mu in the cotton area along the Yangtze River and 25003000 plants per mu in Huaibei cotton area.

(3) potassium fertilizer can not be reduced, and boron fertilizer is also needed. This variety is sensitive to potassium. Therefore, the application of potash fertilizer in boll protection cotton field should not be less than 20 kg per mu, divided into base fertilizer and flower and boll fertilizer, 10 kg each time, with water. Under the premise of applying enough potash fertilizer, boron fertilizer should be applied well. Boron fertilizer is generally applied as base fertilizer, 1 kg per mu; if the base fertilizer is not applied, 0.2% borax aqueous solution can be sprayed 2 times at bud stage and early flowering stage.

(4) increase fertilizer application and balance fertilization. Generally, the application per mu is 10% higher than that of conventional cotton. It is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, increase organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, lightly apply seedling fertilizer, re-apply flower and boll fertilizer, and increase cover fertilizer. Balanced fertilization should be achieved according to the fertility level of cotton fields.

In general, the base fertilizer per mu of cotton field includes: 1000 kg to 1500 kg of farm fertilizer, 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer, 10 kg of urea, 10 kg of potash fertilizer and 1 kg of boron fertilizer per mu; topdressing at seedling stage is appropriate according to seedling condition; flower and boll fertilizer is divided into two stages, the first time in the early flowering stage (the cotton field with vigorous growth is properly postponed), 50 kg per mu of cake fertilizer, 10 kg of urea and 10 kg of potash fertilizer per mu; the second time in the flowering and boll stage, urea 10 kg per mu is applied. According to the boll setting in the later stage, the top fertilizer can apply about 10 kg of urea per mu.

(5) timely and appropriate chemical control. Chemical control should be carried out properly when growing prosperous or Rain Water, and the dosage per mu of thalidomide should be controlled as follows: 0.5g in seedling stage, 1g in bud stage, 1.52g in flower and boll stage and 2g / mu after topping.

(6) Cotton fields should not be dry, and small water should be irrigated in case of drought. The water demand in the flower and boll stage is relatively large, which is a water sensitive period. In the flower and boll period in case of drought to timely irrigation, should use small ditch irrigation, do not flood irrigation.

(7) it is not appropriate to hit the top early and manage well in the later stage. Boll-protecting cotton 410B has fast peach, more peach and higher yield level. In order to increase the effective buds in the later stage and increase the knot of autumn peach, topping should not be premature, and the topping time should be 5-7 days later than that of local conventional varieties.

Post-management: first, re-apply top fertilizer. After topping, 10 kg of urea was applied per mu, and the fertilization time was in late July in Huaibei cotton area and in early August in Yanjiang cotton area. Second, foliar fertilizer spraying, foliar fertilizer spraying times than conventional cotton increased 1-2 times, from mid-August to late September, once every 8-10 days, spraying 4-5 times. The fertilizers sprayed are mainly 1 / 2% urea aqueous solution and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution.

(8) Control of diseases and insect pests. Boll-protected cotton 410B is highly resistant to cotton (red) bollworm, and other cotton pests and diseases should still be controlled routinely, and special attention should be paid to the control of cotton aphids, thrips, red spiders, Spodoptera litura and bug bugs. Boll cotton 410B is more resistant to Fusarium wilt, lightly diseased fields should be raised in disease-free soil or pond mud, and seriously diseased fields should be rotated with gramineous crops such as rice.