
Three items of diagnosis and treatment of Fox Disease

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Diagnosis and treatment of 1 case of fox hemorrhagic pneumonia 1.1 case in June 2003, the breeder of the fox farm attached to Gansu normal University brought an adult silver-black fox to see a doctor. The affected fox was in a semi-coma, with pink blood foam at the mouth, shortness of breath, sharp fluctuation of chest with breathing, random kicking of limbs, unable to stand up after lying down, T40.7 ℃, rapid heartbeat on auscultation, and loud breathing sound like a bellows. The keeper said that everything was normal in the morning and suddenly fell ill in the afternoon. 1.3

Diagnosis and treatment of a case of fox hemorrhagic pneumonia

1.1 cases

In June 2003, the keeper of the fox farm attached to Gansu normal University brought an adult silver and black fox to see a doctor.

1.2 symptoms

The suffering fox is in a semi-coma, with pink blood foam at the mouth, shortness of breath, chest fluctuating sharply with breathing, limbs kicking randomly, unable to stand up after lying down, T40.7 ℃, auscultation with rapid heartbeat and loud breathing sound like pulling bellows. The keeper said that everything was normal in the morning and suddenly fell ill in the afternoon.

1.3 diagnosis

According to the clinical symptoms, it is preliminarily judged to be acute hemorrhagic pneumonia caused by bacterial infection or heatstroke.

The bacteria in respiratory secretions of infected foxes collected with sterilized cotton swabs were negative by Gram staining, and blood smears were also negative by microscopic examination, so it can be diagnosed as acute hemorrhagic pneumonia caused by heatstroke.

1.4 treatment

According to the principle of "emergency means temporary cure, slow cure", the cubes for symptoms are as follows: 10% glucose 250mL × 1 Magnum VC 2 mL × 2, ampicillin 0.5 g × 2, dexamethasone phosphate 2mg × 4, atropine phosphate 5mg × 1 Ma AT 2 mL × 1. The patients were given intravenous drip at the rate of 35 to 40 drops per minute.

1.5 prognosis

After 40 minutes of medication, the breathing of the affected fox gradually stabilized, and after the infusion, the spirit improved obviously, the consciousness was clear, and the fox was able to stand. The sick fox was followed up by telephone on the second day, and the sick fox was cured.

1.6 experience

1.6.1 although the disease is acute and serious, the time of onset is short, the body loss is small, and the cause is simple, so the effect of one-time symptomatic treatment is significant.

1.6.2 unless the body temperature of canines is too high (> 41 ℃), the author generally does not recommend the use of special heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs such as antong and analgin, because canines are more sensitive to them and have encountered allergic dogs several times. In this treatment, a large amount of glucocorticoid (dexamethasone) is used to clear away heat and detoxify and excite the respiratory system of the fox. The purpose of using high sugar and atropine is to reduce lung exudation in infected foxes.

1.6.3 in terms of fox disease, hemorrhagic pneumonia is generally caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, and miscarriage and endometritis are also seen in female foxes clinically. however, as a clinical worker, we should not be old-fashioned and should analyze specific problems. Units with conditions should conduct timely bacterial tests and drug sensitivity tests to prevent the spread of the disease.

2 diagnosis and treatment of fox food poisoning

In July 2003, the keeper of the fox farm attached to the Lanzhou Refinery in Xigu, Gansu Province, brought a silver black fox cub to see the doctor. Examination of the affected fox found that its breath was dying, the heartbeat and breathing were very weak, there was no conjunctival reflex, and the ears, nose, mouth and extremities were cold. Emergency subcutaneous injection of epinephrine hydrochloride 0.3mL and artificial respiration rescue, 15 minutes later, the condition did not improve, clinical examination confirmed death. After inquiry, the fox is the largest one in its nest, only more than 40 days old, not yet divided into nests, only 2-3 days after feeding, and there was nothing unusual last night. When checking the nest at 7: 00 this morning, it was found to be spitting blood at the mouth, depressed and lying still. Hypodermic injection of dog Wulian IgG, has not been improved, so came to see a doctor; there are still a few mental disorders, do not eat, the owner is very anxious. When asked about its feed, it was said that a new batch of sea miscellaneous fish had become moldy and deteriorated after freezing treatment. The fish were covered with 0.5~2mm thick yellow moss scale and were said to have been thoroughly washed with pp water before feeding. At the beginning of feeding, all the foxes had a good appetite, but now they all have a loss of appetite. Asked about its immunity and disinfection, it was said that in December last year, all adult foxes were injected with fox triple vaccine (canine distemper, fox enteritis, fox encephalitis), thoroughly disinfected once a week, tableware once every two days, and washed before feeding every day. After autopsy, the dead fox found that the myocardium was soft and congested, there were superficial ulcers on the surface of the liver, the spleen was slightly enlarged, the gallbladder was enlarged and filled, the whole digestive tract was edema and congested, the lungs, pancreas and kidneys were normal, the blood color was dark red, and the blood coagulation was good. Subcutaneous fat yellow staining. At the invitation of the owner, he went to the fox farm to inspect the scene, and then another young fox fell ill and died. The autopsy findings are the same as above. Check the foxes, all the foxes are in poor spirits, and some foxes have diarrhea symptoms. The body temperature of several suspected foxes was 38.7-39.2 ℃ (normal range), no eye stool, moist nose, no swelling and keratosis around eyelids and nostrils, some intestinal sounds were loud, some were very weak, and no other abnormalities were found. Go to the feed processing workshop to check, the ingredient said that after disinfection, washing, crushing and cooking, adding corn flour and wheat bran to show a thin paste, then heating, cooking the noodles, cooling and feeding the fox, but recently due to shortage, not adding the necessary vitamins, everything else is normal. Look at its feed storage, sea miscellaneous fish casually stacked on the cement floor (about a week's quantity), all thawed, around the flow of yellow smelly water, the fish surface is indeed covered with a thick layer of yellow dirt, flies and mosquitoes flying everywhere. On the basis of this, combined with epidemiology, clinical symptoms and autopsy, it can be concluded that the cause of foxes in this farm is caused by food poisoning. The proposed treatment plan is as follows:

① immediately stopped feeding metamorphic sea miscellaneous fish and replaced with fresh fish and meat; the whole ② group was fed with 10g glucose, Vc2 tablets, VE15mg and compound VB2 tablets twice a day, and ③ was fed with compound livestock protection tablets twice a day for each fox with diarrhea.

After the above treatment, the disease was controlled for about 3 days, during which 4 young foxes were seriously ill. After infusion (5% glucose 50mL, Vc2mL, dexamethasone 2mg, ATP1mL, inosine 2mL, ampicillin 0.5g × 0.5), 3 foxes improved and continued to take the same medication. Except one died, all the foxes returned to normal in about 7 days.

Foxes and other fur animals are mainly raised by animal feed, and special attention should be paid to not feeding moldy and deteriorated feed. Essential vitamins (such as Vc, VB, VE, etc.) in breeding season and summer are indispensable, which play an important role in regulating digestive function, increasing appetite, detoxification, antioxidation, prevention and so on. This case ruled out the possibility of infectious disease because of accurate and timely vaccine injection, strict disinfection of farm utensils, low body temperature of suffering foxes, etc., but for cheap, there was no cold storage or freezer, improper storage, hot summer days, accelerated feed deterioration, and stopped feeding essential vitamins, resulting in the whole group of foxes quickly suffering from different symptoms of mild and severe poisoning, fortunately found and treated in time, reducing the loss.

Treatment of 3 cases of fox ascites

In clinic, the abdomen of a fox was as big as a dustpan, and the abdomen was punctured repeatedly at intervals of 2 days, and the puncture fluid (exudate) was about 3kg each time. All the affected foxes returned to normal after puncture, and the abdomen was enlarged as before in 2-3 days, and diet and excretion were affected. After that, the fox was cured after being treated with the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine for one week. The report is as follows:

Prescription ① raw chicken gold 10g; Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz 5g 10g; two drugs are fine powder, mixed with internal administration, twice a day; raw chicken gold from 10g to 5g daily for 7 days; with the improvement of the disease day by day, the medicine is carefully added and reduced.

② was injected intramuscularly with furosemide 2mL once a day for 5 days.

3.2 this prescription is a flexible prescription for the treatment of human dropsy and gas drops. the dosage of the prescription is small and simple, but the effect is excellent. In the prescription, Atractylodes macrocephala is warm and dry, good at invigorating the spleen and stomach, eliminating phlegm, stopping diarrhea, mainly treating spleen deficiency for distension, spleen dampness for thirst; chicken inner gold for the inner wall of chicken stomach, stomach acid and sexual temperature, good at resolving stasis. The combination of gold and Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz in raw chicken is not only an important medicine for digestion and stasis, but also a wonderful product for tonifying spleen and stomach, which can transport medicine power and eliminate stasis. Because of all edema, often have adverse urination, so intramuscular injection of furosemide to diuresis. The combination of Chinese and Western medicine, complement each other, complement each other, so the effect is like a drum.