
Yuanjiao one

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Variety source: breeding by vegetable seed Company of Yuanping City, Shanxi Province. Characteristics: medium maturity, large fruit, high yield hybrid pepper varieties. Strong disease resistance, hanging fruit, coarse horn-shaped fruit, thick fruit, beautiful appearance, spicy sweet, a single fruit weight of about 50 grams, general yield per mu 3500 kg-4000 kg. Cultivation points: it is suitable for high yield and high quality cultivation in the north and south provinces. Chili peppers are more popular on the market. Selecting sandy loam with deep soil layer can give full play to this variety.

Variety source: breeding by vegetable seed Company of Yuanping City, Shanxi Province.

Characteristics: medium maturity, large fruit, high yield hybrid pepper varieties. Strong disease resistance, hanging fruit, coarse horn-shaped fruit, thick fruit, beautiful appearance, spicy sweet, a single fruit weight of about 50 grams, general yield per mu 3500 kg-4000 kg.

Cultivation points: it is suitable for high yield and high quality cultivation in the north and south provinces. Chili peppers are more popular on the market. The cultivation of sandy loam with deep soil layer can give full play to the advantages of large fruit, thick meat and high yield of this variety. The row spacing is 45 cm x 55 cm.