
New techniques of multiple cropping of melon and rice

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, First, the previous crop of melon 1. High-yield and high-quality melon varieties with a growth period of about 90 days were selected for seed preparation, such as Chaozaotangwang, Hong Orange crisp No. 1 and so on. Turn the paddy field well before freezing last year, rake and ridge, the ridge distance is 50-60 cm, compacted to preserve soil moisture. Combined with land preparation, 5000 kg of high-quality farm manure is applied per mu. two。 Seedling transplanting, soaking seeds in late February and raising seedlings in greenhouse at the end of February and the beginning of March can be used to separate seedlings with seedling bowl after raising seedlings in border bed or directly use seedling bowl to raise seedlings. Honda planted melons on April 15th

First, the previous crop of muskmelon

1. High-yield and high-quality melon varieties with a growth period of about 90 days were selected for seed preparation, such as Chaozaotangwang, Hong Orange crisp No. 1 and so on. Turn the paddy field well before freezing last year, rake and ridge, the ridge distance is 50-60 cm, compacted to preserve soil moisture. Combined with land preparation, 5000 kg of high-quality farm manure is applied per mu.

two。 Seedling transplanting, soaking seeds in late February and raising seedlings in greenhouse at the end of February and the beginning of March can be used to separate seedlings with seedling bowl after raising seedlings in border bed or directly use seedling bowl to raise seedlings. Honda will plant melons and transplant melon seedlings to Honda before April 15. Before transplanting, Honda will have one middle shed for every three ridges with a height of 1.3 to 1.5 meters. Two ridges on both sides of the three ridges will be covered with plastic film to drill holes to plant melons, and the middle ridge is an empty ridge (work road). When planting melons, apply 25,30kg of whole-yuan fertilizer per mu. There are 2000 seedlings per mu.

3. Field management after planting, timely field management, no drought, no watering, timely weeding. After flowering, dip the flower with "sitting fruit spirit" to help set fruit. Leave 3 to 4 melons per plant, and the first crop of melons will be on the market at the end of May. Each plant can produce 0.75 kilograms of melons, ensuring that the yield per mu is more than 1500 kilograms. Keep in mind that the number of each plant should not be left more, so as not to cause late ripening of melons, affect the market price, and affect the rice transplanting period at the same time. Other management is the same as sweet potato management.

II. Next crop of rice

1. To raise seedlings, rice varieties such as Qiuguang or glutinous rice (such as Hunnuo) with a growth period of about 130 days were selected. The time of raising seedlings is in late April, and the seedlings are sparsely sown and strong. The sowing amount is 200 grams per square meter. Drought management was adopted to control the overgrowth of rice seedlings.

two。 When transplanting seedlings, melons will go on strike around June 15, and soak the fields and prepare the soil in time; transplanting will end before June 20. The row spacing is 30 cm × 10 cm, and 5-7 seedlings are planted in each hole.

3. It should be managed in time after transplanting, fertilization should be heavy before and after, and the combination of dry and wet irrigation should be adopted to prevent seedlings from ripening late. Other management is the same as normal rice fields. The plot of multiple cropping of melon and rice should not be replanted, otherwise the yield and quality will be affected.

III. Benefit analysis

In 2007, the average yield per mu of muskmelon in Liaoyang was 1680 kg, the average price per kg was 2.70 yuan, and the total income per mu was 4536 yuan. After deducting the cost of 1200 yuan, the net income of the previous crop was 3336 yuan per mu. The average yield per mu of rice in the next crop is estimated to be 400 kg, calculated according to the market price of 2 yuan per kilogram, the total income is 800 yuan, after deducting the cost 280 yuan, the next crop net income per mu is 520 yuan. The total income of the two crops was 5336 yuan, the total cost of the two crops was 1480 yuan, and the net income of the two crops was 3856 yuan.