
Common mistakes in the use of fish medicine

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, In aquaculture, losses are often caused by improper use of fish drugs. Agriculture and fisheries should pay attention to this. 1. The medication is not symptomatic. No matter what kind of fish disease occurs, some agriculture and fisheries use bleach, trichlorfon or copper sulfate to control it. Wrong medicine, not only can not play a role in the prevention and treatment of fish disease, sometimes it will be counterproductive. two。 The medicine is the same regardless of the size of the fish. When some farmers see the occurrence of fish boar disease, they sprinkle it with 2.5% trichlorfon in the whole pond, but they do not know it.

In aquaculture, losses are often caused by improper use of fish drugs. Agriculture and fisheries should pay attention to this.

1. The medication is not symptomatic. No matter what kind of fish disease occurs, some agriculture and fisheries use bleach, trichlorfon or copper sulfate to control it. Wrong medicine, not only can not play a role in the prevention and treatment of fish disease, sometimes it will be counterproductive.

two。 The medicine is the same regardless of the size of the fish. When some farmers see the occurrence of fish boar disease, they sprinkle it with 2.5% trichlorfon in the whole pond, but they do not know that the disease is more harmful to small fish, but has less impact on big fish, so the correct way should be to use drugs differently.

3. Use a kind of medicine to prevent and cure fish disease all the year round. For example, it is only known to sprinkle trichlorfon with 90% crystal trichlorfon in the whole pool, but it can also be sprinkled with a mixture of copper sulfate and ferrous sulfate. If the two kinds of drugs are used alternately, the effect will be better.

4. Double the dose of expired drugs. Due to the price of fish medicine, or due to the untimely supply of fish medicine, some agriculture and fisheries will increase the dose of expired fish medicine, which is very unwise and is bound to be delayed.

5. Use the medicine at noon in the hot season. When the temperature exceeds 38 ℃, the fish stops feeding and the liquid volatilizes faster. If the medicine is used at noon in the high temperature season, it will not only have the effect of preventing and treating fish disease, but will cause fish poisoning. At this time, the medicine should be used when the temperature is relatively low in the morning and evening.