
Steamed Jiaozi with shrimps

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Variety name Shrimp main raw materials Fuqiang powder 500 grams, shrimp 250 grams, pork 300 grams, net winter bamboo shoots 250 grams. Auxiliary raw materials Shao wine 10 grams, sugar 8 grams, refined salt 6 grams, monosodium glutamate 4 grams, chopped onions, ginger a little. Category family cuisine method name shrimp Steamed Jiaozi technological process 1. Wash and drain the shrimps and chop the pork together. Boil the bamboo shoots and cut them into pieces. Mix them in the mashed meat. Add Shaojiu, sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, chopped onions and ginger to form a stuffing. two。 Put the flour into

Variety name shrimp

The main raw materials Fuqiang powder 500 grams, shrimp 250 grams, pork 300 grams, net winter bamboo shoots 250 grams.

Auxiliary raw materials Shao wine 10 grams, sugar 8 grams, refined salt 6 grams, monosodium glutamate 4 grams, chopped onions, ginger a little.

Category of family cuisine

Method name: shrimp Steamed Jiaozi

Technological process 1. Wash and drain the shrimps and chop the pork together. Boil the bamboo shoots and cut them into pieces. Mix them in the mashed meat. Add Shaojiu, sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, chopped onions and ginger to form a stuffing. two。 Put the flour into a basin, add 250 grams of lukewarm water to form dough, knead thoroughly, pinch it into long strips, add 40 ingredients, roll out into 4 cm round leather with a rolling pin, insert 10 grams of stuffing in the middle, fold the leather in half, squeeze and seal it into a crescent shape, steam the skin in a boiling water pot for about 6 minutes, open the pot cover and see that the dumplings are bulging, when the crust is not touched, out of the pan and ready to eat.