
Three ways to prevent and cure sow paralysis

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sow paralysis is a metabolic disease, which is easy to occur under the conditions of extensive feeding and management and poor feed conditions. After the occurrence of the disease, it not only affects the utilization value of sows, but also affects the quality of piglets, resulting in great losses to production. Based on years of clinical experience, the author has achieved satisfactory results in the treatment of sow paralysis with acupuncture combined with traditional Chinese and western medicine, which is introduced as follows for the reference of readers. 1. The cause of the disease mainly occurs in the postpartum and lactation process of sows.

Sow paralysis is a metabolic disease, which is easy to occur under the conditions of extensive feeding management and poor feed conditions. After the occurrence of this disease, it not only affects the utilization value of sows, but also affects the quality of piglets, causing great losses to production. According to many years of clinical experience, the author has obtained satisfactory curative effect by using Chinese and western medicine combined with acupuncture to treat sow paralysis.

I. Causes of disease

This disease mainly occurs in sow postpartum and lactation process, the former due to the number of sow litter, the body after childbirth dynamic balance imbalance, resulting in low blood calcium and blood sugar, or because the fetus is too large, in the process of childbirth, injury to control hind limb muscle nerve. The latter is mainly due to weak physique, too single feed, sow malnutrition, imbalance of calcium and phosphorus ratio in feed and insufficient salt content in the lactation process of sows, resulting in calcium deficiency and paralysis of sows.

II. Clinical symptoms

Sows in postpartum week or in peak lactation within the disease, sick pigs loss of appetite or waste, depression. Body temperature is generally normal, and some temperatures even drop. Sick pigs lie on the ground. When driving sick pigs, some barely stand and walk a few steps, gait shaking, hind limbs dragging the floor, and screaming, then lie down again after hind limbs weakness; some sick pigs lie on the ground in a lethargic state, touch limbs joints without heat swelling pain. Gastrointestinal motility sound weakened, some even disappeared, dry stool was miliary, black brown color, conjunctiva flushing, eye feces, nasal mirror more dry, sometimes wet, such as timely treatment, more rehabilitation.

III. Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Therapy

(i) Western medicine

1. The sows were immediately given 500 grams of oil by gastric catheter and 2000 grams of bean foam soup. Sows were also given a deep enema with warm soapy water to promote softening of dry hard faeces.

2. Supplement calcium and vitamins, intravenous bolus 10% calcium gluconate 100~150 ml or 10% calcium chloride 20~50 ml, twice a day. Note that intravenous injection speed should be slow, liquid medicine should not leak into the skin. At the same time, vitamin B130 mg and vitamin B12 0.5 mg mixed intramuscular injection, twice a day.

3. After calcium gluconate injection, adenosine triphosphate 0.1 g and coenzyme A500 units were dissolved in water for injection and injected intramuscularly twice a day.

4. Antongding 10 ml, vitamin B colloidal calcium 5 ml, vitamin B 16 ml intramuscular injection, twice a day, for 7 days.

(2) TCM syndrome differentiation

1. Paralysis occurs during postpartum or lactation of sows, mostly due to deficiency of qi and blood, invasion of cold and dampness, stagnation of meridians, obstruction of meridians, loss of nourishment of tendons and paralysis. Therefore, in the treatment must be warm meridians, dispel wind wins dampness, tonic qi and blood for the principle. Take modified windproof soup boiled, one dose a day, even take three days. Modified Dafangfeng Decoction: 10g Astragalus membranaceus, 10g Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, 18g Angelica sinensis, 10g Radix Codonopsis, 10g Radix Saposhnikoviae, 10g Rhizoma Et Radix Notopterygium, 6g Radix aconiti, 8g Rhizoma Chuanxiong, 10g Radix Paeoniae Alba, 10g Radix Rehmanniae, 10g Radix Glycyrrhizae and 10g ginger. In the formula, Notopterygium root, radix sileris, radix aconiti lateralis and ginger warm meridians and dredge collaterals, dispel wind and overcome dampness; radix codonopsitis, astragalus root, atractylodes rhizome and liquorice strengthen spleen and qi; rehmannia root, angelica root, ligusticum wallichii and white peony root nourish yin and enrich blood. Qi and blood are replenished, cold and dampness are dispelled, meridians are activated, tendons are warmed and nourished by qi and blood, and diseases are self-healing.

(3) Acupuncture therapy

Fire needle needling Baihui point has a good therapeutic effect on this disease. Specific operation: Cut hair at the depression of waist cross combination, disinfect with iodine, burn acupuncture needle with alcohol lamp flame for a while until it is not scalded skin, vertically pierce Baihui acupoint, enter needle 3~5 cm.

Whether the acupuncture point is accurately pricked or not should be judged according to the pig's reaction to acupuncture. If the acupuncture point is accurately pricked, the pig will react strongly, and will emit bursts of howling along with the lifting and twisting of the needle. The muscles of the limbs will also vibrate along with it, and frequently expel a large amount of dry feces. This reaction is called qi in acupuncture. After getting qi, in order to improve the curative effect, it is necessary to constantly lift and insert, turn greatly or re-flick the needle with the index finger to increase the stimulation amount, and keep the needle for 5~10 minutes; if the sick pig reacts slowly after the needle is inserted, it means that the acupuncture point is not accurately punctured, and the needle should be withdrawn, but it is not necessary to withdraw from the skin, and then penetrate forward or backward until the reaction is strong.

The reason is that strong stimulation of Baihui point can strengthen the function of dredging channels and activating collaterals. During acupuncture, a large amount of dry feces is discharged, so that gastrointestinal emptying and toxin absorption are reduced, gastrointestinal motility is promoted, and rehabilitation is improved.

In addition, for the prevention of this disease, sows should strengthen exercise at ordinary times, adjust the feed formula in the lactation stage, increase the calcium and phosphorus content, and usually add 5~10 tablets of calcium gluconate and 10 grams of artificial salt to the feed. During lactation, pigs should be wiped with coarse cloth frequently to promote blood circulation and nerve function recovery. Once the sow is paralyzed, it is necessary to add soft litter to it and often lift it up to prevent bedsores. The sick pig is turned 2 to 3 times a day. Those who move slightly should drive it away.