
Key points of Prevention and treatment of Sheep placenta retention

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The main methods of prevention and prevention are to strengthen the feeding and management of pregnant sheep: the principle of feed matching should not make pregnant sheep too fat; proper exercise must be ensured every day. Second, treatment within 14 hours after delivery, can wait for it to fall off on its own. If more than 14 hours, appropriate measures must be taken, because at this time the placenta has begun to decay, if detained in the uterus, can cause serious inflammation of the uterine mucosa, resulting in temporary or permanent infertility, and sometimes even septicaemia. Therefore, when it exceeds 14 hours, it should be adopted as soon as possible.

I. Prevention

The main preventive method is to strengthen the feeding and management of pregnant sheep: feed coordination should not make pregnant sheep too fat as the principle; proper exercise must be ensured every day.

II. Treatment

Within 14 hours after delivery, you can wait for it to fall off by itself. If more than 14 hours, appropriate measures must be taken, because at this time the placenta has begun to decay, if detained in the uterus, can cause serious inflammation of the uterine mucosa, resulting in temporary or permanent infertility, and sometimes even septicaemia. Therefore, when more than 14 hours, should use the following methods for treatment as soon as possible, never pull the placenta, so as not to tear off and leave the placenta in the womb.

1. Surgical stripping of placenta

① first rinses the vulva and placenta with disinfectant, then rinses and disinfects the operator's arm with tannic acid alcohol solution, and smears with disinfection ointment to avoid bringing pathogenic bacteria into the uterus. If you have a small cut or bruise on your hand, you must apply iodine tincture and adhesive tape in advance.

② holds the placenta in one hand and feeds it into a rubber tube with the other, injecting a warm potassium permanganate solution (1RV 10000) into the uterus.

③ reached into the uterus and stripped the chorion from the maternal cotyledon. When stripping, from near to far. First squeeze the pedicle of the cotyledon with the middle finger and thumb, and then try to peel off the fetal membrane covered on the cotyledon. In order to facilitate peeling, you can squeeze cotyledons with your fingers in advance.

Care should be taken when peeling, because cotyledons can cause massive bleeding when they are damaged, and open the door for the entry of microorganisms, which can easily cause serious systemic symptoms.

two。 Subcutaneous injection of oxytocin

The vagina and vagina of sheep are small, and only people with small hands can perform placenta exfoliation. If the hand is reluctantly extended into the uterus, it is not easy to peel off, but there is a risk of damage to the birth canal, so when it is difficult to reach into the hand, only subcutaneous injection of oxytocin 2: 3 international units (injection 1-3 times, 8-12 hours interval). If combined with warm saline to rinse the uterus, the effect is better. In order to drain the fluid from the uterus, the sheep's forelimbs can be lifted.

3. Timely treatment of septicemia

If the placenta stays for a long time, severe postpartum septicemia often occurs. It is characterized by elevated body temperature, loss of appetite and cessation of rumination. The pulse is thin and fast, the breathing is fast and shallow; the skin is cold (especially at the ears, breasts and horns). When he is happy to lie down, he is very indifferent to the surrounding environment, and the foul-smelling liquid comes out of the vulva. In such a situation, treatment should be carried out as soon as possible.

① intramuscular injection of antibiotics: penicillin 400000 international unit, once every 6 to 8 hours, streptomycin 1 gram, once every 12 hours.

Tetracycline was injected intravenously in ②. Tetracycline was injected into 500000 international units of glucose injection twice a day.

③ rinses the uterus with 1% cold saline. After draining the saline, the uterus is injected with penicillin 400000 IU and streptomycin 1 g, once a day until cured.

④ 10% glucose 25% glucose injection 300ml, 40% urotropine 10ml, intravenous injection, once or twice a day, until cured.

⑤ combined with clinical manifestations, timely symptomatic treatment, such as stomach tonic, laxative, cardiotonic and so on.