
There are many varieties of chicken. What kind of breed is good to raise?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Chicken breeds are divided into standard breeds, commercial breeds and local breeds. At present, commercial varieties are commonly raised, and standard varieties such as Bailaihang and Luodaohong are no longer used as breeding materials in commercial breeding. Commercial chicken breeds are selected by breeding companies and named by breeding companies, such as Roman Brown, Highland White and so on. Modern commercial breeds are characterized by specialization of breeds, high production performance, and most commercial chickens are hybrid chickens. Modern commercial varieties mainly come from a few standard varieties, such as Bailaihang, Luo Island Red, White Locke, etc., but the standard

Chicken breeds are divided into standard breeds, commercial breeds and local breeds. At present, commercial varieties are commonly raised, and standard varieties such as Bailaihang and Luodaohong are no longer used as breeding materials in commercial breeding. Commercial chicken breeds are selected by breeding companies and named by breeding companies, such as Roman Brown, Highland White and so on. Modern commercial breeds are characterized by specialization of breeds, high production performance, and most commercial chickens are hybrid chickens. Modern commercial breeds mainly come from a few standard breeds, such as Bailaihang, Luodaohong, Bailock, etc., but the names of standard breeds are no longer important to @ # @ 230 chicken breeders, so chicken breeders are familiar with the commercial names of chickens and no longer consider their standard names.

Local breeds have their own characteristics, and China is rich in local breed resources. Chinese Poultry breeds published in 1989 included 27 local chicken breeds in China. These local chicken breeds have their own characteristics and are very valuable genetic resources. Yellow-feathered broilers which have developed rapidly in recent years have made full use of the good meat quality of local chicken breeds in China.