
The short-spike cuttings of single-clump tea have obvious advantages in raising seedlings.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dancong tea is of stable quality and easy to be made into high-grade tea. The finished tea is mellow and refreshing, with honey flavor, and is one of the best oolong teas. The tea has the advantages of wide adaptability, strong stress resistance, early germination and fast growth. Generally, it can harvest 6 mures and 7 rounds a year, with high yield and good economic benefits. The short spike seedling of single clump tea can maintain the excellent characters and characteristics of single clump tea, which is conducive to the establishment and cultivation of new tea gardens with purer characters, and because of the wide source of materials and short seedling raising time, it can propagate a large number of seedlings rapidly, which is a "more, fast, good and economical" solution.

Dancong tea is of stable quality and easy to be made into high-grade tea. The finished tea is mellow and refreshing, with honey flavor, and is one of the best oolong teas. The tea has the advantages of wide adaptability, strong stress resistance, early germination and fast growth. Generally, it can harvest 6 mures and 7 rounds a year, with high yield and good economic benefits. The short-spike seedling of single-clump tea can maintain the excellent characters and characteristics of single-clump tea, which is beneficial to the establishment and cultivation of new tea gardens with pure characters, and because of the wide source of materials and short breeding time, it can propagate a large number of seedlings rapidly. it is an effective way to solve the shortage of tea seedlings "more, fast, good and economical", and it is beneficial to the rapid popularization of improved varieties.

First, select the land: choose the slightly alkaline loam with flat terrain, leeward to the sun, sufficient water, loose and fertile soil, good drainage and irrigation, do not choose vegetable garden.

2. Land preparation and bed raising: the whole field should be turned 15 meters and 18 centimeters deep, and 1000 kilograms of rotten soil miscellaneous fertilizer and 25 kilograms of calcium superphosphate should be used as base fertilizer per mu. After the base fertilizer is fully mixed with the soil, the border should be 1 meter wide and 15 centimeters high, and the ditch width should be 3645 centimeters. In this way, the ditch can be used as both a drainage ditch and a working channel.

Third, laying yellow core soil: the border surface is leveled and covered with a layer of fine broken yellow soil without grass roots of about 7 centimeters, which is slightly pressed, not an instant cutting seedbed, and the yellow core soil is not paved for the time being, so that it can be cut while laying.

Fourth, select cuttings and cuttings: select the branches of the year that are free from diseases and insect pests at the base of tea trees as cuttings. Pick the top bud of the branch before cutting, wait for the branch yellow-green to harden or the epidermis brown with yellow, achieve semi-Lignification or Lignification, axillary bud sprouting until the fish leaves will unfold, and the panicle should be cut from the top to the bottom, starting from the green hardening node, each leaf is a spike, each ear length is about 3 cm. If a node is not long enough, one leaf can be removed and two nodes can be cut into an ear, the lower end of the cut should be smooth and slightly inclined, can not be broken, the leaf should be complete and free of diseases and insects. Cuttings are required to be cut while cutting, and can be soaked in indole acetic acid in 500ppm or indolebutyric acid in 1000ppm before insertion, which can promote root. Cuttings that need to be stored for a short time should be placed in a cool and ventilated place to prevent sunlight. Cuttings can not be overnight, do not soak in water.

Fifth, cutting time and methods: the suitable time for cutting is from May to June, because the tea seedlings cut during this period have fast rooting, high survival rate and can grow up and come out of the nursery in the same year. Generally choose to carry on the cuttage in the cloudy day, if the sunny day should be carried out before 11:00, after 4 pm. According to the specifications of cuttings, the leaves do not overlap. The middle leaf species of the genus Camellia are generally 6 cm × 9 cm in row spacing and 70-80 000 ears per mu. Before cutting, press the yellow soil slightly, and fully sprinkle water, and wait for the yellow mud to dry without sticking to the hand. Before insertion, draw a line on the border surface according to the prescribed plant spacing, squeeze both sides of the axillary buds with your thumb and index finger, insert the soil obliquely into the petiole, and press the soil next to the cuttings slightly with two fingers after insertion, so that the lower end of the cuttings stick with the soil, and then immediately sprinkle water to shade. The leaf direction of the cuttings had better be consistent with the direction of the monsoon to facilitate fixed growth. Be careful not to bury the axillary buds in the yellow mud.

VI. Nursery management

The nursery should be watered and shaded frequently in the early stage to improve the survival rate, while in the later stage, it is necessary to do a good job of topdressing, weeding, picking buds and preventing diseases and insect pests.

1, moisture: always keep the seedbed water content about 60%, not too dry, too wet, let alone stagnant water. After insertion, in addition to rainy days, before the root is drenched with water every morning and evening, and after the root, once a day or every other day, it is appropriate to wet the topsoil on the border surface. Watering tools had better use spray buckets or sprinkler buckets to prevent scouring of tea seedlings.

2. Shading: shading should be done from September to October, and then the shading should be reduced gradually for three times, until one month before coming out of the nursery.

3. Topdressing: three months after cutting is the period of rooting and root growth, because the roots are shallow and few, and the base fertilizer can not be absorbed, so topdressing should be applied in time after the new shoots are ripe. The principle is "apply thin fertilizer frequently, a small amount for many times, dilute first and then concentrated, and alternate use of chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer." 5% human urine or 0.5% ammonium sulfate or 0.25% urea can be applied for the first time, and then the fertilization concentration can be gradually increased with the development of root system and the growth of tea seedlings. When the seedling height is 15ml / 18cm, 2.5 kg of ammonium sulfate can be used to flush water per mu. Fertilization should be carried out in sunny evening or cloudy days. Do not apply ammonium bicarbonate and ammonia chloride, ammonium bicarbonate is easy to hurt tea seedlings, ammonia chloride with chloride ion has a toxic effect on tea seedlings. In the later stage, 1000 ml 1500 kg of mature soil fertilizer and 100 kg of plant ash can be used per mu, which should be mixed well and sprinkled with water after application.

4. Weeding and bud picking: be careful not to hurt tea seedlings when pulling weeds, and water should be drenched in time after pulling weeds; buds and young fruits in seedling stage should be removed in time so as not to consume nutrients.

5. Pest control:

The main pest control of ①: the inchworm was sprayed with 50% phoxim EC 1500mur2000 times; mites were sprayed with 50% bromoacarate EC 1200 times; leafhoppers and whitefly whitefly were sprayed with 2500 times of imidacloprid; leaf rollers were sprayed with 80% dichlorvos, 600tel 800 times.

Prevention and control of main diseases of ②: 70% pentachloronitro powder was applied to tea white silk disease, and the soil surface was sprinkled with 2.5 kg pentachloronitro powder per mu. After application, the soil was loosened so that the powder was evenly mixed into the soil. It is best to sprinkle the powder once more at intervals of about 10ml for 15 days. Stem blight can be controlled with 0.7% lime half-dose Bordeaux solution. In addition, pentachloronitroclonium can be sprinkled on the soil between the rows of tea seedlings, at a dosage of 1-2.5 kg per mu. After application, the soil is loosened, and then it is applied again every 10 times every 15 days. The blight is controlled with 0.7% lime half-dose Bordeaux solution or 80% Dysen zinc wettable powder 600 times. Bud blight was controlled with 1000-fold solution of 70% methyl topiramate wettable powder or 80% Dysen zinc wettable powder.

6. The standard of tea seedling coming out of the nursery: the height of the seedling is 30 cm, the stem is about 0.4 cm, the leaf color is green, there are no diseases and insect pests, there are branches, and the root system is well developed. The nursery should be drenched with water the day before leaving the nursery, and the seedlings must be properly soaked and pulped for transportation.