
Gourd tea can kill conical snails

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Experiments were carried out with gourd tea powder and decoction as germicidal agents. The results showed that the two dosage forms had killing effect on conical snails. Death can occur within 24 hours when the effective concentration of the powder is 0.1%, and all the conical snails can be killed within 24 hours when the concentration is 0.5%. When the effective concentration of the decoction was 0.0143%, death occurred 48 hours later, and when the effective concentration was 0.572%, all died after 52 hours.

Experiments were carried out with powder and decoction of gourd tea as killing agents. The results showed that both of the two formulations had killing effect on Concha concha. When the effective concentration of the powder was 0.1%, death could occur within 24 hours, and when the concentration was 0.5%, death could occur within 24 hours. When the effective concentration of decoction was 0.0143%, death occurred after 48 hours, and when the effective concentration was 0.572%, all died after 52 hours.