
Oleander willow leaf peach red for half a year

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Alias: Willow leaf peach, half a year red family: for oleander, oleander origin: originating in Iran, now widely planted in tropical and subtropical areas; cultivated in various provinces and regions of our country. Morphological features: evergreen shrubs, up to 5 meters high, aqueous, glabrous. Leaves 3 Mel 4 whorled, opposite in lower part of branches, narrowly lanceolate, 11-15 cm long and 2 mi 2.5 cm wide, light green below; lateral veins flattened, densely parallel. Cymes terminal; calyx erect; Corolla crimson, fragrant, double

Alias: Willow leaf peach, half a year red

Families and genera: oleander family, oleander genus

Place of origin:

Native to Iran, it is now widely planted in tropical and subtropical regions; it is cultivated in all provinces and regions of China.

Morphological features:

Large evergreen shrubs, up to 5 m high, aqueous, glabrous. Leaves 3 Mel 4 whorled, opposite in lower part of branches, narrowly lanceolate, 11-15 cm long and 2 mi 2.5 cm wide, light green below; lateral veins flattened, densely parallel. Cymes terminal; calyx erect; Corolla crimson, fragrant, double; corona scalelike, apical lacerate. Very rectangular orbicular, 10-23 cm long, 1.5 li 2 cm in diameter; seed tip with yellow-brown seed hairs.

Growth habits:

Like the sun, but also can adapt to a more overcast environment. Like warm, humid climate, not cold-resistant, afraid of waterlogging. The requirements of the soil are not strict, and the well-drained, fertile neutral soil is the most suitable, slightly acidic or light alkaline can also adapt. The tree is strong in resistance and absorption to toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide and chlorine. The base and branches of the plant have strong germination ability and are resistant to pruning.

Methods of reproduction:

Oleander can be propagated by cutting, ramet and striping, among which cutting is the most commonly used propagation method.

Cutting can be carried out in both spring and summer. If the cuttings were soaked in clean water for 7 ~ 10 days before cutting and kept fresh, they could take root ahead of time and the survival rate would be improved. Can also be inserted with water, the base of the cuttings immersed in water, maintain a water temperature of about 20 ℃, often change water, rooting after transplanting into the seedling bed maintenance, the effect is also very good.

Peel the 1~1.5cm wide skin around the appropriate part of the biennial branch in spring, then press and bury it in another basin of soil, and then pay attention to watering to keep the basin soil moist, and cut off its mother plant at the end of summer or early autumn.

Cultivation management:

Oleander has higher requirements for fertilizer and water, which requires more fertilizers such as pig manure and bean cake, and is often watered to keep semi-wet. Frosts Descent went to the cold cellar to spend the winter. At this time, there is no need to fertilize, but less watering, root soil 3~4cm thick. It comes out of the cellar when the weather is warm in April and blossoms from April to July. Pick the heart after flowering and promote its branches to continue to bloom. Oleander can germinate 3 or 4 times a year and grow more than 30cm.


Stem bark fiber is an excellent blended raw material and can be used to produce cardiotonic agent; roots and bark contain cardiotonic glycosides and phthalein crystals and a small amount of essential oils; stems and leaves can be used to produce pesticides.

Oleander in the south is suitable for park green space, roadside, lawn edge, traffic island and other places to plant, can put on the summer with few flowers "peach red willow green" new clothes. It is also suitable for planting anti-pollution tree species in industrial and mining areas. Because of its colorful flowers and long flowering period, it is also suitable for potted ornamental plants.


The leaves are poisonous and inedible, and can be fatal if eaten by humans and animals.