
Dog breed-Meat Green Dragon Dog

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In recent years, dog meat has become very popular in the market, and the dog industry has also developed. However, although every household has the habit of keeping dogs in rural areas for a long time, it is mainly used as a caretaker and guardian, and there is basically no special breed of meat dogs. Meat Qinglong Dog is a new breed of meat dog bred by the improved Meat Dog breeding Base of Chinese Agricultural Association and the Meat Dog Research Institute of Jilin Province. it is a hybrid breed. Its father is the Tibetan mastiff produced in Xizang in China. The dog is tall and swift, shoulder width up to 80cm and weight nearly 100cm.

In recent years, dog meat has become very popular in the market, and the dog industry has also developed. However, although every household has the habit of keeping dogs in rural areas for a long time, it is mainly used as a caretaker and guardian, and there is basically no special breed of meat dogs. Meat Qinglong Dog is a new breed of meat dog bred by the improved Meat Dog breeding Base of Chinese Agricultural Association and the Meat Dog Research Institute of Jilin Province. it is a hybrid breed. Its father is the Tibetan mastiff produced in Xizang in China. The dog is tall and swift, shoulder width up to 80cm and weight nearly 100kg. The maternal line is a Mongolian shepherd dog born in Inner Mongolia, China. This dog is not only tall, but also has outstanding maternal characteristics, with high estrus rate, pregnancy rate and litter rate. Therefore, the Green Dragon Dog not only has the shape of paternal tiger and lion, but also has a high reproduction rate like its maternal line, so it can directly use the Green Dragon Dog to continue to breed the next generation of puppies. The adult dog of Qinglong Dog can weigh up to 50 kg, and it has rapid development and high meat production rate. It only needs to be raised for 4 months.

The green dragon dog has a beautiful appearance, gentle character, not easy to fight, not easy to bark, does not become an enemy, is easy to play, and is conducive to the accumulation of lean meat; it is also resistant to rough feeding, easy to raise, and eats whole grains, not only vegetables but also livestock and poultry meat. Adult dogs only need half a kilogram of feed a day to meet their growth and development needs. Azure Dragon dog has fresh and tender meat, rich nutrition, nourishing and drug therapy, and plays a role in tonifying blood, tonifying the kidney, fitness and beauty, and prolonging life.

Although Qinglong dog has the characteristics of strong disease resistance, low viral infection rate, high cure rate and low mortality rate, epidemic prevention must be done well, scientific feeding must be carried out in accordance with strict epidemic prevention procedures, enclosure and feeding utensils should be disinfected regularly, cleaned every day, keep clean, and dogs in abnormal condition should be treated in time to ensure the normal growth of Qinglong dogs.

The Chinese Agricultural Association has fully recognized that the successful cultivation of meat Qinglong Dog has filled the gap of meat dog breeds at home and abroad. Up to now, nearly 10,000 improved breeds of green dragon dogs have been promoted to 25 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, including Heilongjiang, Shandong, Guangdong and * *, and have been praised and praised by more than 200 domestic farms. In March 1999, it was registered as a trademark of "Green Dragon Meat Dog" in the State Administration of Industry and Commerce, and was appraised as a "famous brand product" by'99 China International Agriculture. It is worth popularizing throughout the country.