
Rice-soft-shelled turtle-Loach eco-agricultural engineering technology

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, 1. The environmental conditions of the producing area require a good ecological environment, away from pollution sources and good air; paddy fields with high ridges, thick and compact, sticky soil, high soil fertility and sustainable development ability; good irrigation and drainage conditions, sufficient water sources, fresh water quality. two。 Paddy field engineering facilities A circular ditch is dug around the paddy field, with a width of 1 meter and a depth of 0.5 meters, surrounded by anti-escape plastic sheet along the ridge of the field (40-50 cm high above ground and 20-30 cm deep underground), and a double-layer anti-escape block is set up at the inlet and outlet. 3. Rice, river crab

1. The environmental conditions of the producing area require a good ecological environment, away from pollution sources and good air; paddy fields with high ridges, thick and compact, sticky soil, high soil fertility and sustainable development ability; good irrigation and drainage conditions, sufficient water sources, fresh water quality.

two。 Paddy field engineering facilities A circular ditch is dug around the paddy field, with a width of 1 meter and a depth of 0.5 meters, surrounded by anti-escape plastic sheet along the ridge of the field (40-50 cm high above ground and 20-30 cm deep underground), and a double-layer anti-escape block is set up at the inlet and outlet.

3. Rice, river crab, @ # @ 237 crab, selected rice varieties with high quality, high yield and strong stress resistance approved by the state or local, and successfully demonstrated locally; crab species and Loach species require high quality, strong physique and neat specifications. 160 crabs per kilogram and 130 loaches per kilogram.

4. The seedling throwing density of rice and the stocking density of crab and Loach are 1.6 ~ 17000 holes per mu, 3 plants per hole for conventional rice and 2 plants per hole for hybrid rice. There are 450 buckle crabs and 340 Loach species.

5. Buckle crab and loach seed stocking method after throwing rice seedlings for 30 days (15 days after the rice fields closed without herbicides before throwing seedlings), the crab and Loach species were respectively put into the rice field along the circular ditch, and were soaked in 3%-4% saline solution for 5 minutes before release.

6. The field was soaked before rice seedling throwing, and the water layer was kept at 5cm during seedling throwing and 7cm at tillering stage. The irrigation depth was controlled at 10cm to 20cm according to rice plant height after tillering and before maturity, and rice was drained and dried after maturity. The species of buckled crab and Loach were replaced with fresh water twice before they were put in, and once every 3-5 days after putting in, and each time the amount of fresh water was 1 inch, 1 inch, 2 times of the total amount of water in the field.

7. Fertilization requires that under the premise of applying sufficient base fertilizer, organic fertilizer should be combined with non-shed bar, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be applied together, and topdressing should be "eat less and eat more". Nitrogen, ∶, phosphorus, ∶ and potassium are generally 1 ∶ 0.5 ∶ 0.5. Per mu of pure nitrogen (N) is generally no more than 15 kg, zinc sulfate 1 kg 2 kg.

8. The principle of "prevention first, comprehensive prevention and control" should be carried out in drug use. Advocate the use of cultivation measures, tillage measures, biological measures and ecological measures to prevent and control diseases, insects and weeds. Rice seedlings are closed with herbicides with low toxicity, high efficiency and no residual herbicides (river crabs feed on weeds in rice fields, rice fields that promote rice-crab-Loach ecological agriculture year after year do not need to be closed with herbicides), and no chemicals are used after seedling throwing. When pesticides must be used, pesticides with low toxicity, high efficiency and no residues should be selected, foliar spraying method should be adopted, and the use of organophosphorus pesticides is strictly prohibited.

9. After feeding the buckle crab into the rice field, the crab was fed once a day along the ring ditch, and the feeding amount was 5% to 8% of the body weight of the river crab (increased with the weight of the river crab). There are two kinds of bait families of animal and plant, such as soybean cake (meal), peanut cake (meal), corn, sweet potato, potato and all kinds of aquatic plants, while animal bait has small miscellaneous fish, snail, clam and so on. Matching bait according to the nutritional growth needs of river crabs.

10. After rice harvest and river crab and Loach catch rice mature, it is required that pollution-free rice should be harvested and separated from ordinary rice, and it is strictly forbidden to mix and store with poisonous, harmful, corrosive and odorous materials; Loach baskets were used to catch Loach in early September; after September 10, river crabs were caught by running water fishing, light trapping and screen fishing.