
Pick spring tea to protect the branches.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The postharvest tube of spring tea is very different from whatever, because the postharvest tree of spring tea has consumed a lot of nutrients, if the management can not keep up with it, it will not only affect the yield and quality of summer and autumn tea, but also affect the yield and quality of spring tea in the coming year. According to the practical experience of our field, we should pay attention to the following key points after spring tea harvest: 1. Reasonable topdressing. It is determined that for every 50 kg of dry tea, it is necessary to absorb 2.5-3 kg of nitrogen, 0.9-1.2 kg of phosphorus and 1.1-1.5 kg of potassium from the soil. It can be 30 centimeters between tea trees.

The postharvest tube of spring tea is very different from whatever, because the postharvest tree of spring tea has consumed a lot of nutrients, if the management can not keep up with it, it will not only affect the yield and quality of summer and autumn tea, but also affect the yield and quality of spring tea in the coming year. According to the practical experience of our field, we should pay attention to the following key points after spring tea harvest:

1. Reasonable topdressing. It is determined that for every 50 kg of dry tea, it is necessary to absorb 2.5-3 kg of nitrogen, 0.9-1.2 kg of phosphorus and 1.1-1.5 kg of potassium from the soil. You can dig trenches at 30cm between tea trees and apply 10-15kg urea, 3000-4000 kg soil miscellaneous fertilizer, 3000-4000 kg pig and cattle fertilizer, and 20-30 kg phosphorus, potash or cake fertilizer per 667m2. If the tree is very weak, it can be sprayed with 0.5% urea and 0.2% UV 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

2. Ploughing and weeding. The depth of intertillage is about 10-15 cm, which can be deeper at 30-40 cm from the root neck of the tea tree, and remove all weeds through mid-ploughing to loosen the soil, improve the soil water storage and fertilizer supply capacity, and promote the tree potential to recover as soon as possible.

3. Scientific pruning. Light pruning of the branches retained in the current year, removing the shoots that grew last year, growing branches, withered branches, disease and insect branches, etc., and retaining strong branches on the cluster surface to facilitate bud germination. For aging tea trees, heavy pruning should be carried out to cut off about 1/2 of the tea crown, leaving main branches and side branches. Or take the table cutting method, cut off the part more than 7-10 cm away from the stem base, and then re-apply fertilizer to strengthen management to achieve the purpose of renewal and rejuvenation.

4. Prevention and control of diseases and pests. The main diseases and insect pests of tea in spring are leaf blight, tea caterpillar, leafhopper, tea aphid and so on. The whole garden should be sprayed with stone sulfur mixture and Bordeaux solution to control leaf blight. The tea caterpillar can be sprayed with 1000 times of 90% trichlorfon or 2000 times of dichlorvos. The leafhopper and tea aphid can be sprayed with 2000 times of dimethoate or 1000 times of aldicarb.