
Regulation of growth induction process modeling technology of Ganoderma lucidum

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, 1. The characteristics of the induction process modeling are different from the traditional manual modeling technology. The induction process modeling is controlled artificially, and the materials used make it grow as naturally as possible. For example, fish need flakes of ganoderma lucidum with smooth and winged fins; birds have to use feathery, long-shaped ganoderma lucidum covers as the main body. To make Ganoderma lucidum grow into such a variety of forms, it is necessary to master the environmental conditions that affect the shape of Ganoderma lucidum. 2. Ganoderma lucidum morphology and environmental conditions affect the morphology of Ganoderma lucidum mainly by meteorological factors such as light, gas, humidity, temperature and so on. (1) Ganoderma lucidum is sensitive to light

1. The characteristics of the induction process modeling are different from the traditional manual modeling technology. The induction process modeling is controlled artificially, and the materials used make it grow as naturally as possible.

For example, fish need flakes of ganoderma lucidum with smooth and winged fins; birds have to use feathery, long-shaped ganoderma lucidum covers as the main body. To make Ganoderma lucidum grow into such a variety of forms, it is necessary to master the environmental conditions that affect the shape of Ganoderma lucidum.

2. Ganoderma lucidum morphology and environmental conditions affect the morphology of Ganoderma lucidum mainly by meteorological factors such as light, gas, humidity, temperature and so on.

(1) Ganoderma lucidum is sensitive to light, which is mainly shown in three aspects:

The intensity of ① light obviously affects the formation and appearance of Ganoderma lucidum pigment. Accordingly, Ganoderma lucidum individuals with different shades and changing colors can be obtained by giving different light quantity and light quality.

② Ganoderma lucidum has phototaxis, changing the direction of the light source, the fruiting body will turn around. Based on this, the arbitrary extension to the sesame body can be obtained.

② in low light or dark conditions; Ganoderma lucidum will not form a normal cap. Based on this, we can cultivate Ganoderma lucidum clubbing, which has a long and yellow-white handle.

(2) oxygen Ganoderma lucidum aerobic, under good ventilation conditions, can form a large cap. If ventilation is controlled to increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air to 0.3%, the primordium occurs at multiple points, the stalk is elongated, and multiple branches are produced. The tip of the branch is pestle-shaped and the color is lighter.

(3) humidity the suitable air humidity for Ganoderma lucidum fruiting body growth is 90%-95%. If the humidity decreases at this time, the white growth ring will quickly turn yellow and the growth will stop.

(4) the suitable temperature for the growth of Ganoderma lucidum is 260 ℃ and can be carried out under the condition of constant temperature.

3. Growth characteristics and technological modeling Ganoderma lucidum has a variety of characteristics in the process of growth. These characteristics play an important role in process modeling.

The main results are as follows: (1) the young tissue has strong healing ability when there is a white growth ring at the top of the primordium or the cover edge of the young bacteria, they will grow together soon, and the combination is very strong.

(2) the ventral side of the cap is tenacious after the cap has grown; turn the culture bag over so that the original upward back is facing down and the porous ventral side is facing up. Soon, the original back grows back and becomes the ventral side, while the original ventral side expands into the back side.

(3) sensitive to some chemical drugs, some chemical drugs can affect the morphology of Ganoderma lucidum. If a certain dehydrating agent is applied to the young seedling cover, it can inhibit the expansion and dehydration of the cap, thus making it deformed as desired. Also, apply alcohol to the tip of the growing stalk, that is, a thick stalk, bifurcated and scarred cap.

(4) Ganoderma lucidum cap is often distorted with the change of ecological conditions, or the size is very different, or the shape is different, or the color is different. This kind of distortion provides convenience for artificial modeling. As long as we are good at controlling ecological conditions and paying attention to finding useful metamorphosis, we can get more beautiful processing materials.

4. Cultivation of several special forms

(1) if the thick bacterial cap controls the aeration condition of the growing Ganoderma lucidum and increases the concentration of carbon dioxide to 0.5%, a proliferative layer appears under the bacterial cap, thus forming a bacterial cap that is twice as thick as the normal bacterial cap.

(2) in the mother cover, when the growth circle of Ganoderma lucidum is close to stop, continue to maintain suitable conditions, at the same time, use a sterilized inoculation needle to break the cover near the growth circle, form several scars, and continue to culture, then pull out the short handle from the scar and form a small bacterial cover.

(3) when a double cover is placed on the lid of young seedlings that are growing vigorously, and a paper tube is covered to make light penetrate through the top, the cap stops growing horizontally, and small protuberances grow from the cover and extend the long stalk, which differentiates into a lid and becomes a double Ganoderma lucidum after it emerges from the paper tube.

5. Processing and decoration as mentioned above, after a lot of good Ganoderma lucidum materials have been obtained, they can be trimmed, polished, glued according to the design requirements, and then fixed on a simple and elegant tray or in a refined glass frame cover, and affixed with beautiful poetry, inlaid with trademarks, packaged, and then can enter the market.