
8 kinds of edible mushroom food processing technology

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fresh edible fungi have high moisture content, can not be stored for a long time after harvest, will soon open umbrella, deterioration, mildew, reduce or even lose commodity value. At present, most of the edible fungi are fresh and dried products, and there are very few deep-processed products, such as canned products, accounting for only 4%. In the future, people's requirements for the quality and variety of edible fungi will be higher and higher. Developing edible fungi deep processing and developing series products is the main way to broaden the production field and sales market at present. 1. Preserved mushroom 1. Raw material selection: selecting fresh mushroom with medium size, natural color, complete mushroom shape and no disease and insect spots as

Fresh edible fungi have high moisture content and can not be stored for a long time after harvest. They will soon open umbrellas, deteriorate, mildew, reduce or even lose commodity value. At present, most of the edible fungi are fresh and dried products, and there are very few deeply processed products, such as canned mushrooms account for only 4%. In the future, people have higher and higher requirements for the quality and variety of edible fungi. To carry out deep processing of edible fungi and develop a series of products is the main way to broaden the production field and market.

Preserved mushrooms

1. Raw material selection: choose the fresh mushroom with medium size, natural color, complete mushroom shape and no disease and insect spots as the raw material.

two。 Pretreatment: soak in ① salt water: remove impurities from the harvested fresh mushrooms and immediately soak them in 1%-2% salt water for 4 hours to increase the hardness of the mushroom body. ② blanching: the mushroom body washed and drained after soaking in salt water is blanched in boiling water for 7 minutes to destroy enzyme activity and prevent mushroom body from browning. ③ refurbishment: make the mushroom body the same size. Cut the larger mushroom body properly, and remove the mushroom body fragments and residual mushrooms. ④ color protection: soak the refurbished mushroom body in 0.2% sodium pyrosulfite solution, soak for 8 hours for 10 hours, then rinse in flowing water.

3. Sugar stains: marinate the washed mushroom body with 40% sugar (by weight of fresh mushrooms) for 24 hours. Filter out the sugar solution, adjust the sugar degree to 50 Baume degrees, boil for 10 minutes, pour into the jar while it is hot, and continue to marinate for 24 hours.

4. Sugar boil: pour the mushroom body together with the sugar solution into a sandwich pan and bring to a boil. By using the method of gradually adding sugar and increasing converted sugar, the mushroom body was boiled until transparent and the concentration of sugar solution reached 65 Baume, cease fire. Pour the sugar solution together with the mushroom body into the dipping tank and soak for 24 hours.

5. Baking: pick up and drain the pieces of mushrooms boiled with sugar, put them in a platter and bake in the baking room. Bake at 65-70 ℃ until the mushroom body is transparent without sticking to the hands.

6. Packaging: baked preserved mushrooms, packed in hard plastic food boxes or plastic bags, sealed and preserved.

2. Rice beans with Coca Coli

1. Raw materials and formula: potato starch 50%, rich powder 29%, broken rice flour 20%, edible fungus powder 1%. Edible mushroom powder can be synthesized in the proportion of 65% mushroom powder and 35% Lentinus edodes powder.

two。 Technological process

(1) mixing of raw materials: put the raw materials into the mixer according to the formula and mix well with warm water with a salt content of 0.2%. The amount of water added is 36% of the total flour.

(2) rolling and making beans: the good dough is fed into a roller noodle press (Chongqing Lihuan Food Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd., Tel: 023-63507432) and pressed into a wide-band face. immediately into a bean-shaped concave mold granulator (Jiangsu Changzhou Yiqiu Central Asia drying equipment Co., Ltd., telephone: 0519-8905858), press the dough into bean-shaped wet blanks. The long diameter and short diameter of the granulator die are 0.8 cm and 0.3 cm respectively.

(3) Separation and screening: separate the molded beans from the powder. The separated wet bean blanks are slightly dried with hot air and then sent to the next process, and the powder is then sent back to the mixer for re-batching.

(4) Cooking molding: the slightly air-dried wet blanks are fed into the cooking equipment and treated with steam for 4 minutes to stabilize the shape of the beans. Then leave it at room temperature for 30 minutes.

(5) drying: the beans obtained in the previous process were baked at 95 ℃ for 40 minutes to reduce their water content to 13%. Remove and cool slowly and pack when the water content is reduced to 11%.

Canned abalone mushrooms

Abalone Pleurotus ostreatus, also known as black abalone mushroom, is rich in nutrition, crisp and delicious, short meat with thick handle and resistant to storage after cooking, so it is very suitable for processing and making cans.

1. Material selection and dressing: abalone mushrooms with normal color, no diseases and insect pests, spots and serious damage are selected as raw materials. Remove the impurities such as sawdust and cottonseed shell at the base of the mushroom handle with a stainless steel knife to keep the finishing surface intact.

two。 Rinsing and grading: the finished fresh mushrooms are soaked and rinsed in clean water and divided into 2 grades according to the cover diameter of 3 cm and 5 cm. The mushroom body of more than 6 cm is torn into 2-3 pieces by hand, and 3-4 cm is taken as a piece.

3. Pre-cooking and cooling: boil the mushroom water in a sandwich pot or aluminum pot according to the proportion of 1 ∶ 1 for 2-3 minutes (according to the degree of maturity of the mushroom). Pick it up and put it in clean water to cool quickly. Pre-boiled water is set aside for soup.

4. Soup: pre-boiled mushroom water 97.5%, refined salt 2.5%, after boiling, filter with 4 layers of gauze, as soup spare.

5. Canning: revolving glass bottles are used in cans. When canning, the whole mushroom and flake mushroom should be packed according to grade, and the size should be the same in the same jar. After canning, add the hot soup until it is basically full, leaving a top gap of 0.8 cm to 1 cm.

6. Exhaust, sealing: using heating drainage method to exhaust. When the central temperature of the tank reaches 80 ℃, it is sealed with a rotary bottle cap.

7. Sterilization, cooling: sterilize while hot, immediately put into cold water to cool to 38 ℃. Wipe off the water marks on the surface of the can and check it into storage.

Fourth, dried processing of edible fungi

Almost all edible fungi can be made into dried products. Drying process is divided into sun-drying and hot air drying. In spring, Lentinus edodes and fungus are mainly baked, high temperature in summer and autumn, and straw mushrooms are mainly sun-dried. Hot air drying, can be carried out in all seasons, suitable for all kinds of mushrooms, good drying quality. The quality of drying is also closely related to mushroom picking, grading, shearing, cleaning, slicing and so on. Lentinus edodes should be separated according to size, shape and thickness, flower mushrooms and thick mushrooms should be separated, and high-foot mushrooms, deformed mushrooms and diced mushrooms should be treated as external treatment. Cut off the base of the stalk (foot), leaving the length of the stalk 2-3 cm to remove weeds and sawdust. Drying method: dry the graded fresh mushrooms in the sun or bake them with charcoal fire. Do not pile them up before drying. If you bake with charcoal fire, the temperature is from low to high, start with 20: 30 ℃ for 6 hours, then bake with 50% 60 ℃ for 2 hours until the stalk is dry. The dried mushrooms should be turned over with their hands to make a noise, and it is appropriate to squeeze them easily. After cooling, it can be collected in plastic bags. When baking, pay attention to charcoal or coal fire do not have smoke and smell, strictly prevent broken bacteria burning smoke, otherwise affect the quality of dried mushrooms. In order to distribute the heat evenly, an iron plate can be covered on top of the fire. it is best to use a blower to send hot air or steam pipe to send warm air to dry. Dried straw mushroom, should choose the same size of the egg, remove the sediment, with a knife from the base of the cross cross cut two knives, cut the egg into 3 long, into 4 pieces, called orchid mushroom after drying. There is also a longitudinal cut from the side, leaving the wrapped foot uncut, or cutting 2 flaps. After cutting, dry on the cement floor. Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus ostreatus and Flammulina velutipes can all be dried or dried.

5. Salinization of edible fungi

After harvesting, the edible fungus was cleaned and cleaned, rinsed immediately with 0.6% salt water and soaked in 0.96% citric acid solution for 5 minutes to protect the color. Boil in 10% brine in a stainless steel pot or aluminum pot for 5 minutes for 10 minutes (i.e. "kill green"). The mushroom body will be cut open, with no white heart, mushroom body yellow uniform is better. Filter out the water and immediately cool the mushroom body in running water for 20 to 30 minutes. Put the mushroom into the jar layer by layer according to the amount of 20%-30% salt. After the full tank, add saturated salt water with 55% metaphosphoric acid, 40% citric acid and 5% alum as regulators, adjust to pH 3.5, and soak the mushroom surface layer. Insert a rubber hose into the cylinder and pump air 2 or 3 times a day to circulate the salt water up and down. Turn the vat 2 or 3 times in the middle, turn the jar of the soiled mushroom, and pour the whole jar into another empty jar. The salting is finished in about 20 days.

After salting, put it into the wrapper, add enough saturated salt water to immerse, and keep the pH 3.5. Edible mushrooms suitable for salting include mushrooms, Pleurotus ostreatus, hericium Erinaceus and so on.

Sixth, Lentinus edodes stalk pine

1. Raw material formula: Lentinus edodes stalk 100 kg, high quality soy sauce 4 kg ~ 6 kg, sugar 3 kg ~ 4 kg, peanut oil 2 kg ~ 3 kg, ginger and fennel right amount, onion 0.5 kg, refined salt 0.6 kg, compound monosodium glutamate 0.2 kg, yellow rice wine 4 kg, edible pigment and five spice powder appropriate amount.

two。 Make

(1) cut the sawdust-free, moth-free and mildew-free Lentinus edodes stalks into 1 cm long segments, rinse and soak in water for 1 to 2 days to soften them.

(2) add peanut oil to the pan, heat it, and deep-fry the ginger for a while. Add soy sauce, refined salt, fennel and other seasonings, boil for 30 minutes, then filter, add compound monosodium glutamate to form compound fresh juice, ready for use.

(3) put the mushroom stalk into the pot, add the right amount of water, boil over high heat and simmer over low heat for several hours. Ripe, remove, drain, put into a blender and crush.

(4) put the crushed raw material into the pot and cook it over a gentle fire and turn it continuously until the raw material is semi-fibrous. Spread it out on the bamboo mat, cool and add the compound fresh sauce.

(5) the seasoned material is baked in a pot, gradually weakening the heat and turning frequently. Start the pot until the fibers are all loose.

3. Finished product features: the appearance of Lentinus edodes stalk is golden, the texture is loose, soft, no scorched spots, delicious taste, strong smell of Lentinus edodes. Packaged and sold.

7. Mushroom garlic fresh chili sauce

Pleurotus ostreatus is not resistant to storage and long-distance transportation. Processing Pleurotus ostreatus with salty and delicious new compound condiment, mushroom and garlic fresh hot sauce, is a good way to realize the increment of Pleurotus ostreatus.

1. Formula: Pleurotus ostreatus 35%, bean paste 45%, red pepper 8%-10%, sugar 2%-3%, salt 1.5%-2.5%, ginger 1%, spices 0.5%, leftover rapeseed oil and sesame oil.

two。 Operation

(1) preparation: wash Pleurotus ostreatus, spread out and drain, tear into thin strips, dry until more than half dry, then cut into crushed pieces. Garlic cloves are peeled, washed and made into minced garlic. Red chili peppers with red color, spicy taste and low water content are selected, washed, drained, dried and chopped.

(2) Fry minced mushrooms: heat rapeseed oil in a cauldron to 150 ℃. Pour the minced mushrooms into the shredded fish with dense mesh and deep-fry in the pan for 5 seconds. Shake the shredded mushroom constantly to make it heated evenly. Remove the minced mushrooms when they are crispy.

(3) Fry red pepper: pour the chili into shredded fish in stages and deep-fry until slightly yellowish brown. Keep shaking the shredded fish to prevent some chili peppers from being underfried or overfried.

(4) Sauce: bring out the cooked rapeseed oil in the cauldron and put in all kinds of raw and auxiliary ingredients according to the formula. Filter the right amount of cooked rapeseed oil, stir and heat to 85 ℃, then can after 1 minute.

(5) canning: weigh the sauce body by 200g or 250g, put it into a washed sterilized bottle, add a layer of sesame oil to cover the top and seal the can immediately. If it needs to be stored for more than 3 months, it should be sterilized.

8. Mushroom flavor pickles

Cut off the base of the edible fungus, wash, boil and drain. Sauce: 100 kg of bean paste, 4 kg of vinegar, 20 kg of sugar, 0.4 kg of monosodium glutamate, 0.2 kg of chili powder, 15 g of potassium sorbate, 0.01 kg of citric acid, 0.3 kg of spice powder and 0.1 kg of other seasonings. Mix and grind the above raw materials, put 50 kg of mushroom and a layer of mushroom sauce into a large vat, pour the tank once after 3 days, and the finished product will be finished after 10 days.