
Talking about the cultivation and Management of Rhododendron

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rhododendron is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. Cuckoos can be watched in potted plants at home and are deeply loved by people. According to the practical experience of cultivation and management, the specific introductions are as follows: first, it is better to choose flowerpots with water permeability and strong air permeability, and it is not suitable to use glazed pots or vats for planting, because this kind of container has poor water absorption and air permeability. after watering, the soil is not easy to dry, for a long time, it is easy to cause rotting roots and, in serious cases, cause plant death. Therefore, for azaleas planted in purple sand pots, glaze pots and jars, more pots should be placed on the holes in the bottom of the basin.

Azalea is one of the ten famous flowers in China. Rhododendron can be potted in the home viewing, loved by people. According to the practical experience of cultivation management, the details are as follows:

1. Choose a flowerpot

Flower pots generally use permeable, breathable ability of the vegetarian pot for good, not with glazed pots or tank planting, because this container water absorption and permeability is poor, watering soil is not easy to dry, a long time, easy to cause rotten roots, serious cause plant death. Therefore, where planted in purple sand basin, glaze basin and jar azaleas, should be in the basin bottom hole pad more pot pieces, to ensure smooth drainage.

2. Upper basin and changing basin

Rhododendron on the pot time, normal conditions are carried out before autumn flowering. When putting on the pot, put the coarse drainage layer at the bottom of the pot first, then fill in the culture soil, put it in the shade after putting on the pot, strengthen the water spraying and watering management, so as to make it slow down quickly, and put it in an appropriate position for normal management after 5 to 7 days. Rhododendron cultivated for many years, the fertility of the pot soil is greatly reduced, the soil structure becomes worse, and the pot should be changed once every 2 to 3 years, and the larger plant should be changed once every 3 to 5 years.

III. Soil quality

Rhododendron suitable for fertile, loose, well-drained acid soil growth, avoid alkaline and sticky soil. The suitable soil pH value is 4 to 7, and if the pH value exceeds 8, the leaves will yellow, grow poorly and gradually die. Basin soil should be used with good drainage, loose fertile soil layer, pH value between 5.5 and 7 is appropriate, can be made of decayed leaf soil, moss, mountain mud in a ratio of 2:1:7 mixed, can also be used pine needle soil, decayed leaf soil, orchid mud, sawdust and so on.

IV. Watering

The principle of watering: see dry see wet, focus on watering thoroughly. To avoid multiple watering insufficient, only wet the surface soil, forming a "waist cut water", the lower root system lacks water, affecting the normal growth of rhododendron; too much soil moisture is easy to rot roots. Therefore, it is necessary to scientifically determine the number of watering times, watering time and watering amount.

1. ensure the water quality

Watering should use acid, clean and sanitary river water or pond water as well. Before pouring rhododendron with tap water or well water available for drinking, it should be dried 1 to 2 days in advance. The advantages of doing so are to volatilize chlorine in tap water and increase water temperature. Because the roots of rhododendrons are slender, they are very sensitive to changes in soil temperature. If they are directly watered with tap water without drying, they are easy to cause deciduous flowers. Especially when watering indoor rhododendrons in winter, the water temperature should be kept consistent with room temperature (the temperature difference between water temperature and temperature does not exceed 5 ° C) in order not to cause damage.

2. Reasonable determination of watering amount

Azalea likes moisture and is afraid of drought, but it is not tolerant of waterlogging and is particularly sensitive to moisture. Special attention should be paid to controlling moisture when cultivating azalea. How much watering should be based on weather conditions, pot soil dry and wet conditions, growth and development stage needs.

(1) Determination of watering amount in different growth periods

During vigorous growth period, flowering and budding period, sufficient water should be supplied, slow growth and winter should be kept dry. If watering is not timely in the growing season, the root end will lose water and atrophy. Water shortage in leaf expansion stage easily leads to yellow leaf color, new leaves do not stretch, leaves droop or curl, tender leaves turn brown from tip, and finally the whole plant turns yellow. Flowering water shortage, it will cause petals soft drooping, flowers wither, color is not bright, flowering short. More water makes the old leaves thin, the light leaves turn yellow, fall early, stop growing, and cause death when it is serious. The way to save is to put the plant in a well-ventilated area, control the watering frequency and water quantity, strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, carefully maintain it, it takes about half a year to recover, and fertilization is strictly prohibited during this period.

(2) Determine the amount of watering according to the dry and wet degree of the soil.

To judge whether the soil is dry or wet, you can't just look at the surface of the soil layer. You should touch the dryness of the soil with your hands. If your fingers can't move, it means it is very dry. If it is potted, pot wall color dark, indicating pot soil wet, white is dry, if found slightly soft leaves, should be watered immediately.

(3) Determination of watering amount for new planting or new pot replacement

For the new planting pot or new change pot azalea, the first watering should be poured thoroughly, generally should be poured twice, the first time after infiltration, and then poured again. When potted in dry, fine moldy or peat soil, the soil is difficult to irrigate and sometimes requires multiple watering. In this case, it is best to mix the soil a little wet and put it in a pot for 1 to 2 days.

3. Pay attention to foliar spraying

Azalea likes humid environment, high requirements for air humidity, spraying water on azalea leaves can increase air humidity, reduce temperature, at the same time can wash off dust on leaves, conducive to photosynthesis, respiration, and can enhance the adaptability of plants to hot and high temperature. In the high temperature season of drought, the number of water sprays should be increased to maintain air humidity.