
How to control the occurrence of silkworm disease

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Through practical investigation, we found that in the process of silkworm rearing at home, silkworm farmers' lack of understanding of the harm of silkworm disease often led to the occurrence of silkworm disease, resulting in serious losses to production. Therefore, how to control the occurrence of silkworm disease is always the primary task in sericulture production. 1. The cause of silkworm disease is that sericulture is a high-density group rearing mode. There are many silkworm heads in a certain area, and silkworm eats mulberry and excreta in the same area. Once disinfection is negligent, or improper feeding and management, infectious silkworm disease is easy to occur, resulting in spread,

Through practical investigation, we found that in the process of silkworm rearing, due to the lack of awareness of silkworm diseases, silkworm diseases often occur, causing serious losses to production. Therefore, how to control the occurrence of silkworm disease is always the primary task in sericulture production.

1. Causes of Silkworm Disease

@#@250@#@is a high-density group rearing method. In a certain area, there are many heads raised, and silkworm feeding and excrement are also in the same area. Once disinfection work is neglected or breeding management is improper, infectious silkworm diseases are easy to occur, resulting in spread and spread. If the pollution of diseased silkworms and disease sources is not handled properly, it will pollute silkworm rooms, silkworm tools and the environment, bringing opportunities for pathogen infection to the next silkworm rearing, resulting in reduced production or even no harvest. In the investigation, we found that there are the following problems in the process of sericulture and disease prevention in rural areas.

1. Silkworm breeding disinfection is not thorough. In the new sericulture area sericulture households, just started sericulture, only a simple cleaning and disinfection, but also a bumper harvest, think sericulture disinfection is very simple. Therefore, fluke mentality was generated. In the later silkworm breeding disinfection, careless engagement, not according to disinfection procedures, especially before and after silkworm breeding "back to the mountain disinfection" is extremely serious.

2. Problems in the selection and use of disinfectant drugs.① Do not pay attention to the nature of the drug, covet cheap, and ignore its disinfection and sterilization effect.② Not according to the disinfection procedure, resulting in unsatisfactory disinfection effect, poor disinfection effect is one of the root causes of the disease. 3. Poor storage of drugs affects the effect of use. For drugs that cannot be used at one time, such as bleaching powder, anti-freezing powder, lime, etc., when they are used again next time, they are often not properly stored as required. The drugs evaporate quickly and have no effect when they are used again. 4. Drugs cannot be used reasonably. Some silkworm farmers often use veterinary chloramphenicol instead of silkworm chloramphenicol when adding chloramphenicol. In fact, the role of the two and absorption mechanism is different. Therefore, it cannot receive good disease prevention effect.

3. Feeding management does not follow technical requirements. If you are not used to batch extraction, large and small silkworms are mixed; silkworm faeces are improperly handled and stacked around the silkworm room at will; dead silkworms are thrown randomly; used silkworm tools are stacked randomly in the silkworm room, etc., which leads to the spread of pathogens and increases the chance of infection.

4. Cross infection with insect diseases in mulberry fields is also an important factor in the occurrence of silkworm diseases.

5. Pesticide poisoning happens sometimes. Due to improper use of drugs in mulberry fields and surrounding farmland, mulberry leaves were polluted and silkworm pesticide poisoning was caused.

II. Prevention measures

1. Popularize disinfection and disease prevention knowledge and implement technical specifications. In view of the current situation that sericulture farmers generally lack the knowledge of disinfection and disease prevention, it is necessary to carry out scientific popularization education on disinfection and disease prevention in a planned and organized way, and impart disinfection and disease prevention knowledge to sericulture farmers through on-site demonstration and training classes.

2. Adhere to disinfection procedures, namely, a sweep, two washing, three shovels, four changes, five correct disinfection steps. Avoid going through the motions and engaging in sloppy work.

3. Correct the wrong habit of silkworm rearing, strictly raise green in batches, eliminate late molting silkworms, and prevent horizontal infection. Deal with silkworm excrement and dead silkworms. Dead silkworms should not be thrown away randomly, and should not be used as feed for poultry. They should be buried deeply. Silkworm faeces should be piled away from silkworm rooms. After fermentation and sufficient killing of germs, they can be applied to mulberry fields or farmland.

4. It is necessary not only to disinfect silkworm rooms and silkworm tools, but also to disinfect mulberry storage rooms, mulberry storage tools, houses and the surrounding environment. Do a good job in routine disease prevention and hygiene work.

5. Keep disinfection drugs according to requirements to prevent drug effect from decreasing and disinfection effect from decreasing.

6. Timely control mulberry diseases and insect pests, prevent insect diseases and silkworm cross infection. Pesticides with short residual period should be used during silkworm breeding period, leaf use time should be planned, and leaf picking should be carried out in sections to prevent pesticides from polluting mulberry leaves and causing poisoning. When pesticides are applied to surrounding farmland, attention should also be paid to factors such as residual effect period and wind direction when applying pesticides to prevent pollution of mulberry leaves.

7. After the silkworm period is over, we should carefully do a good job of "returning to the mountain for disinfection", eliminate the source of disease in time, and prevent hidden dangers from being left behind.