
Cultivation techniques of Jinmei jujube, the best of jujube

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Jinmei jujube is a new especially late-maturing jujube variety cultivated by Nanyang Jujube Research Institute in Henan Province. It has won the National Science and Technology Gold Award for many times. Jinmei jujube fruit is large, round, the maturity is golden red, similar to Li Mei. The average single fruit weight is 30g, the maximum fruit weight is 100g, the color is bright, clean and beautiful, the skin is thin and meat is crisp, tender and juicy, sweet as honey, rich aroma and excellent quality. The edible rate of Jinmei jujube is 96.4%, the moisture content is 65.4%, and contains 32.2% soluble matter. It is praised as "national treasure" by domestic experts and "east" by international friends.

Jinmei jujube is a new especially late-maturing jujube variety cultivated by Nanyang Jujube Research Institute in Henan Province. It has won the National Science and Technology Gold Award for many times. Jinmei jujube fruit is large, round, the maturity is golden red, similar to Li Mei. The average single fruit weight is 30g, the maximum fruit weight is 100g, the color is bright, clean and beautiful, the skin is thin and meat is crisp, tender and juicy, sweet as honey, rich aroma and excellent quality. The edible rate of Jinmei jujube is 96.4%, the moisture content is 65.4%, and contains 32.2% soluble matter. It is praised as "national treasure" by domestic experts and "oriental divine fruit" by international friends.

1. Jinmei jujube industry has broad prospects.

Jinmei jujube has developed rapidly in recent years, and its industrialization has become a project and pillar industry for enriching the people in poor areas such as mountains, sand, drought, saline and alkali, and a "cash cow" for farmers to shake off poverty and become rich.

Jujube is a famous nutritional and medicinal fruit, and it is one of the indispensable commodities in the market in recent years. Fresh jujube is rich in vitamin C, flavonoids, cyclic adenosine monophosphate and cyclic guanosine monophosphate. These substances have significant effects on coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction. Medical research shows that jujube has curative effect on deficiency of qi and blood, anemia, lung deficiency cough, neurasthenia, insomnia, hypertension, septicemia and so on.

As a unique planting industry in China, jujube industry plays an important role in the rural economy. Through the development of Jinmei jujube production, some areas have developed the rural economy, increased farmers' income, invigorated the local economy, and demonstrated the good development prospects of Jinmei jujube industry. At present, China is the largest jujube producer and the only exporter of Jinmei jujube products in the world. Jinmei jujube has great potential in foreign trade export.

two。 Key points of cultivation techniques of Jinmei jujube

(1) Garden selection. When building the garden, we should pay attention to the topography, water sources, drainage and irrigation, transportation, and so on, and make full use of the original favorable conditions.

(2) planting season. Jinmei jujube can be planted from early November to early April of the following year, because the jujube seedlings are in a dormant state. The soil moisture in autumn planting is sufficient, the ground temperature is still high, the root-cutting wound heals quickly after planting, and the survival rate is high. The temperature of spring planting has risen, the sap begins to flow, and it will sprout soon after planting. After planting in winter, pour water thoroughly, take measures to prevent cold, frost and protect seedlings, and the survival rate is like that in Spring and Autumn period.

(3) planting density. Generally, it is suitable to plant 110 plants per 667 square meters according to the row spacing of 3m × 2m. The principle is ventilation and light transmission, row spacing should be sparse, plant spacing should be dense, intercropping should be sparse, monoculture should be dense, plains should be sparse, and hills should be dense.

(4) planting method. The diameter of the planting hole is 60~70cm, the depth is based on 50cm, the high quality farm manure 20kg is applied in each hole, and the jujube seedlings should be dipped in the root with rooting agent, watered after planting, sealed with soil, or covered with plastic film to reduce the evaporation of water in the soil.

(5) Post-planting management. After jujube seedlings are planted, they should be watered frequently, especially in case of drought. In case of rain and waterlogging, drainage should be carried out in time. Diligent topdressing, nitrogen fertilizer-based and timely topdressing after survival. Apply pesticides frequently to prevent and control diseases and insect pests in time. To weed frequently, it is necessary to loosen the soil in time to preserve soil moisture and kill weeds.

Jinmei jujube is especially late-maturing, excellent in quality, easy to keep fresh, good economic benefit, strong adaptability, no selection of soil quality, drought and waterlogging resistance, barren and saline-alkali tolerance. The management is extensive, the technology is simple, the investment is low, and it can be planted in the east and west of the south and north. it is an excellent project for adjusting the industrial structure in rural areas, returning farmland to forests, and it is also an ideal project to shake off poverty and go to the countryside to help the poor. it is the main variety to establish an export-oriented characteristic fresh jujube fruit export base, and should seize the opportunity to vigorously develop.