
High-efficiency cultivation techniques of deep-water celery in hailing

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Hailing deep-water celery is a local characteristic agricultural product in Taizhou City, which has been planted in Hailing District for 50 years, with its tender stems and petioles for edible, its green and white appearance, is a delicate and delicious nutrition and health vegetable, which fills the gap in the winter vegetable market in central Jiangsu and is welcomed by the majority of consumers. The general output is 667 square meters 8000kg, the output value is 5000 to 10000 yuan. 1 the remaining seed is prepared to keep the mother seed 20kg in spring in every 667m2 field, and after breeding twice in spring and summer

Hailing deep-water celery is a local characteristic agricultural product in Taizhou City, which has been planted in Hailing District for 50 years, with its tender stems and petioles for edible, its green and white appearance, is a delicate and delicious nutrition and health vegetable, which fills the gap in the winter vegetable market in central Jiangsu and is welcomed by the majority of consumers. The general output is 667 square meters 8000kg, the output value is 5000 to 10000 yuan.

1 preparation for keeping seed

According to 20kg of every 667m2 field in spring, after breeding twice in spring and summer, 450kg is actually used in every 667m2 field in autumn.

The mother seed was first propagated and transplanted before "Qingming". The plant spacing was 23cm, the row spacing was 25cm, and there were 3 roots per hole. The second propagation began in the middle and late June and then planted horizontally. The ratio of the second propagation to the autumn field was 1 ∶ (6-7).

Sprouting is usually carried out at the end of August and the beginning of September in a cool place around the celery pond. First sprinkle a layer of straw on the ground of the budding field, wash the seedlings and remove the tail, tie them into a 2.5kg or so, and the roots are stacked layer by layer toward the layman, stacking 4-5 layers, and a layer of straw on the net after the heap, watering twice when cool in the morning and evening, accelerating the germination period for 3-5 days, during which time depending on the situation needs to turn the pile, rinse and remove rotten leaves, change the position and re-stack, so that the bud mouth is consistent, and the axillary buds can grow 2~3cm.

2 field preparation

The field should choose slightly acidic soil with more than 2% organic matter, about 25cm in silt layer, strong water and fertilizer conservation capacity, good drainage conditions, no environmental pollution, no less than 1m ridge height and no loopholes.

Apply rotten chicken manure 7000~8000kg or cake fertilizer 150kg, and 45% high-quality compound fertilizer 60~70kg every 667m2, and mix well.

Remove weeds and debris before soil preparation, apply basic fertilizer after 25cm deep ploughing in thin water, and repeatedly plough and rake until the field surface is smooth, flat, rotten and ripe. If the field is too large, open the irrigation and drainage ditch according to the border width of 3m to 4m, and keep the ditch full of water for planting.

3 meticulous planting

Planting should be carried out in cloudy or sunny evening, and irrigation with a thin layer of water before planting is convenient for field operation.

The order of planting is the first four weeks and then the middle. When planting around, the base of the seed stem should be towards the edge of the border, and the strips should be scattered in the middle of the border. The distance between 5~6cm should be reduced as much as possible. Row while retreating while planting, wipe off the footprints, make the seed stem fully touch the surface floating soil as far as possible, in order to take root.

If there is any unevenness after planting, you can use a bamboo pole to carefully uniform the seedlings.

4 field management

Topdressing is combined with organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer. Under the condition that the basal fertilizer is sufficient, topdressing is generally applied 4 times for 5 times, starting from 2-3 leaves of seedlings (after rewatering) every 10 days or so. The first topdressing application of light dung water 2500kg or cake fertilizer 50kg or urea plus 45% compound fertilizer each 15kg, and then each time topdressing ternary compound fertilizer plus urea each 10kg, celery growth stopped after winter, no longer topdressing. When the temperature rises, extra-root topdressing can be carried out appropriately to improve the merchandise.

Keep half-ditch water after planting, make the border surface moist without stagnant water, prevent rotten buds; irrigate thin water late in case of continuous sunny temperature ≥ 30 ℃, drain it in the morning to avoid scalding buds when the water temperature is too high; when most mother stem axillary buds take root and put leaves, it is better to drain actively and leave the field soft for 2 to 3 days, until there are fine cracks in the topsoil, so as to promote root growth. Irrigation with shallow water after shelving the field promotes seedling emergence, and then gradually deepens the water layer with the continuous growth of seedlings, keeping the plant with 20cm around the surface of the water; after winter, if the cold current occurs, deep water should be irrigated in advance to prevent freezing (half of the plants can be exposed to the tip), and submerged irrigation is the main method when freezing in severe winter.

The main pests in the seedling stage of water celery are aphids and Spodoptera litura, which can be sprayed with 2000 times of imidacloprid. In case of long-term continuous rain, you can choose 75% chlorothalonil 600 times liquid spray to prevent leaf blight, under normal circumstances, there is no need to prevent the disease. Duckweed should be removed in time at seedling stage.

5 harvesting

The whole growth period of hailing deep-water celery in autumn and winter is 120-180 days. When the plant height is about 90cm before and after New Year's Day, it can be harvested and listed until the end of February of the following year.