
Catch eight points when sowing late stubble wheat with high yield

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In general, the accumulated temperature before the late crop Ophiopogon japonicus is less, fewer roots, fewer leaves, fewer tillers, small seedlings and weak seedlings, but the development process is fast in spring. In order to ensure the high and stable yield of late stubble wheat, we must adhere to the comprehensive cultivation techniques focusing on increasing fertilizer application, selecting improved wheat varieties suitable for late sowing and early maturing, and increasing sowing amount. Focus on the following eight points: first, early stubble removal: early stubble, early soil preparation and early sowing should be achieved without affecting the yield of autumn crops, so as to speed up the sowing progress and reduce the loss of accumulated temperature. For

In general, the accumulated temperature before the late crop Ophiopogon japonicus is less, fewer roots, fewer leaves, fewer tillers, small seedlings and weak seedlings, but the development process is fast in spring. In order to ensure the high and stable yield of late stubble wheat, we must adhere to the comprehensive cultivation techniques focusing on increasing fertilizer application, selecting improved varieties suitable for late sowing and early maturity, and increasing sowing amount, and focus on the following eight points:

First, early stubble: without affecting the yield of autumn crops, try to achieve early stubble, early soil preparation, early sowing, speed up the progress of sowing and reduce the loss of accumulated temperature. In order to promote the early maturity of previous crops, cotton can be ripened by spraying ethephon and other ripening agents in early October, or pulling cotton plants to dry ahead of time before and after Frosts Descent's solar terms, so as to strive for early stubble and early sowing, and strive for wheat with tillers to survive the winter. In order to promote early harvest and lay the foundation for early sowing of wheat, interplanting in wheat field or transplanting large seedlings is recommended for late harvest crops such as cotton, sweet potato, autumn vegetables and so on.

Second, fine soil preparation: fine soil preparation can not only create a suitable growth and development environment for wheat, but also eliminate weeds and control wheat yellow dwarf disease and clump dwarf disease. Therefore, after the harvest of the previous crop, we should seize the time to deeply plough and fine rake, fine leveling, irrigate the whole border and irrigate the land with insufficient soil moisture, create sufficient soil moisture, make the soil solid, without light and dark, strictly prevent the soil from losing moisture through ventilation, and strive to sow the whole seedling of wheat. If the time of soil preparation is too late for some reason, shallow ploughing and stubble sowing or serial trench sowing can also be adopted to facilitate the early emergence and development of wheat.

Third, increasing fertilizer application: increasing fertilizer application and formula fertilization are important measures to increase the yield of late stubble wheat, reduce production costs and increase economic benefits, and also play an important role in improving drought resistance and dry and hot wind resistance of wheat. The fertilization method of late stubble wheat should adhere to the principle of fertilization based on base fertilizer, dominated by organic fertilizer and supplemented by chemical fertilizer. According to the requirements of soil fertility and yield, fertilizing according to soil and reasonable collocation should be achieved. For wheat fields with a yield of 250,000kg per mu, 3000 kg of high quality organic fertilizer, 15kg of urea, 50kg of superphosphate, 5kg of diammonium phosphate, 5kg of seed fertilizer, 350kg / 500kg of late stubble wheat, 3500kg / kg of organic fertilizer, 20kg of urea, 40kg of calcium superphosphate and 5kg of diammonium phosphate can be applied. Attention should be paid to the separate use of fertilizer and seed to prevent seed burning.

Fourth, seed to make up for late: practice has proved that early-maturing and semi-winter varieties planted in late stubble wheat have faster stage development, shorter vegetative growth time and higher grain filling intensity, so it is easy to achieve the goal of large panicle, many grains, grain weight, early maturity and high yield. At present, the main varieties suitable for late sowing and early maturity in Shandong and Henan are "Xuzhou 26" and "Zhengmai 9023". These varieties have the advantages of strong spring onset, better resistance to dry and hot wind and high yield.

Fifth, sowing with sufficient moisture: only by sowing with sufficient moisture can we obtain the initiative of sufficient plant, full ear, stable yield and high yield. The suitable soil moisture for late stubble wheat sowing is 70%-80% of the field capacity. If it is below the lower limit, the seedlings will emerge unevenly, lack of seedlings and break ridges, affecting wheat yield. In order to ensure adequate soil moisture, it is best to water the previous crop with stubble before harvest and timely ploughing to preserve soil moisture, or to cultivate and sow soil moisture after previous crop harvest. If you want to sow as early as possible, you can also pour "masked water" immediately after sowing, loosen the soil and preserve the soil moisture in time, and help the seedlings unearthed.

6. Soaking seeds to promote sprouting: in order to make the late stubble wheat seedlings early and ensure sufficient moisture, soak the seeds in warm water of 20: 30 ℃ for 5-6 hours before sowing, fish out and dry and sow seeds, the seedlings can emerge 2-3 days earlier. Or soak the wheat seeds in warm water of 20: 25 ℃ for a day and night before sowing. After the seeds have absorbed enough water, they are removed and piled into a 30-centimeter thick pile. When the embryos of the seeds are white, the seeds are spread out to dry and sow, which is 5 or 7 days earlier than that of dry seeds.

Seventh, increase the amount of broadcasting. The late stubble wheat is difficult to tiller because of late sowing and insufficient accumulated temperature before winter. although the panicle rate of spring tiller is high, the tiller per plant decreases significantly, so the conventional sowing rate will inevitably lead to insufficient panicle number and affect the increase of yield per unit area. Therefore, appropriately increase the amount of sowing, increase the population, rely on the main stem to form ears, and strive to cultivate strong seedlings, promote early tillering and multi-tillers, strive for panicle formation of both main stem and tillers, ensure a sufficient number of panicles, and obtain high yield.

For late stubble wheat sown before and after October 15, it is appropriate to sow 7.5kg to 10kg per 667 square meters, 0.51kg to sow every two days after mid-October, and 12.5kg to 15kg for sowing around October 25th.

8. Appropriate shallow sowing: mechanical sowing can evenly distribute seeds, reduce "bumps" and broken ridges of seedlings, which is beneficial to ontogeny. Under the premise of sufficient moisture, proper shallow sowing is an effective measure to make full use of the accumulated temperature in the early stage, reduce the nutrient consumption of seeds, and achieve early emergence, multiple roots, early growth and early tillering.