
Cultivation techniques of post-rice bean

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The cultivation of post-rice beans is a cultivation method in which the soybeans are sown or sown on demand and then covered with straw instead of ploughing and raking the fields in autumn. It has the advantages of simple planting, labor-saving, time-saving, less investment and good effect. it is a short, flat and fast project to improve multiple cropping, grain, feed and income. First, there are many excellent varieties of soybean. After mass purification and rejuvenation, the varieties with good ecological adaptability, high yield, disease resistance and moderate growth period can be selected.

The cultivation of post-rice beans is a cultivation method in which the soybeans are sown or sown on demand and then covered with straw instead of ploughing and raking the fields in autumn. It has the advantages of simple planting, labor-saving, time-saving, less investment and good effect. it is a short, flat and fast project to improve multiple cropping, grain, feed and income.

First, select excellent varieties

There are many local varieties of soybean, and the varieties with good ecological adaptability, high yield, disease resistance and moderate growth period can be selected after purification and rejuvenation by the masses; for the soybean varieties selected by agricultural scientific research institutions, they can also be selected if the area of promotion is large and the yield and economic benefits are good. For example, Jingdong currently selected and promoted Jingxuan 1, Diancang 2, local green peas, medium yellow umbilical beans, fine yellow umbilical beans, fine black umbilical beans, etc. the whole growth period is 80,100 days, and the whole growth period of large yellow umbilical beans is 70 days. The yield of these varieties is 1200-2250 kg per hectare, with a maximum of 3000 kg, which is very suitable for planting rice beans at an altitude of 700-1350 meters in the south of our province. However, there are many soybean varieties that are not suitable for planting after rice, such as Jufeng and Beifeng series, which show short plants, shorter growth period, little or no pods, and low yield.

Second, pre-broadcast preparation

① seed drying 1-2 days before sowing, but to avoid noon sun exposure, causing seed coat rupture, affecting germination; ② sowing seeds with 56% ammonium molybdate per hectare (after hot water dissolving and cooling) 75g 150g seed dressing or 75kg biological potassium seed dressing; ③ do a good job of trenching, box drainage, drainage is the basic work that must be done in post-rice bean cultivation. For cement clay fields with high groundwater level and difficult drainage, they should be drained and controlled 10-15 days before rice harvest, and the rice should be divided in time according to the width of 2-3 meters after harvest and ditched for drainage. The depth of side groove, middle groove and box groove is 24 cm and 12 cm respectively. On the basis of opening the "three trenches" well, a horizontal trench is opened along the box with an interval of 7 to 10 meters, and the field is divided into many compartments, which is conducive to draining field water and evenly sowing seeds, reducing the death of buds caused by anoxia or high temperature boiling during soybean germination caused by field water, and ensuring that the seedlings are strong.

Third, timely sowing, reasonable close planting, and attach importance to fertilization

During the sowing period of post-rice beans, from late July to early and mid-August, too early and too late will affect the growth of soybean. It is specifically required to sow seeds within a week after rice harvest. The sowing rate depends on the grain size, plant height, number of branches, soil fertility and fertilization level. Fine seed sowing 60,67.5kg per hectare, medium seed 75kg and large seed 90kg 105kg. Sowing methods include small soil moisture evenly sowing and on-demand sowing, with row spacing of 30,36cm, pond spacing of 6cm and 4 seeds per pond, ensuring 67.5 ~ 825000 seedlings per hectare. After sowing, the cut rice pile is used as the mulch, and some straw is added to the loose cover, so that the seeds are not exposed, which plays the role of shading during the budding stage and maintaining the soil temperature, so as to facilitate the germination and emergence of the seeds. But the cover should not be too thick, so as not to cause uneven emergence or grow into tall seedlings and affect the yield. In addition, the application of fertilizer can increase the yield of soybean in varying degrees. Immediately after emergence, urea 45kg / mu (3kg / mu) plus potassium chloride 70kg / mu (4kg / mu) was applied as seedling fertilizer, nitrogen and potassium fertilizer was applied again at branching stage, and topdressing at the initial flowering stage. Generally, 30kg (2kg / mu) compound fertilizer was used as flower fertilizer, and fertilizer was sprayed outside the roots at podding stage. Autumn seeds of spring soybean should be under the principle of "pay attention to base fertilizer, apply seedling fertilizer early, skillfully apply flower fertilizer, and apply bulging fertilizer as appropriate". High yield can be obtained when applying 99.5kg pure nitrogen per hectare, 216kg urea (6.6kg / mu, 14.3kg / mu), P2O5157.5 kg, 1125 kg calcium superphosphate (P2O5 / mu, 75kg / mu), K2O9.75 kg, 243.75 kg potassium chloride (9.75kg K2O / mu, 12.25kg potassium nitride per mu).

IV. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests and strengthening field management

Soybeans like to be wet and afraid of drought and waterlogging. In case of continuous sunny and hot weather, soybeans should be watered early and late to keep wet; in case of continuous rainy weather, they should be drained and watered. After emergence, check and replenish seedlings in time, keep thin between, remove weak seedlings and yellow seedlings, and keep strong seedlings, so that there are uniform and reasonable populations in the whole field, and keep 52.5 ~ 675000 seedlings per hectare. The combination of weeds extraction and rice regeneration seedlings can make the bean seedlings well ventilated and translucent, grow uniformly and lay the foundation for high yield.

Five to seven days after sowing, 1500 ml omethoate per hectare was sprayed with water (60kg / mu) to control Liriomyza huidobrensis, once every 7 days and 3 times in a row. Dysen zinc spray was used to control root rot at budding and flowering stage, and 1000-fold solution was used to control the rust. Diphacinone salt mixed with poison bait was used to control rodent damage during podding and grain filling stage.

Fifth, timely harvest to ensure an increase in income

When 1/3 of the pods in the field turn green and yellowish brown, they can be harvested and hung to dry to prevent rain and mildew.