
What if the banyan tree loses its leaves?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, there are mainly two kinds of banyan trees raised by flower friends,-ginseng banyan and money banyan, both of which can be called banyan trees. some flower friends find that their own banyan trees have lost their leaves and do not know what to do. In fact, banyan trees should distinguish the situation when they lose their leaves. You can't rescue them blindly according to the online method.

At present, there are mainly two kinds of banyan trees raised by flower friends,-ginseng banyan and money banyan, all of which can be called banyan trees. some flower friends find that their own banyan trees have lost their leaves and do not know what to do. In fact, banyan trees should distinguish the situation when they lose their leaves. You can't blindly follow the online method of rescue.

Lose the leaves naturally

The banyan tree will shed its leaves naturally at the end of autumn every year, and new leaves will be issued in the second year. It should be watered less during the falling leaves so as not to rot its roots during the winter.

Second, other man-made reasons

Many flower friends are trying to find a reason, but I-I can't see the banyan tree of the flower friend, and I don't know how the flower friend is maintained, so I can't tell the flower friend, "Why did your banyan tree lose its leaves? how to solve it?" then flower friends need to find out the cause of the problem according to the reasons I said below.

l. Improper watering: banyan watering-must adhere to the principle of not drying, watering thoroughly. Drying here means that the surface of the basin soil is dry, not thoroughly, of course, even if it is dry, it will not cause great damage to the banyan tree in a short period of time, because the leaves of the banyan tree are thick and small, and have a certain drought resistance.

two。 Improper fertilization: banyan fertilization needs to be carried out by applying thin fertilizer frequently to avoid the application of high concentration chemical fertilizer or unfermented mature organic fertilizer, otherwise it will cause fertilizer damage, the light ones will lose their leaves and the heavy ones will die.

3. Lack of light: the banyan tree grows well in an environment with sufficient light, and its leaves are greener if it can shade 30-50% of the sun in summer, but it is best not to shade the sun when the temperature is lower than 32 degrees Celsius, so as not to lose its leaves. At present, there are two main kinds of banyan trees raised by flower friends, one is ginseng banyan, the other is money banyan, which can be called banyan tree. Some flower friends find that their banyan tree has lost its leaves and do not know what to do. In fact, banyan tree leaves to distinguish the situation, can not blindly follow the online method of rescue. First, the banyan tree will shed its leaves naturally at the end of autumn every year, and it will issue new leaves the next year. It should be watered less during the falling leaves so as not to rot its roots during the winter. Second, for other man-made reasons, many flower friends are trying to find the reason, but I can't see the banyan tree of the flower friend, and I don't know how the flower friend is maintained, so I can't tell the flower friend, "Why did your banyan tree lose its leaves?" how to solve it? so flower friends need to check one by one according to the reasons I said below to find out the cause of the problem. 1. Improper watering: the banyan tree must adhere to the principle of not drying and watering thoroughly. The drying here means that the surface of the basin soil is dry, not the basin soil is thoroughly dry, of course, even if it is dry, it will not cause great damage to the banyan tree in a short time, because the leaves of the banyan tree are thick and small, and have a certain degree of drought resistance. two。 Improper fertilization: banyan fertilization needs to be carried out by applying thin fertilizer frequently to avoid the application of high concentration chemical fertilizer or unfermented mature organic fertilizer, otherwise it will cause fertilizer damage, the light ones will lose their leaves and the heavy ones will die. 3. Lack of light: the banyan tree grows well in an environment with sufficient light, and its leaves are greener if it can shade 30-50% of the sun in summer, but it is best not to shade when the temperature is lower than 32 ℃, so as to prevent the leaves from falling off. 4. Caused by pests: the main pests caused by fallen leaves in banyan trees are red spiders and shell insects, although there is also a "thrips" harm, it is only rolled leaves to absorb juice, the harmfulness is less than the above two kinds, and thrips are easy to control, only curly leaves can be removed and destroyed. The individual red spider is relatively small, and the general harmful part is the back of the leaf, which is caused by poor ventilation and dry air. The whole plant can be washed with water and sprayed with special mites, such as mites, acaroid mites and so on. The harmful parts of shell insects are mainly stems and petioles, with different size and color, round and oval in shape, and generally do not move, but they are harmful and need to be prevented and treated in time. They can be wiped clean with a toothbrush or dishcloth, or 0.2% solution of detergent and essential oil can be sprayed, or pesticides such as methamphetamidophos are sprayed with good results. 5. If the banyan tree is sprayed with dichlorvos in the growing environment, it will also cause leaf shedding. In particular, money banyan is particularly sensitive to dichlorvos. How do banyan trees lose their leaves? what are the causes / 6 diseases and remedial measures?

The banyan tree is deeply loved by flower friends because of its developed roots and leafy upper body, and is kept at home by many people. But in the process of breeding, because of various reasons, the banyan tree will lose its leaves, which makes people have an incomparable headache. So, what if the banyan tree loses its leaves? What is the reason why the banyan tree has lost its leaves? The following will be edited by the editor to bring you the remedy for the loss of banyan leaves.

First, the banyan tree shed its leaves and looked for the cause.

As a common ornamental plant, the cultivation method of banyan tree can be said to be very simple, but there are many novices. Because they are not familiar with it or neglect it, they often lose their leaves. At this time, flower friends must be in a hurry! What if the banyan tree loses its leaves? In this regard, the editor will summarize six reasons and attach remedial measures, and we will move on to the details.

Second, what are the reasons for the loss of leaves in banyan trees and their treatment methods

1. The light is too strong

The banyan tree is light-loving. In the process of growth, sufficient light can make it grow more luxuriantly and greenly. However, it needs proper shade when it is hot in summer, otherwise the leaves of the banyan tree will turn yellow or even lose after being directed by the strong light.

Remedy: if the banyan leaves are caused by the strong light, the flower friends should move the banyan tree to the indoor semi-shade in time, pay attention to ventilation, and then water it properly after it slows down. after careful maintenance for a period of time, the plant will return to health.

2. Improper watering

To ask the banyan tree what is the reason for the loss of leaves, the most common is caused by improper watering. The banyan tree is sensitive to water. Excessive or insufficient watering will cause the plant to lose its leaves. The specific symptoms and remedial measures are as follows:

Too little watering: banyan trees like the humid environment, in its peak growing season, we should ensure that the basin soil remains moist. If it is not watered for a long time, or has not been watered thoroughly, the banyan leaves will become dim and dull because they cannot absorb water, and will fall off as soon as they are touched. Remedy: need a small amount of watering and spraying (do not add too much at a time), wait until the leaves of the banyan tree no longer fall behind before turning to normal watering.

Watering too much: although the banyan tree needs more water in the growth process, it should not be watered too much, otherwise it will lead to stagnant water in the basin and eventually cause root rot, thus affecting the water absorption and feeding of the plant, and the leaves will easily fall. Remedy: stop watering and often loosen the soil so that the soil is well ventilated, and then slowly return to normal watering.

3. Excessive fertilization

Banyan likes fertilizer, sufficient nutrients can make it grow quickly, but fertilization can not be too much, otherwise it will cause fertilizer damage and affect the growth of the plant, light falling leaves, heavy death.

Remedies: immediately stop fertilization, and increase the amount of water, dilute the fertilizer in the basin; usually fertilization, it is better to apply fertilizer with thin fertilizer, the concentration is not too high.

4. Diseases and insect pests

In fact, it has something to do with diseases and insect pests to say what is the reason for the loss of leaves in banyan trees. It is understood that in the environment of poor ventilation and dry air, banyan trees will give birth to beetles and red spiders, which are small and harmful, often causing yellow leaves or even fallen leaves.

Remedy: clean the insect body with water and spray related insecticides, which should be sprayed, you can refer to the pest control of banyan tree.

5. Move the basin too often

When raising banyan trees indoors, flower friends who are very idle sometimes often change the position of potted plants. This is actually a wrong approach, because it will lead to an unstable environment for the growth of banyan trees, thus affecting the growth of plants and causing the emergence of fallen leaves.

Remedy: if the banyan tree leaves caused by changing the basin, it is easy to remedy, we just need to put it in a ventilated semi-shade, and then do not move the position, it will return to health in a few days.

6. Normal phenomenon

What is the reason for the loss of leaves in banyan trees? in addition to the above points, we should also consider whether it is a normal phenomenon. It is understood that the newly bought banyan tree is easy to lose its leaves, and this is actually a very common thing, because although the banyan tree has strong adaptability, it also needs a process of adaptation to the new environment. During this period, it usually loses its leaves.

Remedy: in this situation, flower friends do not have to worry, because this kind of leaf loss is very normal. In this regard, we only need to put the pot in a place of astigmatism for maintenance, such as the plant slowly recover, and then normal watering and fertilization, it will slowly recover.

With regard to the treatment of the loss of leaves in banyan trees, after reading the omni-directional analysis of the above six aspects, we should know how to do it! In fact, the loss of banyan leaves is caused by one reason, but it is often caused by a variety of factors, so when we encounter this situation, we must make a correct diagnosis, so that we can prescribe the right medicine to the case.