
Seedling raising technique of short-spike cutting of Lycium barbarum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lycium barbarum seedlings raised by short-spike cutting is better than seed propagation, which can not only maintain species character and reduce variation, but also have the advantages of large propagation coefficient, simple operation, high survival rate, quick coming out of nursery and so on. First, the nursery bed preparation for raising seedlings should choose sandy loam with leeward direction and convenient drainage and irrigation. The nursery bed is 1 meter wide and the length depends on the terrain and needs. The nursery bed is covered with 10 cm thick gravel and coarse sand, and the upper bed is covered with a mixture of sifted loess, burnt soil and fine sand, with a proportion of 70%, 20%, 10% and 10 cm thick, respectively.

Lycium barbarum seedlings raised by short-spike cutting is better than seed propagation, which can not only maintain species character and reduce variation, but also have the advantages of large propagation coefficient, simple operation, high survival rate, quick coming out of nursery and so on.

First, seedbed preparation

The nursery land should choose sandy loam with leeward direction and convenient drainage and irrigation. The nursery bed is 1 meter wide and the length depends on the terrain and needs. The nursery bed is covered with 10 cm thick gravel and coarse sand, and the upper bed is covered with a mixture of sifted loess, burning soil and fine sand, with a proportion of 70%, 20%, 10%, 10-15 cm thick, and slightly compacted. The seedbed ditches are interlinked to facilitate drainage and irrigation.

Second, cutting time

Lycium barbarum can be cut in all seasons, and it is suitable to be cut in February to March in spring, May to June in summer and August to September in autumn. Mainly in spring and summer, it can be planted in autumn or spring of the following year, and the survival rate is high.

Third, select cuttings

The cuttings should choose the strong branches that grow well and are free of diseases and insect pests on the 1 ~ 2-year-old mother plant. Cut off in the morning or cloudy days, to prevent exposure to branches. Align the base of the branches, wrap them with wet gauze or wet toilet paper, and bring them back to the room.

IV. Treatment of cuttings

The harvested semi-lignified green branches were cut to grow cuttings of 15-16 cm with 4-5 axillary buds. The base of the cuttings is cut into a wedge 0.5 cm below the bud node with a sharp knife, and the upper part is cut into a flat mouth at 1.5 cm above the node. Be careful not to tear the epidermis and damage the axillary buds. Each cuttage should have 4-5 leaves, and each leaf should be cut in half to reduce water evaporation. Then the cuttings were separated according to the thickness of cuttings and bundled into small handles. the base of cuttings was soaked in 500mg / L naphthylacetic acid aqueous solution for 5 seconds, or soaked in 100mg / L aqueous solution of ABT1 rooting powder developed by Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences for 1 hour, then took out and dried slightly before cutting on the seedling bed. Do not place it for too long, so as not to affect the survival of the cuttings.

5. Cutting specifications

When cutting on the seedbed, first separate the cuttings according to their thickness. The row spacing of spring cuttings is 10 cm × 15 cm, and summer cuttings can be denser. Open a shallow trench on the seedbed before insertion, either straight or oblique. Insert 6-8 cm deep, press and pour enough water to fix the root.

VI. Nursery bed management

After insertion, a shade should be built to shade the light, and the transmittance should be 30% to 40%. At the same time, the management of fertilizer and water should be strengthened to cultivate strong seedlings. Spray water once every morning and evening after cutting, spray thinly in cloudy days to ensure that the seedbed is moist, and pay attention to anti-soiling water. New roots can be produced 15 days after cutting. after rooting, water spraying times and water quantity should be properly controlled to prevent rotting roots and aborting seedlings. When the temperature is too high, the shade should be covered with a curtain to cool down, wind barriers should be installed all around, and the cover of the shade should be covered early and uncovered late; on rainy days, ditches should be cleared in time to drain and prevent stains. Planting seedlings in spring can be planted in the same autumn with mud out of the nursery, and those planted in summer should be planted in the following spring.