
Propagation methods and techniques of Taxus mairei

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The breeding of Taxus should first choose good soil plots, such as loose, humus-rich, neutral or slightly acidic alpine platform, deep moist brown soil and dark brown soil on both sides of valleys and streams. Deep turning, leveling, according to the row spacing of 0.4 meters × 1.0 meters or 0.4 meters × 0.4 meters to open holes, hole depth of 40 cm, ready for planting. The propagation methods of Taxus mairei include seed propagation and cuttage propagation, mainly by raising seedlings and transplanting. 1. Seed breeding 1. Seed collection to promote germination in mid-late October, in the yew fruit

For propagation of Taxus chinensis, good soil plots should be selected first, such as loose, humus-rich, neutral or slightly acidic alpine platforms, deep humid brown earth and dark brown earth on both sides of valleys and streams. Deep ploughing, leveling, according to plant spacing 0.4 m ×1.0 m or 0.4 m ×0.4 m hole, hole depth 40 cm, ready for planting.

The propagation methods of Taxus chinensis include seed propagation and cuttage propagation, mainly seedling transplantation.

1. Seed breeding

1. Seed picking and germination

In mid-to-late October, the seeds are harvested when the yew fruit is dark red. The seeds are physiologically post-mature and need to be stored in wet sand for one year to germinate. In order to improve germination rate, the germination of Taxus chinensis seeds is often treated by stratification method of outdoor natural wet sand storage.

2. Selection of nursery land

It is appropriate to select paddy fields with deep soil layer, loose structure, rich organic matter, good drainage and no exposure to the west (the paddy soil must be harvested in the same year). After harvesting the middle and late rice, the soil is dried, deeply turned once, crushed once, and then divided into compartments to make beds. Bed width 1.5 m (net bed width 1.2 m, footpath width 0.3 m); bed height 20 cm, seedbed length depends on nursery land.

3. Fertilization of nursery land

While preparing the soil for bed preparation, about 8000 jin of decomposed pig dung and 200 jin of instant high-quality compound fertilizer are applied per mu, and 6 to 8 jin of furadan are mixed to prevent underground pests. After turning the fertilizer into the soil layer and leveling the compartment surface, fill the compartment surface with yellow subsoil to a thickness of 5 cm.

4. Timely sowing

Taxus seed sowing points broadcast and drill two kinds: broadcast is to spread Taxus seeds evenly on the seedbed filled with yellow soil, cover the seeds with yellow soil, to see the seeds for the degree, and then cover the seedbed with moss. For drilling, 15 cm wide planks are selected and the seed beds filled with yellow subsoil are pressed into furrows 2 cm deep, with distances between furrows 15 to 20 cm. The seeds of Taxus chinensis are evenly sown in the ditch, covered with yellow soil, the thickness of which is 1 cm, and then covered with moss.

It is usually planted in early spring. After storage for one year, when 30% of the seeds are cracked and white, the seeds are screened out in time, disinfected in 0.2% potassium permanganate solution for 10 minutes, washed with clean water, dried and sown evenly in the ditch. Sowing is dominant, grain spacing 5 - 7 cm. Spreading can also be used. After sowing, dig yellow loam soil with mycorrhizal fungi and sieve under pine forest to cover seeds, and the thickness is less than that without seeds.

It should be noted that: first, strictly control the seeding rate, 15 kg per mu, otherwise it will seriously affect the qualified emergence rate of biennial yew seedlings; second, after sowing, the seeding bed must be covered with moss, and the seeding trench should be covered with moss. After the seedlings are unearthed, do not remove the moss and keep it on the seedbed for a long time.

5. Seedling management

The seedling rate of Taxus chinensis seeds is above 70%. Taxus seedlings pay attention to shade, seeding covered with straw to see no soil is appropriate, seedling set up shade, transmittance of 60%. Then spread moss to protect seedlings, protect the seedbed from sun and rain, and always keep the soil loose and moist.

The advantages of moss seedling protection are: protecting the seedbed from rain splash and direct sunlight, preventing the seedlings from being burned by sunlight and from suffocation and death due to the formation of mud sticks on stems and leaves, and often keeping the soil loose and moist, reducing the labor of intertillage and weeding. But the moss cover should be thin, not too thick, such as in case of drought without rain, available fine loess pressure moss, or spray water with a sprayer to keep the seedbed moist.

II. Cutting seedlings

During the dormancy and germination period of Taxus chinensis, the mixed substrate of sand, sawdust and pearlite was selected as cuttage soil. 1 - 4 year old yew lignification seedlings are selected, cuttings are cut into small sections of 10 cm, 15 cm or 30 cm long, and the cuts are required to be smooth, the lower cut is shaped like a horse ear, and leaves are removed below 2/3. The survival rate of cuttings was above 85% when treated with ATP, ABT, NAA, IBAA and so on. Pay attention to keep warm at seedling stage and build low shed for shade. Transplanted the following year.

From May to June every year, the semi-lignified branches of Taxus chinensis in the current year are cut as cuttings, and the mother trees are selected to be less than 10 years old. 15 - 20cm in length, cut off lower branchlets and needles into horseshoe shape, soak in ABT7 rooting powder with concentration of 30×10-6 - 50×10-6 for 3 - 12h. The cuttings were then inserted into seedbeds with river sand as substrate. Seedbed requirements 1 m wide, suitable length, cutting depth 3~5 cm. The spacing between rows and plants is 10cm×8cm, and water is sprayed immediately. The seedbed is set up and covered with plastic cloth. Water is sprayed 2~3 times a day, and 1 time a day after half a month. Generally, the ground temperature is maintained at 20~30℃, and the roots can be rooted after 30~40 days without strong light irradiation. During this period, foliar fertilizers such as brassin can be sprayed to promote growth.

When yew seedlings take root, fine management to promote vigorous growth, and appropriate ventilation and light training seedlings, increase resistance. The seedlings can be transplanted on a large seedbed after the end of the training.

Taxus seedlings generally grow in seedbeds for 2 to 3 years, and are regularly sprayed with auxin and foliar fertilizer every year. When the seedling height is 50 - 100 cm, it can be planted in pieces on the mountain. Planting time for late autumn or spring can be, plant spacing can be 3 meters ×4 meters, can also be in the streets, parks, for ornamental tree planting.

III. Transplanting

General yew seed seedling 1~2 years, cutting propagation of about 1 year, when yew seedlings grow to 30-50 cm high can be transplanted. Transplanting in October to November or February to March before germination, planting 1 seedling per hole, watering, appropriate shade.