
Pollution-free high-yield cultivation techniques of Lycium barbarum in greenhouse

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Lycium barbarum L. is a perennial deciduous shrub belonging to Lycium barbarum L. of Solanaceae. Its tender shoots and leaves (also known as Lycium barbarum L.) can be eaten as vegetables, fried, cold mixed, soup, etc., rich in nutrition, delicious and refreshing, favored by consumers. Lishui County of Jiangsu Province began to introduce planting in 2002. The products are mainly sold to Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi and other large and medium-sized cities. The supply exceeds demand in the market and higher economic benefits have been obtained. The pollution-free and high-yield cultivation techniques of Lycium barbarum in greenhouse are introduced as follows: 1. Variety selection: large-leaf Lycium barbarum. The leaves of this variety are large and green, ovate,

Chinese wolfberry is a perennial deciduous shrub of Solanaceae. Its tender shoots and leaves (also known as Chinese wolfberry head) are eaten as vegetables, which can be fried, salad, soup, etc., rich in nutrition, delicious and delicious, and are favored by consumers. Lishui County, Jiangsu Province began to introduce planting in 2002, and the products are mainly sold to large and medium-sized cities such as Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi and so on. This paper introduces the pollution-free and high-yield cultivation techniques of Lycium barbarum in greenhouse as follows:

1. Variety selection

Choose big-leaf Chinese wolfberry. The leaves of this variety are large and green, ovoid, about 8 cm long and 5 cm wide, no thorns, light taste, strong resistance and high yield.

2. Land preparation and border building

Select fields with loose and fertile soil and high dry terrain, and deep ploughing and sun-drying about 20 days before transplanting. Before tillage, 5000 kg of fully mature organic fertilizer and 50 kg of compound fertilizer were applied per mu. A week before transplanting, the border was built into a high border (1 standard shed 4 beds) with a width of 120cm, a ditch width of 30cm and a height of 30cm. In order to facilitate water management, drip irrigation with a plastic hose with a diameter of 2.5 cm can be installed in the middle of the border.

3. Cultivation methods.

It is directly cut in the field and cultivated in greenhouse. It can be cut in spring and autumn in Nanjing, in mid-February in spring and in mid-August in autumn. The strong semi-lignified branches were collected and cut into cuttings with a length of 18cm (each cuttings should have 6 buds), and the cuttings were soaked in rooting powder for 24 hours. According to the row spacing of 30 cm and the plant spacing of 25 cm, there were 2 plants per hole, and the density was 7000mi 8000 plants / mu. When cutting, the axillary buds are upward and cannot be inverted. The depth of the cuttings is 5ml / 7cm, and water is thoroughly watered after cutting.

4. Field management

4.1 after water and fertilizer management, Chinese wolfberry cuttings usually start to sprout in about 10 days in spring and 8 days in autumn. The border should always keep the soil moist to promote the rapid growth of new buds. Drought or excessive humidity in the field are not conducive to the rooting and sprouting of cuttings and affect the yield and quality of Lycium barbarum. About 20 days after cutting, 1500 kilograms of rare human and animal manure were irrigated once per mu. After the end of the first harvest, 15 kg of urea was applied per mu, followed by 1 time of harvest and 1 time of topdressing. Before changing the plastic film after the Chinese wolfberry was pruned in the middle of May-June of the following year, the fully mature high-quality organic fertilizer was applied deeply between the rows, 4000 kg per mu and 30 kg compound fertilizer.

4.2 temperature management the most suitable temperature for the growth of Lycium barbarum branches is 15 ℃ 25 min. Cover the greenhouse in front of Frosts Descent in autumn. In order to ensure the normal listing of Chinese wolfberry in New Year's Day and Spring Festival, a layer of middle shed should be added to the greenhouse from December 10th to late February to keep the greenhouse temperature above 15 ℃. At the same time, the greenhouse film should be uncovered in time according to weather conditions to ensure ventilation. In high temperature in summer, the roof should be covered with sunshade net, and water should be sprayed to cool and moisturize in the morning and evening, so as to create a suitable growth microclimate and help to improve the quality of Chinese wolfberry.

4.3 attention should be paid to the removal of weeds during the growth of clear garden pruning Lycium barbarum. In general, Chinese wolfberry is stopped for summer from May to June every year, and this opportunity can be used to clean the countryside and prune branches and leaves. The methods are as follows: one is to combine ploughing and soil cultivation to clean up the withered branches and leaves, weeds and aging plastic film in the field; the other is to cut off all the branches and leaves that are more than 15 centimeters above the ground in mid-June. After pruning, fertilizer should be applied deeply to cover the new plastic film.

4.4 Disease and pest control of Lycium barbarum L. has strong disease resistance and mild disease. The main pests are aphids and night moths. Aphids can be treated with 10% imidacloprid wettable powder and sprayed with water per mu, and night moths can be sprayed with BT500 before the 2nd instar larvae.

5. Harvest

Chinese wolfberry for vegetables can be cut once and can be harvested many times. The interval from cuttage to the first harvest is 50 days in spring and 40 days in autumn, and then harvested every 10 days or so. It is usually harvested every 15 days in winter and 7 days in summer. Harvest standard: the length of tender shoot is 8ml / 12cm. Harvest method: pick it by hand or cut it with a sharp knife sooner or later. The peak season for summer vegetables is from May to June, and the price of Chinese wolfberry is relatively low, so harvest can be suspended. Generally speaking, the annual output of Chinese wolfberry per mu can reach 2500 Mu 3000 kg.